
- Dr. Kenos coughed: "Call boss

!" "Yes - old, board!"

"This guy lacks the will to fight, and originally wanted to destroy it directly.

Dr. Kinos glared angrily at the armed gorilla on his helmet covered in waterfall sweat, looking helpless.

"But the base is currently understaffed, so it is really rude to temporarily punish it for changing to a cleaning post."

"So it is.

After listening to Dr. Kenos' explanation, Johnson nodded and patted the belly of the armed gorilla.

"Then follow the Doctor and do a good job, if you dare to do something bad, I will kill you." The

sweaty armed gorilla stood up and saluted.

“...... Absolutely, yes, no, yes, old, board!!" "

Okay, get busy," waving his hand for the gorilla to get to work, Joson pointed to one of the petri dishes and said, "This time, choose this guy."

Dr. Kenos glanced at the sleeping creature in the petri dish in the direction of his finger and nodded, "Okay, I'll perform the wake-up procedure and let it come out to work for you." Five

minutes later, the pale green culture liquid was emptied, and a gopher weirdo with a sneaky eye in the petri dish suddenly opened his eyes.

The House of Evolution transforms the weirdo, "Earth Dragon".

Calamity Level, Tiger!

Cha -

The awakened earth dragon turned into an afterimage, and quickly fell to the ground, revealing ten sharp claws like drills.

Although the body size is small, the momentum is very amazing, and you can tell from its claws that this guy must be very good at punching holes.

The earth dragon's small inverted triangle eyes swept over the unknown Josson, fell on Dr. Kenos, saluted respectfully, and said sadly: "Doctor, who are you going to assassinate this time! Or who are you going to kidnap!?" Dr. Kinos:


—Oops! Busy deciphering the information brought by the boss, forgot to explain the situation to these fools!"

"You just woke up, and it may not be clear that now our Evolution House is no longer taking over the kind of business you mentioned."

"What, what! has it transformed?" the

earth dragon looked shocked, and no one had told it about it!

Jossen nodded his head in listening, and a word was exposed, this is a previous conviction.

Listening to this guy's style, his business ability is still quite good.

It probably has something to do with its ability to lurk in seclusion.

That's fine, and it's good to use it as a sandbag without psychological pressure.

Jossen snapped his fingers in satisfaction: "Very good, that's it." The

earth dragon still looked strange, but seeing the pitying expression on Dr. Kenos' face, it suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not quite right.

A large hand descended from the sky, and the earth dragon's hair stood upside down, as if sensing that danger was coming.

Driven instinctively by the creature, those ten eye-catching claws of astonishing length split out ten sharp claw shadows in the air.

"Gopher Claw Strike!" The

crossed claw shadow fell on the unsuspecting man's palm, and then made an unusually crisp "click" sound.


It was not the man's fingers, but the ten claws that looked like they were enough to destroy the golden cracking stone, which broke collectively with a brush and fell to the ground with a clang.

The earth dragon was sweating all over his head in pain

: "..."It hurts, it hurts too much!

But it's not important, the important thing is, is it still time to apologize?"


"Bang" smashed the earth dragon with a knife, and Joson grabbed the screaming and fainting gopher freak like a chicken, and greeted Dr. Kinos: "Okay, I'll take this guy first."

"I guess I will come over often these days, don't worry about me, I'll just come and pick it up myself."

Dr. Kinos nodded goodly and pushed his glasses gracefully: "Okay, boss, you are welcome to come at any time." "


M City, suburbs.

Late afternoon.

Bang bang -

the special training operation in the wilderness continues.

For a week in a row, Saitama and King defeated "Asura Earth Dragon", "Asura Frog Man", "Asura Slug Man", "Asura Mantis Man" and other advanced versions of the Evolution House series dragon-level weirdo.

The Asura Unicorn Immortal never dreamed that he was an insect weirdo with so many evolutionary forms.

King learned many uses of magnetic field power under the guidance of Jossen, compared to Saitama, who is used to solving everything with his fists, he was originally a technical flow player, and with the blessing of magnetic field power, his combat power increased greatly.

After a few days, you can fight with dragon-level weirdos back and forth.

On the other hand, Saitama, as the main combat force, felt more and more boring.

Mainly after adapting to the strength of the dragon-level weirdo, the battle became freewheeling, and he had a clearer understanding that he could punch the dragon-level weirdo with a little strength.

Challenge and combat fun plummet.

And after the fight, you have to take care of King's training, and you have to collect your strength to fight, and you are very panicked.

"Saitama-sensei, may I join the special training?" "

Eh, this..."

Saitama turned his head stiffly, and saw Genos with a pen and a notebook in his hand with a look of eagerness written on his face.

Recalling his initial impulse, he felt a headache.

At that time, it really shouldn't have been for a hundred million points... Well, he gave too much

, but since he had already agreed, he still had to take on a little responsibility as a teacher.

Although he didn't know what he could teach a robot apprentice...

"Genos's words, it may be reluctant to deal with this kind of weirdo, right?"

Saitama scratched his head, "How about following Jossen's suggestion and recording the live video of the dragon-level battle first and expanding your battle database?"


So," Saitama thought for a moment, thinking that he should be able to control the situation before the weirdos destroyed Genos, so he nodded, "Then before the King is finished, you can go up and give it a try." Since

Saitama could already easily suppress the dragon-level weirdo, Josen gave him full responsibility for refereeing.

This way, you also have time to go shopping, go to work, or do heroic activities, and when the day is over, you can come back and collect the weirdo cards.

"Would Genos want to give it a try? Hearing

Saitama's call in the sky, King Supassia's golden aura burst out, and the magnetic field power suddenly condensed in his right arm, smashing out a shocking punch that swirled thunder!

On the opposite side, King attacked with full force, and after a slight stunned, he was hit in the brain by a golden fist wrapped in huge force.

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