Somewhere in the blue sky, space twisted and spun as if it had been stirred by a washing machine.

As the ring-like aura suddenly expanded, a black hole portal shattered into time and space, unfolding over Long Island.

A tall young man in a casual coat walked out of the spherical portal, and behind him, the light wheel of the black hole expanded in a circle, and then collapsed at a rapid speed, completely disappearing.

With the Statue of Liberty visible on the coastline at your feet, this modern city of skyscrapers is undoubtedly the New York City that has been leveled countless times in various parallel worlds.

Although I have been to New York in another world, the people of this world are much simpler than under Spider-Man.

Jossen tried to breathe the first breath of air from this world, felt it for a moment, and made a sharp comment.

"The air doesn't seem to be very sweet here, does it?"

The "heart net" unfolded, and a biomagnetic field that was completely different from ordinary humans appeared in the perception.

Most of these biomagnetic fields have limited strength, which is roughly equivalent to the B-level and C-level heroes of the One-Punch World, and there are very few who can be called strong.


In the steel jungle, a towering building caught Qiao Sen's attention.

In this building alone, there are more than double-digit superhuman biomagnetic fields, and there are five or six of them that can be named "powerful".

"What is that place?"

Jossen's gaze was curious about the past, and his mind was there, and the "Heart Net" constructed a 3D map of most of New York City from the feedback in his mind.

Among them, a building in the heart of Manhattan was highlighted.

Whether it is the location, grandeur or floor height, it is basically comparable to Marvel's Stark Tower next door.

"Walter... Oh, it turned out to be this place. Spelling

out the letter logo on the top of the building, Jossen's mind suddenly understood.

The well-known Walter Group, which has served the Millican government since the beginning of the last century, now has industries in the fields of biology, medicine, arms, movies, records, etc., and its superheroes are almost all over the country, and it can be regarded as a veritable giant enterprise in the world of black pickets.

Knowing what this place is, the identities of those superhumans are about to be revealed.

Group of Seven.

Benchmarking the superhero groups of DC Justice League and Marvel's Avengers, it is no wonder that they are like torches in the perception of the "heart network", and they are all as strong as monsters.

The most powerful of them all was a blonde man with a sunny smile on his face, who was enjoying the compliments of a crowd in a studio-like room when the "heart net" swept through.

The reason is that not so long ago, he perfectly solved a gang of gunmen who hijacked armored cash trucks on the streets of Brooklyn.

As the news aired, his approval ratings rose again, and the result was extremely reassuring.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he looked left and right in confusion, but found nothing.

The crowd around him gradually discovered that something was wrong, and they were silent one by one, and they didn't know what they had done wrong.

"Roar, are you so keen-sensed..."

Qiao Sen controlled the "heart net" with interest to lock on to the tall and sturdy blonde man, and in the image signal of the magnetic field feedback, the image of a handsome blonde sunny boy wearing a blue tight-fitting uniform and the same Star-Spangled Banner cloak as the Saitama toilet rag on his back became clearer and clearer.

"Sure enough, it's you, Azu!"

As soon as he came, he saw the ceiling of this world's combat power, and Qiao Sen looked at the "motherland" with great interest.

With his performance in the series and comics, it can indeed be regarded as a weakened version of the super.

So the question is, when the copycat Superman meets the superman, which one is stronger?

After staring at his competitors for a moment, Qiao Sen was sure that the physical fitness of the "motherlander" in all aspects belonged to the top existence among the superhumans in this world, but it was still a big gap compared to his current self.

After all, how can the strength gained by taking drugs compare to the long-trained flesh (referring to the open hanging).

At this time, Qiao Sen could use the power of the "Heart Net" to observe the "motherland" unscrupulously, but Azu could only vaguely sense that something was wrong, and he couldn't find his location at all.

This comparison is very revealing.

Of course, the superpower of the "motherland" is still remarkable, and even Qiao Sen's eyes are hot for a while.

"Super power".

"Super speed".

"Super Defense".

"Super Senses".

"Heat rays".

"See-through eye".



In addition to not being able to keep up with the strength, he also does not have Superman's innate "biological force field", even if Clark really sees this sunny and handsome little brother, he has to be confused.

You're really not a Kryptonian?

After observing Azu for a while, Qiao Sen wiped the tears of envy from the corners of his mouth and turned his gaze to the other members of the Seven.

"Queen Maeve", "Dark", "Deep Sea", "The Invisible Man", and the blood-stained "Locomotive" that rushes to the upper floors of the building.

Wait a minute.

The eyes of the "heart network" focused on the embarrassed "locomotive", only to see him rush into an office and anxiously talk to an old white woman in his 40+.

Receiving the sound signal from the office in the magnetic field, he couldn't help but be stunned after listening for a moment.

It turns out that at the beginning of the episode, the strange incident of the drug-addicted "locomotive" randomly picking a lucky passer-by to be killed has happened.

Poor Huey Campbell.

This tall, thin curly-haired guy is one of the protagonists of this world, and the passerby who was hit and killed by the "locomotive" was his girlfriend when he was in college.

Just as Qiao Sen was about to continue to monitor the movements of the Walter Group, the "motherlanders" on different floors suddenly crossed the crowd with a calm face and walked straight to the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him.

The super senses sensed that he seemed to be being spied on, and this unprecedented situation caught Azu's attention.

was surrounded by a group of employees within the Walter Group, so he didn't bother to pretend anymore, and changed his face instantly without the burden of a popular idol, turned around and said go.

The steps of "Motherland Man" are steady and powerful, and every step seems to have been carefully calculated, demonstrating a power control far beyond ordinary people.

When approaching the floor-to-ceiling window, Azu directly chose to ignore it, as if there was no obstacle in front of him, and still walked forward steadily.

With a loud "boom", the floor-to-ceiling windows that he ignored shattered, and the high-strength double-layer bulletproof glass used to make the floor-to-ceiling windows was knocked out of a human-shaped gap and instantly shattered!

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