From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 832: ruthless

Hearing what the Ruthless Great Emperor said, Gu Chong stared at her without saying a word.

She didn't seem to have any intention of making a move.

After the Ruthless Man said what he had just said, he regained the calm that seemed to have been silent for eternity, "Perhaps when I meet you in my third or fourth life, I will be like what you said, at that time, innate The chaotic body can also make me interested, but now, in my eyes, there is no difference between the physique or not."

In the world, there is no strongest physique, only the strongest people.

Hearing the words of the Ruthless Man, Gu Chong understood that she had now entered the realm that Ye Fan took hundreds of thousands of years to reach in the later stage.

Gu Chong replied, "Since the emperor has no intention of doing so, then Zhou will leave."

However, the terrifying sense of oppression of the Ruthless Great Emperor still surrounds Gu Chong.

Gu Chong was slightly startled.

Isn't it to devour the source of Chaos Body?

Then why don't you allow yourself to leave.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and Ye Fan's appearance flashed in his heart, but he did not look in the direction of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

At this moment, Gu Chong thoughtfully said to himself: "It is rumored that the Ruthless Emperor has cultivated throughout his life, not to become an immortal, but to wait for someone to return from the world."

The Ruthless Emperor's temperament in that phantom changed somewhat after hearing the words, and looked at Gu Chong unexpectedly.

Gu Chong smiled and said, "The emperor said he didn't mean to take away the Chaos Body, but he didn't mean to let me go."

"Could it be that the person the emperor waited for has already been born in the same life as me?"

His eyes flickered and he continued:

"If the chaotic body must become an emperor, but the person like the great emperor may not be able to become an emperor. After I become an emperor, I will overwhelm the universe and can't lift my head, and this person can only die of old age."

"So, the emperor doesn't want to take me away, and now he wants to kill me to clear the way for that person?"

When the Ruthless Emperor heard the words, the terrifying murderous intention made the entire barren ancient forbidden land tremble, and the universe wailed because of this.

The real thought was spoken by Gu Chong.

In the phantom, her eyes shot over like cold electricity.

Gu Chong was not afraid at all, and his expression was still indifferent, saying: "The empress has a peerless life, suppressing the universe, although in today's world, even if the emperor is reborn, he is not an opponent of the empress, but he may not have the ability to kill Gu. "

The Ruthless Emperor is indeed amazing in this universe, but Gu Chong has never been weaker than others in his life.

Even in front of the Red Dust Immortal, he can escape, not to mention the ruthless man who has not yet become a Red Dust Immortal.

"Although the Great Emperor sent a murderous intention, he didn't take action from the very beginning. I'm afraid he felt something in his heart. He couldn't kill me, so he was thinking about something. If you don't believe it, the Great Emperor can really try it."

Having said that, Gu Chong's tone suddenly changed:

"However, if the Great Emperor wants to clean up the Chaos Body just for the person you are waiting for to be able to prove the Dao, then there is no need."

"Gu Mou can promise here that in a thousand years after I become an emperor, the Taoist rules will be dispersed, and no one's chance to become an emperor will be suppressed."

Even in the murderous intent of the Ruthless Great Emperor, Gu Chong was like a small boat hit by the ocean waves, as if it would be overturned at any time, but he was already calm and calm.

The Great Emperor in Zhetian is similar to the Heavenly Dao saint in the prehistoric world. After the Emperor Zhun has completed the five secret realms of his body, he is in the Dao and merges into the imprint of the Heavenly Heart, which is the incarnation of the universe of heaven and earth.

Gu Chong is not going to stay here forever, the imprint of the Emperor's Heavenly Heart is something that can be cut at will to him.

His real Dao is the other way of enlightenment in the sky.

If it is said that the Great Emperor is similar to the sage of the Tao of Heaven, after mastering the imprint of the Heavenly Heart, he is the incarnation of the universe of heaven and earth, then the alternative enlightenment is the incarnation of the universe of heaven and earth, but because it is impossible for a person who covers the sky to become another enlightened person to become another universe that covers the sky, so, Alternative enlightenment must be naturally weaker than the great emperor who has the imprint of the heavenly heart of the universe.

Those Divine Body, Holy Body, Tyrant Body, etc., are all examples of this.

However, Gu Chong is not comparable to these people, his alternative enlightenment, for him, is the most perfect avenue.

That is the incarnation of another big universe.

When the Ruthless Emperor heard Gu Chong's last words, although the murderous intention was still there, he didn't feel like he would fall at any time.

At this moment, Gu Chong said slowly: "If the emperor believes, Zhou will leave here. If you don't believe it, please take action..."

The Ruthless Emperor did not speak.

But Gu Chong's heart moved, his body struggled, and he broke through the blockade of murderous oppression.

Immediately, Gu Chong disappeared into the Forbidden Land.

The phantom of the Ruthless Emperor stared at Gu Chong who had left the ancient forbidden land, and said to himself silently:

"The chaotic body must become an emperor if it doesn't die..."

She turned back to the forbidden area.

The ruthless man finally let Gu Chong go.

Is it because she really felt that she couldn't kill Gu Chong even if she shot?

Or because of Gu Chong's promise...

Or maybe she couldn't bear to let the 31st emperor of the human race fall into her hands in No one knew what she was thinking.

Only on this day.

In the barren and ancient forbidden area, the white-clothed queen opened the bronze ancient coffin in the Nine Dragons Coffin, and silently placed a "Heavenly Flower" inside.


The queen heard a voice.

"I almost forgot, Zhou Mou is here, and I hope the empress will swallow the magic pot."

Gu Chong stood thousands of miles away from the ancient forbidden land and said such a sentence.

Then, without waiting for the Empress to reply, she went to the Northern Territory.

If the chaos body must become emperor.

That Ye Fan naturally had to go behind him.

Since he came to this universe, it was doomed...

During this period of covering the sky, it will be his time alone!

Gu Chong stood on the land of the Northern Territory, his Yuanshen cooperating with the infinite Qi machine in the void, and silently deduced.

After coming to the Northern Territory, from the infinite qi machine on the second piece of land, he identified the person he wanted to find.

At this moment, Gu Chong held a wisp of khaki air in his hand, and said indifferently: "I didn't find the thirteen big bandits, but it's not bad to find a small bandit."


In Pingyan City.

A young man with handsome appearance but thief eyes, hidden among the tens of thousands of monks in the city, his eyes secretly looked up at a group of holy men and women in the sky.

Most of the monks in Pingyan City also watched in amazement as they came and went in the sky, as if they were patrolling.

"Then, that one seems to be the Holy Maiden of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land."

"Those are the disciples of the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light..."

"What are these arrogant people coming to this Pingyan City for?"

Some monks were confused and chatted with each other, but their eyes were not relaxing, staring at one of the stunning beauties who kept coming over in the sky.

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