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Monray ran into the Magic Beast Forest these days, not only was it hunting Magic Beast, but it also encountered several groups of Human attacks. These despicable advertisers often do this kind of imitate the dog and steal chicken activities. In addition to being expensive, they also have something else!

Battle energy cultivation technique is one of them!

After a few waves of counter-kills, Monray has obtained a lot of battle energy cultivation techniques. There are ordinary mass market products and extremely precious High Level cultivation techniques, which are very rewarding!

It’s a pity that these are useless for Monray. A “Fire Dragon Manual” is enough for his training. No matter how many cultivation techniques it is, it will be tasteless!

Since it is tasteless, it is better to take out a few training for the villagers, so that it can not only improve the strength of the villagers, but also make the best use of them!

However, Hades rejected the coach: “Monray, these battle energy cultivation techniques are too precious, we can’t take them! You have done enough for the village…”

“Captain Hades, these are all I found in the Magic Beast Forest, it’s useless to me, just take it!”

Monray smiled and said: “You can teach these cultivation techniques to everyone, especially children! Everyone has improved in strength, and I will have no worries when I go out!”


Hades hesitated for a while, but finally agreed!


Seven hours later, the Monray entire group arrived at the Dragon Blood Great Wall safely, but everyone didn’t expect that the city gates that entered and exited the Dragon Blood Great Wall were all closed, prohibiting entry and exit!

The people inside can’t get out!

People outside can’t get in!

a The soldier in armor and holding a long spear stood upright, standing on the top of the city, and waiting!

And under the city wall, there were a lot of adventurers, merchants, and civilians gathered. They were blocked outside the city and called scolders at the officers and soldiers on the city!

“Open the door!”

“Quick open the city gates!”

“The ant tide is coming, let Laozi go in!”

“God damn bastard, open your dog eyes to see clearly. I am Baron Skyles in the hills and hills. Open the city gate for this Baron!”

“Dragon God above, have you abandoned your people…”

Facing the aggressive scolders, the soldiers on the front of the city are as indifferent as sculptures. They ignore them, let alone open the city gates!

This makes people even more angry, and all kinds of vulgar words continue to be incompatible with the solemn Dragon Blood Great Wall!

The magic car stopped in front of the crowd. Monray got out of the car and looked at the scene in front of him. He frowned. Hades followed Monray and said anxiously: “Monray, the city gate is closed. What can I do?”

“No hurry!”

Monray waved his hand and walked to the crowd, and saw a chubby middle-aged man foul-mouthed wearing Noble costumes and said: “God damned bastard, I am Noble, you can’t keep me out of the door!”

“Lord, think of a way!”

A lady next to her holding a baby, sobbing anxiously: “Our child is only one year old, I don’t want to…wu wu wu!”

The fat man glanced at the baby in his swaddle, his fat face trembled a few times, and he scolded even more angrily: “Korui Sun, open your dog’s eyes and take a good look. Laozi is Baron and Noble…”

Just as the fat man yelled and cursed, a black shadow suddenly shot from a distance, in a flash, it came under the city wall, and then jumped high, tapping his toes on the city wall, as if Climbed on the wall like a spider!

胖男子见状,连扯开嗓子喊道:“powerhouse !这位尊敬的powerhouse ,我愿意出10000Gold Coin ,麻烦你带我们上去啊!”

However, the powerhouse disappeared into the depths of the city wall without looking back, as if he hadn’t heard the fat man at all!


Baron Skyles stomped angrily!

“Mr. Baron, are they allowed to jump on the city wall like this?” Monray pointed to the soldier at the head of the city and asked!

Baron Skyles turned his head and glared at Monray angrily: “Why don’t you allow it? As long as you have the ability to jump up, they can still drive you off?”

“Yes! This Dragon Blood Great Wall is used to resist the beast tide fortress, not to stop us. This group of god-killing bastards shouldn’t keep us out!”

“Everyone who has the ability to jump up has jumped up. Only us innocent civilians who have no power to bind chickens are left. They sincerely want us to die under the city!”

“The city wall is more than 50 meters high, and only Level 3 Warrior can jump on it. We…”

The crowd nearby became angry, angry and helpless, Hades also opened the mouth and said: “Once the beast tide is attacked, the Dragon Blood Great Wall will be closed in advance. Only when the beast tide recedes will it reopen. Those who did not enter the Great Wall in time People can only resign themselves to fate!”

“This is also no way!”

The old man floated out at this time, faintly said: “The material used to build the city gate is Firmament Continent’s hardest and heaviest obsidian. A city gate weighs 1000000 jin! Every time the city gate is opened, it costs a level. 8 magic core, you know the value of Level 8 magic core!”

The old man sighed: “Perhaps in the eyes of the officers and soldiers responsible for guarding the Dragon Blood Great Wall, an ordinary person who can’t even climb the Dragon Blood Great Wall is worth less than a Level 8 magic core!”

Monray was silent. When he first crossed over, he might not be able to understand this approach of human life as grass. After all, Heaven and Earth is big, with the greatest life! ! !

But I have lived in Firmament Continent for a long time, I have seen a lot, and it is easier to understand!

In Dragon God Empire, the four ranks are distinct, and ordinary humans are lowly untouchables in the eyes of those Noble and powerful people!

Is the life of a pariah worth money?

not at all!

Death is dead!

It can be compared to a Level 8 magic core!

“This painful world!”

Monray took a deep breath and suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his mind, step by step walked to the foot of the city wall, muttered: “Since you can’t open the city gates, you can only go up by yourself!”

Tone barely fell, the earth in the distance trembled suddenly, an earth dragon suddenly broke out of the ground, roaring, roaring, baring fangs and brandishing claws rushing towards the city wall underground!

Then plunge one head at the foot of the city wall!

“hong long long -“

The earth rushes and the earth roars!

A huge amount of mud accumulated, and within a few breaths, a starlight avenue leading to the top of the city wall was formed!

“Dragon God above!”


Seeing this scene, everyone in the city was stunned. Looking at the slope leading to the top of the city wall, they forgot to react!


“The way!”

I don’t know who yelled, and the people exploded in an instant, all of them wept with joy and cheered wildly!


“It’s Sir Mage!”

“He made this road!”

People looked towards Monray standing at the top of the slope, showing one’s feelings in one’s speech with gratitude, Monray faintly smiled: “Come on, no time and the others!”

“Yes Yes!”

People did not dare to neglect, and quickly packed their things and climbed up the city wall along the slope. The chubby Baron Skyles walked up to Monray, embarrassed and grateful, but did not forget to perform a standard Noble etiquette!

“Dear Sir Mage, thank you, I… Skyles Polunga will always thank you for your life-saving grace!”

“You’re welcome!”

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