From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 823: gather together

However, these creatures are extremely weak, and in terms of strength alone, I am afraid they are no match for an ordinary adult!

In the face of the movement of Lianhai, no one dared to make any changes at this time. Now the situation here has maintained a delicate balance. If anyone dares to walk out first, they will probably be attacked by a group.

Furthermore, the strange treasure here has not yet been born, and it is not worth someone to be that early bird!

"It's the Dragon Emperor!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the crowd.

I saw a black-clothed youth coming from afar, with long black hair dancing wildly in the air, giving people a wild and uninhibited taste.

The most striking thing is his eyebrows, where there is a **** long mark, like a sky eye, embedded in his eyebrows, which makes him add a bit of majesty out of thin air.

"Dragon Emperor, something interesting!"

Looking at the person, Gu Chong nodded secretly.

"Brother Long, I didn't expect you to be one step ahead of me!" At this moment, a voice that was as gentle as jade and ethereal sounded.

When everyone heard the sound, they looked over, and the person who spoke was a man with an alluring appearance.

It is said that he has the appearance of a beautiful city, because he is thin and tall, as slender as a woman, and his face is not angular at all, and with that white clothes, it is simply like a stunning beauty.

"It's the unparalleled son Zhong Yu. It is said that he was born a god, comparable to a Taoist species!" Someone said, a little surprised.

Zhong Yu is a real Zhong Tiandi and Lingxiu. It can be said that the fortune he has achieved surpasses the sum of countless people. This is an existence that absorbs endless aura.

He was also the first person in the last Holy Spirit Domain.

"This sword intent is indeed extraordinary. It is worthy of a peerless person, the sword of immortality, this title!" With just one glance, Gu Chong almost saw Zhong Yu thoroughly.

His realm is so high, and his martial arts is more inclusive.

In Gu Chong's induction, whether it is Dragon Emperor or Zhong Yu's will is extremely powerful, he is a strong man who grew up from blood and fire!

They all have true invincibility!

"One step slowly, one step at a time, you are not as good as me!" Dragon Emperor teased.

Zhong Yu didn't argue with the Dragon Emperor, just smiled and stood side by side with the Dragon Emperor!

"Interesting!" Gu Cong chuckled lightly, but his smile failed to attract anyone's attention.

As long as he doesn't make a big move, even Dragon Emperor and Zhong Yu, the two masters standing on top, will subconsciously ignore him.

Along the way, he has also accumulated quite powerful qi, but it is not the qi that pushes him to this point, but the mind. Compared with the Dragon Emperor, his mind is stronger!

Especially after dividing the human nature and changing the road by pushing the heart, his divinity and human nature are intertwined, making his mind vaguely enter a new level.

"I think this person should be Young Master Huan!" Gu Chong had the answer through telepathy, the master hidden in the void.

He has heard the name of Young Master Huan, and he is a strong man in the illusion domain, but he did not understand it deeply. He did not regard these people as opponents. His opponent was only Dragon Emperor from beginning to end.

"This level of illusion can be called peerless, and he almost concealed it from me, but it's just a line, it's too bad, just because of this line of flaws, his threat will be reduced by several levels!"

"Su Li, if you want to challenge me, Big Brother Gu, you don't have to follow me all the time!" On the other side, Zhang Yi, like the fairy in the moon, the dragon girl in the sea, looked at the man who had been following behind him, a little helpless.

"Gu Chong's whereabouts are uncertain. If you don't follow you, where will I find him?"

"I didn't expect her to come too!" Gu Chong also sensed Zhang Yishang's breath at this time, and a thought turned in his heart.

As time passed, above the sea of ​​​​lotus, the vision became more and more vast, and the surging energy went straight to the sky, attracting more and more masters.

The weather in the lotus sea is too extraordinary, it can be said to be unprecedented, and correspondingly, the treasures that will be born will definitely become more and more mysterious!

The atmosphere in the field became more and more stagnant, giving people invisible pressure, and the voice of discussion became smaller and smaller, until it finally disappeared!


When the time came, the sea of ​​​​lotus began to oscillate, the original rich essence and vitality like a vast ocean suddenly receded, and the dazzling divine light bloomed from the sea of ​​​​lotus.

At this moment, the trillions of divine lotuses withered together, almost in an instant, all the divine lotuses seemed to have gone through a long period of time, turning from green to yellow, and finally to powder.

And the spiritual spring in the lotus sea also dried up at this moment, revealing the cracked bottom of the lake. Between the electric light and flint, this lotus sea was deprived of all its vitality!

"It's coming!" Watching Lian Hai's movements, Gu Chong flicked his nails, still indifferent.

Although the lotus sea has gone, but at the core of the lotus sea, all the essences have gathered at this moment. There, there is something that is swallowing the sun and the moon and revolving fortune!

Just a little bit of Dao rhyme occasionally revealed, giving people a feeling that he is about to transform into Dao. This is undoubtedly an extremely powerful Dao The more than 20 Dao tools that Gu Chong obtained before, All in all, it can't compare to this one!

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, a fiery red lotus platform with a size of nine feet flew out from the earth, and the endless karmic fire burned on it, as if it was going to burn up the nine heavens and wipe out the eternity!

Daoguang is warm and warm, attracting thousands of chirping between heaven and earth, and the endless essence of heaven and earth is attracted by the lotus platform and swallowed by the lotus platform, making the lotus platform even more magical!

"This is a fairy weapon!"

Seeing this lotus tower shaking the sky and the earth, and the atmosphere of the monarchy, some people were shocked!

Above the Taoist tools are the fairy tools, the Taoist tools are only the treasures used by the Taoist realm, and the fairy tools are the treasures held by the fruit realm.

Every immortal weapon has the supreme power to open up the world, reverse the years, break samsara, and suppress chaos. If an immortal weapon is fully recovered, even a sixth-order immortal cannot be its opponent!

"This is not a fairy tool, it can only be regarded as a prototype of a fairy tool!" Gu Chong's heart was also shocked when he heard the name of the fairy tool.

But in a blink of an eye, he realized that every immortal artifact is beyond the mortal existence, and will not be suppressed by this secret realm at all. Although this lotus platform is extraordinary, it cannot compare to the real immortal artifact after all.

Seeing the birth of Liantai, Gu Chong didn't want to wait for a long time. If he wasn't strong enough, he might have to contrive, but now that his strength is enough to be invincible, why should he be in vain with these weaklings!

When he took a single step, Gu Chong had already crossed a distance of hundreds of miles and arrived in front of the lotus platform. At the moment when Gu rushed, all the masters present shot at almost the same time, and the target was Gu Chong.

Since Gu Chong has made this early bird, they will naturally not be polite to him. All kinds of powerful and splendid magical powers are blooming in the hands of masters. Ten thousand paths are intertwined, and the endless power of destruction will flood the world.

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