It seems that Butcher is trying to strangle the "fatherlanders" to death.

But embarrassingly, even in the state of unguarded seal, Azu still did not respond.

Didn't even wake up under his "torture".

Joson: "..." Sure

enough, the little power added by the "Locomotive" character card could not even suffocate him or wake him up.


that Jossen was speechless, Butcher wiped his sweat and shouted at him without care: "Hello, boss, you're back!" Jossen:

"..." "What



Josson stepped forward to stop Butcher's scraping behavior.

"If the 'Motherland' knew that you were so humiliated, they might be angry to death, right?" "If so

, it will save trouble!" I

don't know if it was the energy of the sealing technique that was exhausted, or Azu's powerful resistance taking effect, he woke up from the darkness, and the still alive super senses clearly outlined Qiao Sen's figure in the darkness.

At the same time, there is also a clown in black who is strangling his neck, and the husband of a Walt Group employee who seems to have had a relationship with him a few years ago.

But it doesn't matter.

The loss of his eyes did not make him lose his perception of the outside world, which was not a gift from God, but made him more desperate.

"Listen, 'The Flash

'!" "I can blame me for quitting the Sevens and announcing that you will take over as the captain of the Sevens, and you will become the most popular superhero!" "

Let me go, I'm blind and don't pose any threat to you, why do you have to kill me?" Hearing

Azu's soft plea for mercy, Butcher looked at Johnson like a ghost.


Butcher's shock, Azu chose to beg for mercy, and Jossen was not surprised at all.

Repeated fiasco has completely worn out his fighting spirit, especially when he exploded to unleash his potential.

The "motherlandman" has never been a strong-willed person, and even in his invincible original time and space, he still needs an old aunt like Madeleine or Storm Girl to fill his sick maternal love.

"Why kill you, that's a good question, let's settle the score."

Josson motioned for Butcher to step back, wringing his fingers and approaching.

"First, allow yourself or your subhumans to harm ordinary people.

"Second, the private spread of compound 5 to create supercriminals."

"Third, illegally invading other countries, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and killing other countries' dignitaries."

"Fourth, killing members of Congress for the benefit of the Walt Group, oh, it's good people and good things..."


Johnson saw Butcher, whose eyes were spitting fire, and reached out to him.

"You also fell for this man's wife!"


": "..."Bucher

: "..." "How many people have you directly or indirectly hurt

?" "Why do you need a reason to kill you?" Azu

opened his mouth, not knowing how he should refute it, and couldn't help but shouted aggrievedly: "I swear! I didn't force her, we got along very well during the three hours we were together!"

""Ma Ja Fake you special code shut up for me!!"

Bucher's old face instantly turned red, and a supersonic crash hit the back of the "Motherlandman", knocking himself to the forehead and Venus in his eyes.

Johnson couldn't bear the Minotaur warrior to continue to lose people, and in a flash, the F cub walked out of his body, bypassed Azu, and punched through Butcher's chest from behind.

Almost the same sharp pain appeared as when he had gained his superpower, and as the pain disappeared, Butcher was horrified to find that his strength was decreasing, and his legs could barely step out as if they had just stepped ashore from the pool, as if they had been poured with lead.

"No, boss..." "

How did you take back the superpower you sent!?"

"Calm down, you're too dependent on this external force."

Joson watched mercilessly as the F cub stripped the "locomotive" character card from Butcher and returned to his body.

Then he turned to look at Azu.

"You always have to pay it back when you come out to mix, "Motherlanders", it's time to make a break.

"No..." Two

demonic tears flowed from the corners of Azu's only holes, and Joson was unmoved, his eyes blooming with a blazing white light far beyond the sun.

"I was wrong before, I'm afraid God doesn't want to see you, so pay attention in the next life!" The

magnetic field strengthened-

"gamma heat rays"!

The strong particle light flow comparable to the core temperature of the sun instantly cut through the neck of the "motherland", and the head that was no longer in the sun was fixed on a terrified expression, and seemed to be a little disbelieving that this was the end of his own, and hesitantly slowly slipped towards the ground.


the headless corpse spewed ten meters of blood, pouring the face of Butcher behind the "Motherlandman".

"Really dead..."

Butcher, who had turned back into an ordinary person, stood up incredulously, his expression did not have the pleasure of revenge, but was full of emptiness and dazedness.

The ultimate goal for which he had been fighting for eight years simply fell in front of him, and the whole process was like a dream.

Joson didn't have time to be a life coach for a bearded old rascal here, raising his hand and throwing him a delicate USB flash drive.

"Here is the experimental record of the Walt Group's use of compound No. 5 for decades, with detailed failure case numbers, do you want it?"


Butcher came to his senses, and although he had lost the power to act recklessly, he still had that lawless smirk on his face.

"Leave it to me!" √

is useless, but the butcher who would rather die himself than bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh has indeed returned!

In a world that Butcher could not see, the F cub habitually stepped forward and grabbed a complete "motherlandman" soul from the corpse.

Although it is a blonde version of the sunny big boy, his eyes are still blank.


cub blasted out a "file smashing fist", Azu's "Man of Steel" did not take effect on the soul, and the exploded Reiko was involved in the cards in the F cub's hand.

[Number of Destiny draws +1.] In

an instant, golden light blooms.


One Punch Man World, City Z.

A black hole portal collapsed and disappeared in the sky, and a figure dressed in black and gold suits appeared over the city.

Johnson glanced in the direction where the no-man's land of Z City was located, and a catapult started with a violent sonic boom, turning into a black shadow and flying away at high speed.

"Wait a minute!"

he suddenly stood still in the air against the rules of physics, and the continuous sonic boom caused by acceleration came to an abrupt end.

"It's all back, and the American comic-style superhero painting style should also be transformed!" At

the thought of it, the complex dark gold force field suit began to peel off layer by layer from the chest, turning into starlight debris and disappearing into the wind.

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