From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 295: Zhuzi 0! Emperor stepping on the peak!

Shi Zhixuan bowed his hands and said, "My Master's last wish is to unify the Holy Sect. If I can see the Sacred Sect flourish, I will be very pleased, but recently the Sage has asked the Demon Sect to make a big change in order to see the light of the sky again. The top officials of the Holy Sect are very dissatisfied, and Wei Chen is the master of the Sacred Sect, so he has no choice but to come forward and ask the Holy Sect to take his life back!"

"There are two factions and six Taos in the Demon Sect. Most of them are inherited from the traditions of various schools of thought. As long as they return to their origins, I will naturally support and praise them! The true preachers of Luoyang and Laojun Guan are role models!"

Although Gu Chong's words were very euphemistic, Shi Zhixuan had already felt Gu Chong's determination to rectify the Demon Sect.

In fact, Shi Zhixuan also knew very well in his heart that some of the Demon Sect's morality had long since deviated from the tradition of the hundred schools of thought.

Seeing Gu Chong's firm attitude, Shi Zhixuan didn't continue to entangle on this issue.

Next, Shi Zhixuan directly threw out his main purpose for coming here: "Sir, when are you going to oust Confucianism's exclusive status?"

If the exclusive status of Confucianism is not abolished for a day, it will be difficult for the theory of a hundred schools to truly flourish. Gu Chong also said that he would abolish the exclusive status of Confucianism, but there was no movement for a long time, and Shi Zhixuan couldn't help but mention it. come out.

"This matter is of great importance and affects the interests of all parties. It needs to be carefully planned. After I quell the rebellion, I will come up with specific regulations and vigorously rectify it!"

Although he said so, Gu Chong had to admit it.

Although the Han Dynasty ousted a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone, although it had some shortcomings, it did have an irreplaceable role in the unification and strengthening of grassroots governance.

Therefore, although he agrees to let a hundred schools of thought under his command, and a hundred schools of thought be heard in unison, he also knows that this will inevitably lead to ideological confusion, and if it extends to politics and economy, it will inevitably lead to division.

Therefore, the keynote and main melody of the Great Unity must be set at the beginning of the transformation.

If you don't accept this, no matter what kind of people's Dao lineage, you should die. Gu Chong will definitely not leave any development soil for these guys in his empire.

However, in history, because Confucianism was the only school in the past dynasties, there was no competition from other schools, so that the literati group was unprecedentedly powerful, and there were many cases of misleading the country and the people.

Therefore, Gu Chong's plan is to focus on Confucianism as the main theme, but at the same time develop a hundred schools of thought to compete with them, so as to achieve the goal of common development.

Instead of completely abolishing Confucianism as soon as it came up, it would only cut off one's arm.

After chatting a few more words, about the future development and vision of Demon Sect, Gu Chong asked Shi Zhixuan casually, "I see Aiqing hesitating to speak, do you have any other difficult words to say?"

"The little minister asks for nothing..."

Shi Zhixuan's body suddenly trembled, and a complex expression appeared on his face: "It's just...if the situation allows, please leave Yuyan alive..."

Zhu Yuyan and others have been imprisoned at the bottom of the Sky Prison, and their life and death are unknown. For this former lover, Shi Zhixuan is not as heartless as he imagined.

"It's natural! They are still useful to me, and I won't take their lives for the time being!"

Gu Chong agreed.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Wei Chen bids farewell!"

Shi Zhixuan said gratefully.

Then Shi Zhixuan's figure disappeared silently in the darkness.

Seeing this, Gu Chong frowned.

This is the imperial palace, and trespassing into the imperial palace is a big crime, but in terms of Shi Zhixuan's strength, it can only be considered a trivial matter, and it is impossible for Gu Chong to convict him for this.

People in the Devil's Way are inherently unruly. After Shi Zhixuan absorbed the Evil Emperor's relic, he felt a little buoyant, and he had to beat him hard in the future.

To make him understand that he is not only the master of the Demon Sect, but also a courtier of the Great Sui Dynasty.

