From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 795: true record

Gu Chong is very clear that Taiqing refers to the Supreme Morality Heavenly Venerate, one of the three sages in the prehistoric world, and one of the six saints in the prehistoric world. There is absolutely nothing wrong, because there is no other world cultivator who dares to do this. name.

Gu Chong didn't know why the Taiqing sage from the prehistoric world appeared in the Lingkong Immortal Realm, but he could be sure that this imperial mansion was indeed passed down by the Taiqing sage. It is indeed true and true, especially the Taiqing Huangting Inner Scenery Sutra that was taught along with it, and it is even more true from the Taiqing sage... pass!

Gu Chong's brows were wrinkled, and his expression was extraordinarily solemn. As far as he knew, the Taiqing Sage's Taiqing Huangting Inner Scenery Sutra was passed down to the Daozu's Huangting Inner Scenery Sutra, which represented the identity of the Xuanmen's authentic lineage, even if it was a Taiqing sage. , That is, Master Xuandu had to teach this method, and he should be the second monk to teach this method.

This is the first point, and the second point. Only the Taiqing sage and the Grand Master Xuandu will meet in the Huang Ting Jingjing of Taiqing, and the Grand Master Xuandu is not qualified to teach this Dafa to others, even the Grand Master Xuandu. The same is true for the disciples, so that means that the preacher that I saw in the Patriarch's Hall before, could it be the Taiqing sage?

Thinking of this, everything I saw in the dream before floated in front of my eyes again. I didn't pay attention before, but now it is very clear. The first preacher next to the preacher is at the front, and he is independent of the other listeners. If the preacher He was a sage of Taiqing, and nine out of ten he was the Grand Master of Xuandu, so the four people who finally left his jaws were probably the Third Patriarch of Emei and Master Changmei.

"Could it be that I was taken in by Saint Taiqing and wanted to be accepted as the second direct disciple?"

Gu Chong can only guess like this, but he can't believe it. When did the famous Taiqing sage accept his apprentice so easily, and he still directly obtained the status of Xuanmen's direct descendant. He had never seen Taiqing sage before, never had How can any communication be suddenly accepted as an apprentice?

He couldn't guess, couldn't figure it out, but that was the truth. The Difu Doudou, which represents the authentic lineage of the Xuanmen sect in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, can't be faked, and the Taiqing Huangting Inner Scene Scripture can't be faked either. Open the system panel, and it's clear and clear. It shows the way of the Taiqing Huangting Inner Scene Classic, which can't be faked, and it's even less likely that there is an almighty to confuse himself with illusions.

There are many great powers who can confuse him with spells, but no one will ever be able to conjure up the Inner Scene of the Yellow Court.

So, "I am now Xuanmen Zhengzong, a disciple of Taiqing sage?"

As if in a dream, Gu Chong digested the news with surprise and joy. He didn't even pay attention to Qi Shuming's reminder to him until Old Qi coughed lightly.

"You have been approved by the ancestors to pass the emperor's mansion, but you also need to practice the Nine Heavens Mysterious Classics. Later, I will teach you the Nine Heavens Mysterious Classics and bring you the Heavenly Thunder Swords, but you have to remember , Tianlei Shuangjian is the treasure of the fourth generation core disciple of this sect, if you take it away, you will need to repay this cause and effect in the future, you must remember."

Gu Chong nodded:

"Disciple knows!"

The two rose up into the air and flew down from all the floating islands in the Zu Shitang, and while flying together, they said:

"It is very important for you to be passed down to the Emperor's Mansion by your ancestor, so I will not pass it on for the time being. When you cultivate more diligently and make great merits, you will tell the world about this as a teacher. What do you think?"

"It's all up to the master, the disciple has no opinion!"

"Very good, it just happens that Junior Nephew Qingyun wants to open the Ziyun Palace. This time, you will go with them and open the palace together."

"Disciple's order!"

Two months later, an ordinary giant boat flew out of the Emei Cave sky, rose into the sky, and soon disappeared into the clouds.

On the flying boat, Gu Chong stood at the bow of the boat with his hands on his back, his white shirt was blown by the wind, and there were several people standing beside him: Zhou Qingyun, Qi Lingyun, Qin Ziling and Monk Xiao. The five of them were among the disciples of Emei on the boat. The highest-ranking ones.

After two months of preparation, Qi Lingyun and Monk Xiao rushed back, and the other core disciples of Emei were unable to contact them.

In fact, the opening of the Ziyun Palace was too hasty this time, and it did not match the Emei plan. The core disciples did not know about it before, so it was not bad to be able to contact Monk Xiao and Qi Lingyun.

If it wasn't for him, they might have to wait for a while to gather a few core disciples before they set off. It is precisely because they know that his strength is no longer inferior to the masters of the previous generation, plus the newly acquired Tianlei Shuangjian, in terms of strength, it is no longer inferior. It was only because of Li Yingqiong that the elders of Emei made up their minds to set off now and stop this from happening before the three phoenixes of the Ziyun Palace sacrificed the Ziyun Palace.

For two months, Gu Chong has been following Qi Shuming to practice the magical powers of the immortal family in the Nine Heavens Xuanjing, and at the same time consumes experience points to improve the Taiqing Huangting Interior Jingjing, which is the supreme method of the mysterious door. His experience points have almost been exhausted.

The consumption of experience points of this mysterious door to the highest Taoist method is simply terrifying. Just upgrading from the entry level to the first level is a consumption of up to 5 million experience points, and then to the next level, it takes a full 100 million Experience.

After upgrading this mysterious door to the highest Taoist method, I did not directly obtain any terrifying magical just improved the understanding and power of all kinds of Taoist magical powers, the mastery of the rules, and any divine channel method. This is a super powerful auxiliary Dao method, which can improve the strength in all directions. Even if it is only improved by one level, Gu Chong's combat power at this time is more than ten times that of the previous one. This does not include Jiutianxuan. The case of Jing and Tianlei Shuangjian.

With the addition of the divine power of Tianzhuan and Tusuizhen Edict to Taoist magic, Gu Chong's combat power at this time is probably even stronger than that of ordinary earth immortals.

The upgrade of the Taiqing Huangting Inner Jingjing consumes 10 million experience points, while the experience value consumption of the Nine Heavens Xuanjing is not as good as the Taiqing Huangting Inner Scenery Sutra, but it is not low. He only improved three levels, and the total consumption is close to two One million experience points, and now there are only 30 million experience points left on the system panel, so I need to use it sparingly.

Even the Nine Heavens Mysterious Sutra on the third floor has greatly increased Gu Chong's strength. The Taoist Sutra records many magical powers of subduing and refining demons, which greatly complements his previous lack of magical powers. Now if he enters the Nether Realm and encounters one. A large group of bone beetles can be wiped out with a few waves of thunder nets.

As soon as a person has strength, his waist is also much stiffer, and when he encounters a monk who laughs again, he can already look at him and talk and laugh with him.

Monk Xiao did not expect to see Gu Chong again in just a few short years. The direct disciple of Ninth Master Uncle, who had a deep impression on him at the time, had already become the core of the sect, and his cultivation had surpassed him. Life is so unpredictable.

With the strength and the identity, and still so good-looking, Gu Chong clearly felt that his attraction to the female disciples of Emei had doubled. Even Zhou Qingyun, one of the three female disciples, looked at him differently. Extraordinary.

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