You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

At the moment Monray jumped away, a thin man with a hat on his head and wrapped in black cloth appeared. He looked at Monray who jumped outside the ten meters with a dull face!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

“So fast???!!!”

He just noticed someone approaching and disappeared, and then he saw Monray appear!

So young!

It’s Mage again!

Where can it be strong?

He decisively launched an attack!

But he didn’t expect that Monray’s speed was so fast. The speed that he burst out just now absolutely exceeded Level 5 Warrior. Is this Mage in particular?

“I have missed it!”

The thin man licked his lips, his eyes were deep!

“It was so risky just now!!!”

Monray fell on the tree, and a cold sweat appeared on his back. Fortunately, he responded in time. Otherwise, he would definitely be cut!

It’s so dangerous!

He suddenly sounded a sentence:

In Magic Beast Forest, the most important thing to watch out for is not Magic Beast, but Human!

Magic Beast Forest is independent of the Four Great Empires. There is no law, no system, and no morality. It is a wild land, a paradise for Magic Beast and a paradise for adventurer!

Most people come here for magic core!

Someone obediently and honestly hunted down Magic Beast to get magic core!

Some people don’t do this, but aim the butcher knife at the same kind!

After all, killing people can get magic core significantly faster!

This makes the Human in Magic Beast Forest even more dangerous!

Obviously, this thin man in front of him belongs to this kind of person. When he thinks of this, Monray has a cold look and a killing intent in his eyes, “Dare to hit my idea, damn it!”

The thin man glanced at Monray, then disappeared in place, Monray secretly increased his vigilance, he didn’t think the other party would just escape!

as predicted!

“xiu – ”

An insignificant sky-splitting sound sounded quietly, and a cold glow flew out from the left abruptly and shot directly towards Monray’s temple!

The temple is very fragile!

Once hit, you will definitely die!

Monray retreated, avoiding the blow, and then heard oh la la, the thin man came out from under his feet strangely, holding a dagger and stabbing Monray’s heart!

Under the sunlight, the dagger reflected a dense green glow, which was obviously poisonous, and if it was hurt by it, there would be no life!

“It’s really cunning!”

Monray was not messy at all, his right hand suddenly became dragon claw, grabbing the dagger that pierced the heart, and then fiercely on his knees against the stunned look of the thin man!

“puchi -“

As if something had been blown up, the thin man let out a scream like a pig, and he flew directly!


Monray was coldly snorted and threw a thunder spear casually, which instantly penetrated the thin man’s heart and nailed it to a big tree!

“You… you… are… are… dragons…”

The thin man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he cocked his head without saying anything…


“hu ——”

Monray took a long sigh of relief, finally relieved. This guy is an assassin, appear and disappear unpredictably, cunning extremely, under the care, even the Level 6 Warrior will die in his hands!

Unfortunately, he ran into Monray! ! !

“Murderer, people will kill you!”

Monray walked to the thin man with no mercy in his eyes. This kind of person hid in the dark and attacked and killed the adventurer in the Magic Beast Forest. I don’t know how many people died in his hands. They are definitely a scum among scum, die without regret. ! ! !

But it must be admitted that such people are often very rich!

Monray’s eyes lit up and he rolled up the dead man’s clothes. . .


“Not in your pocket!”

“No space equipment!”

“There is no Demonic Crystal Card, Gold Coin either!”

“Strange! How could it not?”

“Is it a poor ghost?”

“No, ah…”

After searching for a long time, I didn’t find half of the copper. This made Monray angry. According to his guess, it seems that the villains who kill the adventurer by attacking should be the lord with a waist of 10000 points. How can it be a point? Have no money?

“It’s weird!”

Angrily, Monray simply started a fire and burned the thin man, “I don’t believe you don’t have half a Gold Coin…”

Blazing fire!

Under the scorching of the fire magic, the thin man was burned to ashes before he could hold on for long, and his clothes, flesh and blood, and bones were all turned into ashes!

This time, Monray really found a clue!

A belt made of special magic material lies quietly in the ashes, and 4 rings are tied on the belt!

“Why didn’t you find it when you looked for it?”

“Is the belt sewn inside the clothes?”

“Well, it’s possible!”

Monray secretly rejoiced and picked up his belt to check it out!

At this look, Monray was completely excited!

“Haha, it turned out to be a space belt!”

“Such a large space!!!”

“Developed! Now developed!”

“Look at 4 more rings!”

“I go……”

Monray is in great ecstasy!

The belt and 4 rings turned out to be Space Magic Tool!

The belt has the largest space, up to 150 cubic meters!

4枚space ring 稍微次点,分别是100立方、60立方、50立方、以及10立方!

Apart from this, there are a large number of magic cores, Gold Coins, gems, weapons, Demonic Crystal cards, magic materials, Magic Tool and other valuable items stored in the 5 Space Magic Tools!

Of course there are clothes, barbecues, seasonings, tents and other daily necessities that are not expensive but useful!

“The value of 5 pieces of Space Magic Tool alone exceeds 300010000 Gold Coin!”

“Not to mention there are so many Gold Coins, Demonic Crystal cards, and gems!”

“This time I really made a profit!!!”

“Wahaha, I’m making a lot of money!!!”



“This is Magic Beast Forest, it’s dangerous!”

“If extreme joy turns to sorrow, it would be a tragedy!”

Monray forced herself to calm down, and the impatient found a relatively safe place to count the gains this time!

“First, deposit all Gold Coin into the system!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, fortune +5710000 Gold Coin!”

“5710000 !”

Monray’s eyes lit up and looked towards the personal attribute panel!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Fire Dragon Bloodline, Flame Dragon Bloodline)

Wealth: 1067835Gold Coin

“One, ten, 100, 1000, 10000, hundreds thousand…”

“10610000 !!!”

“10610000 Gold Coin!”

Monray grinned straightforwardly, grinning behind his ears: “He worked hard in his previous life and made money with conscientiousness. After 4 years of hard work, I only paid a down payment for a house!”

“Didn’t expect that I just came to this alien world for half a year and became a millionaire! My life is not worse than those of the protagonist of the novel, right?”

1000000 million rich man!

Monray has struggled for this for many years in his previous life, and finally realized in this life, he also understood the great regret in his heart!


The money is good!

It is a string of numbers if it is not practical!

“Come here!”

“First give me the attribute points of 60000 Gold Coin!”

“Then assign it to Mind and magic power 2 items!”

“Haha, I can finally be headstrong!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, becoming a Level 7 Mage!”

PS: Cough Cough, Panda is a newcomer, and I don’t understand the rules of starting point. I heard from the big guys in the group, can I ask for a recommendation?

Will anyone vote if I ask?

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