"Wanwan has seen His Majesty!"

Back in the bedroom, a stunning girl wearing a tulle with a looming graceful figure greeted her, hugged Gu Chong's arm affectionately, and said in Gu Chong's ear with a breath of air, "The slave family secretly caught Cihang Jingzhai. The chess piece that was placed in the palace to deliver news for the concubine Xuan, and the secret torture method of this sect, interrogated a lot of information, including the specific location of Cihang Jingzhai!"

There are few disciples in Cihang Jingzhai who walk outside. The exact location has always been a mystery. Even Shi Zhixuan, who pretended to be a great monk at the beginning, found nothing after several searches.

The base camp of Cihang Jingzhai will not be destroyed for a day, and Gu Chong will not feel at ease for a day. Besides, the Cihang Sword Canon, one of the four great books, is also a must-have for Gu Chong.

So he handed the task to Wanwan, and let her secretly monitor Shi Feixuan. Now that he has achieved a lot, Shi Feixuan can be considered to have escaped the disaster, and there is no need to use the last resort on impulse.

"Wanwan has made a great contribution this time, what kind of reward do you want?"

Gu Chong wandered restlessly with his hands, feeling the hot body in his arms, he couldn't help laughing.

"Although thunder and rain are all graces of God, Wanwan still wants the rain and dew from the Holy One!"

Wanwan's jade neck was pink, and her eyes seemed to be dripping with water, she said softly.

In the past, she still needed to keep her virginity in order to achieve great success, but Gu Chong solved this defect with the Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa, so that she no longer had any scruples in this regard.

Then, it was like opening Pandora's Box, and it was out of control.

In the past few days, every night has been tossing Gu Chong's old waist, thinking of grinding the iron pestle into a needle.

However, it was a pity for Gu Chong that although the witch Wanwan was quite active and was a tough goblin, Concubine Xuan was the exact opposite of her, a woman like an iceberg.

And recently, due to the death of Fan Qinghui, he has been closed for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Gu Chong suddenly fell into deep thought, Wanwan exhaled like Lan Dao.

"Today is a good day..."

A wicked smile appeared on Gu Chong's face, "In order to celebrate, I will also call Master Concubine Xuan!"

Gu Chong hooked Gouwanwan's delicate and small nose with his fingers, and said with a smile, "She is new to personnel, and she is still very unfamiliar in many areas. I need your master to teach her..."


Emperor Step Peak, located in the depths of Zhongnan Mountain, is shrouded in white mist all the year round, which is extraordinarily mysterious, and also has a strange formation Therefore, few people set foot in the depths.

But few people in the world know that this Emperor Stepping Peak is a famous holy place in the martial arts, where Cihang Jingzhai is located.

Cihang Jingzhai stands on the top of Emperor Tap Peak, hidden in the white mist. There are few disciples, but every time one is sent, it can stir up the world, and no one dares to underestimate them.

Since Dini wrote the Cihang Sword Canon and established Cihang Jingzhai, over the years, it has competed with the Demon Sect and has grown stronger day by day. It has become the top righteous sect in the world, and together with Jingnian Temple, it holds the righteousness of the world.

Even, being able to control the overall situation of the world, its power is evident!

I never thought that a character like Gu Chong was born out of nowhere. Not only did he kill Fan Qinghui and the Four Great Sages in the first battle, but he almost collapsed Buddhism.

In today's world, Jingnian Temple has been demolished, and the master disciples have basically died, but Cihang Jingzhai immediately closed the mountain when he saw that Chang'an was defeated in the first battle.

The desolation of Buddhism is more than ten times different than that of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty.

"The emperor stepped on the peak!"

Gu Chong, dressed in a green shirt, stood on the mountain road of Emperor Tafeng with his hands behind his back, looking at the stone plaques on both sides, he couldn't help laughing: "I came to me today, this 'Dita Peak' is worthy of its name! Do you think so, concubine? Xuan?"

Concubine Shixuan followed Gu Chong silently, her eyes that were originally agile were now somewhat deadly.


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