"Queen, this is not your fight!" In

the sky, Joson dodged Azu's angry punch again.

Then a head mallet hit his head back, snatching the "Queen Maeve" in his hand.

"You have one more chance to protect the group below, OK?"

"Queen Maeve" was startled, and before she could react, she was thrown to the ground by a strange-looking man.

- This is "The Flash

"? - When did he change his look?

Bang -

In order to snatch "Queen Maeve", Joson punched "Motherlandman" hard in the cheek.

When Azu backhanded and wanted to strike again, he was firmly held by Qiao Sen raising his arm.

A swinging punch made a sonic boom, knocking Azu, who had just gained the advantage, into a cannonball! Azu

, who stabilized his figure in the air, shook his head, this time prepared, but felt pain, and did not bleed from being punched.


this time, a bright and flickering light came into Azu's eyes.

Immediately Yu Guang noticed that there was a group of ordinary people standing on the ground who should have gone to hell with the plane, holding their mobile phones to themselves!

"Damn! how dare this group of ants!" Realizing

that his previous behavior may have spread to the outside world through the Internet, Azu, who was already angry, suddenly had a brain down, his cerebellum was overheated, and the depression, loneliness and madness engraved in his bones that grew up in the laboratory instantly occupied the high ground of reason, and his eyes actually glowed red!

Sure enough, the next second the hot "heat ray" ploughed across the beach, leaving a glassy charred crystal.

And the ultimate target is the hundreds of civilians scattered on the beach!

The "Queen Maeve" who had just fallen to the ground rolled and calmly got up, and couldn't help but open her mouth when she saw the red laser shot down like a heavenly punishment.

She didn't expect that the "motherlandmen" were so frenzied that they would kill the civilians all over the ground

! "No!!

But the next moment he saw the actions of "Queen Maeve", and his movements suddenly stopped.

I saw that the tall woman in leather armor turned into a phantom and rushed towards the plane not far away, the wing on one side snapped off, and the slightly larger fragments were like discus, and she raised her arm and threw it out!

In the sky, Azu leaned forward, and the laser light in his eyes emitted a light that was more dazzling than the sun, and he was about to cut the first civilian into several segments.


A high-speed swirling wing fragment hit the head of the "motherlander" fiercely, and at the moment of contact, it became wrinkled like A4 paper, directly embedded in his head.

The sudden attack failed to break Azu's face, which was comparable to the thickness of the city wall, but the impact contained in it still hit Azu backwards.


hot red laser turned and shot into the sky, and Azu expressionlessly threw away the alloy plate stuck on his head and turned his gaze to the direction of the plane.

"Maeve, even you want to betray me?" his

voice trembled slightly, and a trace of disbelief blended into extreme shock.

"I... Just don't want to go wrong again.

Maeve shook her head bitterly, she knew very well that the incident on the plane was exposed, and her superhero profession had done its job.

But at this time, she instinctively chose to stand up.

It's still too late to stop!"

Azu's hideous scowl suddenly calmed down, and he looked at Maeve one last time, as if looking at a stranger.

"Then you will die with these mortals..." On

the cloudy face, the red light representing the "heat ray" brewed in his eyes again.

"These idiots don't deserve to be saved by me!!" The

"heat ray" shot out by Zila-Euler

was deflected by a sudden punch, and the plane that landed was just hit, and it was cut and dismembered in an instant, and it broke.

Immediately afterwards, the leaked aviation fuel was detonated, a huge explosion sounded, and the ruins of the wings that were originally just removed were completely blown up into wreckage in the billowing smoke!

She looked at the sky with a solemn face, hoping that the mysterious "Flash" could subdue the "motherlandmen" who were out of control.

The flashing sneak attack Jossen maintained a punching stance, and the close-fitting black lightning suit perfectly displayed the sharp muscle lines, like a sculpture of a Greek god that came to life.

"This is the case again! This is the case again!"

Azu, who was interrupted again to cast the spell, suddenly recalled the fear of being dominated by Josen before, and couldn't help but exclaim.

However, in the face of an enemy whose strength and speed are above his own, he has no idea where to go to victory.

Seeing that Qiao Sen rushed towards him again, Azu roared angrily: "Wait!" Qiao Sen:


fist that Ola has come out has stopped abruptly, he wants to see what tricks Azu, who has always been reckless to attack, wants to play.

"There is a problem..." The

face of the "motherlander" was distorted, and his voice actually heard a taste of sadness and indignation.

"How did you exert your full strength without a foothold

?" "Who

said this is my full strength?"

"Euler -

the devil knows that Azu was actually beaten by himself to doubt his life, and Qiao Sen was amused and did not forget that the battle was not over, and immediately blasted the "motherlandmen" out with a heavy punch.

In the sonic boom that tears the eardrums, the ripples spread out in a circle into the distance.

"Don't think about it, Azu, you can't learn it anyway.

At this moment, Joson actually had some sympathy for the sunny big boy in front of him.

Near-perfect superpowers, but because of the lack of reduction and control, he asked this shameful question to the enemy in battle.


thought crossed his mind, and the dark figure in the air flickered, and in an instant he caught up with the "motherlanders" who flew out upside down.


- Two high-temperature "heat rays" shot from the front, and Joson opened his hand to block it, and the hot laser heated the force field shield in his palm red, almost melting and flowing.

Qiao Sen's face did not change color, his eyes were ruby colored, and the "heat rays" supplied by energy in different dimensions converged into a thick golden ray, which also paid tribute to the past.

The "heat ray" in Azu's eyes adjusts its direction and turns its power to the maximum at the same time.

Gold "Heat Ray" Vs Crimson "Heat Ray"!

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