Accompanied by the rhythmic soundtrack that comes with the roar of the "Imperial Engine", the two afterimages continue to use the most basic straight fist to bombard, and there is no routine at all.

Slowing down is like two laymen who have not been trained in martial arts, but they have amazing destructive power because of the speed that is difficult for ordinary people to catch with the naked eye.

The collision of fists and flesh made a muffled sound that shook the mountain, and the electric currents splashed during the battle exploded into ring-shaped craters like the surface of the moon, and the originally lush landscape had long been a mess.

A tall figure sits on a hillside not far away, in front of a charcoal grill full of meat skewers and vegetables.

The charcoal fire brings out the aroma of food, and fresh marinated venison hangs on a wooden rack not far away.

"It's already noon, let's take a break!"

Joson clapped his hands and shouted to the battlefield below.

Boom -

the two afterimages punched each other, and then separated by force.

On one side is King, who is burly but sweating and panting after landing, and on the other side is Saitama, whose clothes have been burned into a beggar costume by electricity, but he doesn't even sweat.

"It's already decent, King. Saitama, who had a strong face, grinned and pulled the tattered clothes on his body, "It's good that I followed Josen's advice and brought spare clothes, otherwise I would be arrested as a pervert when I went back like this."

King wiped his sweat and said modestly, "I still have to thank Saitama and Qiao Sen-san for your guidance." The

two chatted about the battle just now and walked towards the hillside where Joson was, and after walking a few steps, Saitama was attracted by the aroma of barbecued meat, and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

"It's so fragrant

!" "Ha Chuku, King, I'm starving to death!" "Okay!" King's

strong man showed a gentle smile on his face and accelerated his speed to follow.

The amount of food for the three of them is not small, Saitama used to eat less because he had no money, and he really let go of eating those big stomach king competition champions may not be able to eat him.

So Joson went hunting today according to the amount of ten people's meals, and three cute fawns were brutally killed.

"Trouble hand me cumin and paprika.

"Take it.

"Thank you!" The

strips of meat on the meat rack were destroyed one by one, and a large amount of energy was replenished into the body to make up for the consumption in the battle.

Saitama collapsed to the ground, drooling and falling asleep.

Johnson and King were on the sidelines, summarizing the results of the morning's training while helping him understand the magnetic force that was still "propelled by electricity".

"Magnetic field rotation" is a higher force than "electric current push", according to the current practice method, the cell is rubbed at a higher speed, and one day a magnetic field will be born on the basis of electric current.

"I probably understood, a bit like the principle of electromagnetic conversion taught by middle school physics."

"Well, it's not bad to understand it that way.

"Thank you, Josensian-san, I thought I would soon be able to approach my limit, but I didn't expect that my practice had just begun, so I still have to continue to work hard!"


two were chatting, and Joson's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, this is Joson.

"Oh, it's Mr. Cich, what's the matter with me?"

"The new S-class joined, what does this have to do with me, shouldn't it be assessed by the association itself?"

Siqi looked at the information submitted by his subordinate and explained: "That's right, Master Super Police, we have consulted the consultant, and after his recommendation, we would like to ask you to assist in the actual combat test of the new S-class hero.

Johnson turned the roast meat and said, "It's no problem to assist in the test, so it's convenient to ask which consultant?" "It's

Mr. Sweetheart Kamen who is the first in the A-class, he is quite sure of your strength!"


up, Joson was confused.

Isn't "Sweetheart Kamen" very uncaring about the strength of S-class heroes?

It seems that where I don't know, the world line has changed a little.

But it doesn't matter, although "Sweetheart Masquerade" has a little more temper, his personality quality as a hero is still impeccable, and there are even few heroes in the entire hero association who are purer than him.

The strong people in the hero camp are already rare, and Johnson naturally doesn't mind making one more friend.

"Why, Jossen-san, do you have work to be busy?" Hearing

King's inquiry, Jossen waved his hand: "It's okay, it's not today, and it's a small thing that can be completed soon."

"Take a break after lunch and continue in the afternoon, King, are you okay?"

Joson nodded, and the chakra in his body surged and clapped his hands.

"Ninfa, Mixed Earth, Three Rooms, One Hall!"

At King's shocked gaze, the ground of the three rumbled loudly, and a duplex, two-story bungalow-style villa rose up in front of him.

Delicate white jade columns, well-lit semi-transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, a navy blue decorative glazed brick roof, and intricately carved relief designs on the walls and details.

In the forest not far away, lawns, flowers, and green trees flew up and laid out in the bare courtyard of the previous moment.

Finally, Jossen's chest bulged, and a thick column of water erupted from his mouth, all of which landed in the pool surrounded by pebbles.

Doraemon walked out of his body and floated into the villa with a stack of fantasy cards sealed with various furniture and appliances.

Joson patted the non-existent dust on his hands: "It's finished, it's almost time to go in and rest."

"Ah, this, this..." King

, who witnessed this scene, had his tongue knotted, stunned, and his usual strong demeanor was gone.

Although I know that Qiao Sensang is very strong, but the super power of this flat bottom house is also... Is it too strong

?!"What's wrong, what's wrong! Is there an earthquake!?

☉ ☉


Isn't the place where the barbecue was eaten just now a barren hillside, and

what is going on with this high-class manor house in front of you?"

"Or in M City," Johnson greeted, and walked towards the gate first, "Go, take a nap, who lies on the ground and falls asleep!"

Behind him, Saitama listened to King's explanation, and couldn't help but sigh with déjà vu: "Superpower, it's really convenient!"

City A, headquarters of the Heroes Society.

"Master Super Police, please follow me. "

At the seventh training ground of the headquarters, as soon as Johnson entered the door, Siqi, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him.

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