Among the many enemies that Johnson encountered, the "Motherlandmen" were definitely generous.

Just the first side dropped two superpowers, and it was this quality....

Harm, the fantasy card has already marked that it is "limited to the motherland", then it will be fine.

According to past experience, the card that collects all of Azu's superpowers and finally fuses must be an SSR.

Since it is a high-imitation copycat, it is only SR that can be understood when it is brought out separately.

After all, the dragon level can still mix in a Bakugan Uncle!

Azu's super power should belong to the top SR, and it is still a line away from SSR.

As the ceiling of the combat power of the black-robed world, although the "motherland" is not as good as the hanging wall of Jossen, it can actually be mastered.

No matter how Mini, thin, simple, and beggarly version of Superman, it is also Superman!

If it can solve the strength problem, it can even superevolve into the strongest version of "Ancestor Man".

It's still the old saying, first solve whether there is or not, and then solve it well.

The rest is left to the effort.

(Saitama: - Aaaa


Josson followed behind Butcher and turned into an alley somewhere in Manhattan.

The latter glanced around seemingly casually, making sure that no one was watching around, and raised his hand to knock on a large iron door that looked like the entrance to the back door of the warehouse.

"Hey Harry, I've received your report letter, thank you, a rare good citizen of New York.

Butcher showed his signature rogue grin, which when he had the upper hand, was as hateful to the victim as the devil.

"It's damn police brutality, you bastard. A

trapboard on the iron door was pulled open, and the bearded security guard named Harry showed a helpless expression.

"If they find out about my opening of the door, do you know what kind of torture I will suffer?"


Butcher smiled wickedly: "I just know that if you don't open the door, then my torture for you will definitely be twice as much as theirs." "


the security guard cursed quietly and closed the trap, and Johnson looked Butcher up and down: "Are you still a New York police officer?"



with the sound of metal rubbing, the iron door opens inward.

Butcher smiled at security guard Harry, and the two strode inside.

Walking through a short soundproof corridor, a door opens in front of Johnson and Butcher, and through the door, inside is an indescribable adult scene.

Under the dim lights, the lobby of the European-style nightclub is crowded with customers, and there are honest men and women or men and men everywhere, growing each other in postures unimaginable to ordinary people.

For example, the pairs of guys who are hi to heaven.

The heavens here refer to the fact that they did use superpowers to fly to the ceiling.

"Oh, that's exciting, isn't it?"

Butcher winked at Josson, signaling that you could join in, boss.

Joson ignored him, the perspective turned on, the thick concrete walls gradually became clear, and the various scenes became unobstructed.

Soon, a black man in a blue uniform came into view, his signature goggles thrown in the corner of the sofa, and he was changing glasses with his male friend, who was also a superhuman.

It is the "locomotive".

"Found it.

Joson paused, locked onto one of the rooms, and strode over.


Butcher wanted to leave, but thinking that Josson wasn't here to release his desires at all, he ghostly followed.

Before taking two steps, a strangely shaped flesh-colored strip stretched across the aisle, blocking the path of the two.

One end of the strip of meat was connected to a blond man wearing a vest on his upper body, and he was holding the unbridled affection of two men, one black and one white.

Butcher introduced like a tour guide: "He is the "rubber man" Izchil, who recently held a sermon on the theme of 'I hope gay people disappear'.

"Well, the Sexy Prisoner would probably like him.

"What did you say?"


two were about to step over the rubber man's body, when an elongated arm suddenly stopped in front of them, and I saw Izchil whistle at Jossen: "You are very good, Asian boy, do you want to listen to the Lord's teachings with me?" The two

valets beside him, who realized that they might fall out of favor, stared at Josson viciously, but Butcher involuntarily shivered.

Years of experience as an agent told him that a good show was about to be staged.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but hang a hint of a smile that looked lively and not too big.

"Listen, I wasn't going to deal with you.

"You are one of the most important accomplices in how many babies die each year as a result of the Compound 5 experiment."

Joson looked at the deformed and elongated tattooed arm in front of him, and two crimson rays of light surged under his eyes.

"Besides, if Luffy Wang knew that you used the Nika Fruit like this, he would definitely go crazy.


I'll do it for you today."

Under the influence of alcohol and light, Izchil did not hear what Joson said, and thought that seeing Josen's eyes glowing was just an illusion.

Zila -

A ruby beam of light penetrated the eye socket of the perverted "rubber man", straight through the back of his head and the sofa behind him, and simply sent him to his God.

The two male servants who were splashed with mosaic let go in horror, and before they could exclaim, they were fixed into two stone sculptures by the azure force field.

"Generous gift crab!" The

stunned Butcher subconsciously followed Johnson over the corpse of the "rubber man" collapsed on the ground, and he suddenly realized.

If he wants to completely bring down, the mysterious and powerful man in front of him may be the only hope.

"Hey, boss, wait for me, who are you looking for, maybe I can help!"

Johnson glanced back at Butcher, who had a sycophantic smile on his face.

But he does not hide his dislike of superhumans and his desire to use Johnson against the "Motherlandmen".

"You're a complete scoundrel, Butcher, and I'm starting to admire you instead.

In the face of Josson's ridicule, Butcher not only did not mind, but also smiled modestly: "Thank you, boss, willing to serve you." "

“...... It was crazy, and when I crashed through her body, I accidentally swallowed one of her molars because I ran too fast, like hitting a bug on the highway.

"Oh God!" "

Dude, you're disgusting.

"Hahahaha!!" × 2

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