The Tornado sisters whispered on the side, and Joson's ears on the side moved slightly.

Under the perceptual coverage of the "heart net", even the smallest voice cannot escape his ears.

Sure enough, as long as the spiritual power reaches a certain limit, even if it is not a substitute messenger, he can see the substitute. What I have encountered so far is Saitama and Tornado.

It's not a big deal, though.

The current F cub is also one of the powerful combat units, and if you upgrade it again, you basically don't have to worry about the problem that the double is broken and affects the body.


the other side, Saitama thought back to the situation in the kitchen and said, "Now in the kitchen, it's Genos and that guy with white pointy hair who is busy." "

Good fellow, white pointy hair....

Joson couldn't help but think of such a scene, a hungry wolf with an unhappy face wearing a black and white apron of the same style as Genos, his strong muscles bulging, and frantically washing and folding vegetables by the pool.


strong sense of discord arose.

He couldn't help but look at it, according to Saitama's description, the hungry wolf was sent by Bungu to wash the vegetables?

Johnson looked at Bungu who was greeting King over there in surprise, the old man smiled like a spring breeze, God knows how he persuaded the hungry wolf to come into the kitchen to work.

You know, that guy is a super training maniac who has been practicing 24 hours a day!

After another half an hour, the sky has completely darkened.

GooooThe restaurant has long been prepared with a high-power induction cooker and an oversized hot pot, and the whole Sichuan-style butter pot has been boiled until it boils, and the fresh and spicy aroma has wafted in the air.

A large number of fresh meat and vegetarian shabu and hot pot dishes were served by the kitchen champion and runner-up duo and placed on wooden shelves around the dining table.

As Johnson expected, the hungry wolf who was arranged to go to the kitchen to do miscellaneous work was indeed full of unhappiness.

However, it seems that because he was also invited to eat hot pot, he did not mean to disobey the master.

Genos put down the last plate of tender beef with black pepper and immediately reported: "Teacher, Mr. Qiaosen, Master Bungu, the dishes are basically served!"

Saitama's eyes flashed, "Then what are you waiting for, King, come and sit!" King

got up and walked, and at the same time moved his fingers, and the fighting intent under his eyes appeared, "Okay, I'm ready."

As Johnson beckoned King to sit down, he shouted to the two sisters drinking tea in the courtyard: "Tornado, blowing snow, it's time for dinner!"

"Hehe, everyone, take a seat!" As

Bungu greeted, people scattered throughout the room gathered.

The hungry wolf sat down next to Genos, and seemed to have recognized this transformed person who had defeated him.

Saitama sits on the other side of Genos, next to Bungu and King.

Johnson gave way to the two Tornado sisters who arrived, and as a result, the person sitting next to him turned into a hungry wolf.

Hungry Wolf: "..."


Beside him was an opponent who had just defeated him in the Disciple Cup, and the other was an enemy who wanted revenge but felt that he had no chance of winning, and the pointy-haired rebellious young man in Saitama's mouth suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Cheers!" ×N

beer, sake, and various cold drinks were held high, and everyone took a sip, and the first official gathering of the hot pot group and the superstandard staff was announced.

As the various ingredients are put into the pot in turn, the boiling soup quickly cooks the aroma of the ingredients.

The members of the old hot pot group were silent, four pairs of chopsticks were as fast as a violent wind, fast as lightning, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning knives above the hot pot!

The old members had already gulped "sha" and showed off their meals.


It's so spicy

!" "Yes!" "But it's so cool!"

"..." Seeing

a few stinky men eating meat, Tornado couldn't help but mouthful, and the hot pot in front of him seemed to become more delicious.

She remembered the conversation between Johnson and King in M City, and a flash of understanding flashed under her eyes, and muttered: "It turns out that what they said is what they mean, this thing, is it to rush to eat, right?"

"Bingo!" Joson thoughtfully handed over the bowl and chopsticks, the bowl was already filled with the pre-adjusted sauce, "Ready, the next round is about to start!" The

green shimmer surged, and the tornado's eyes flashed with interest, and he used Nian Power to take the bowl and chopsticks in Qiao Sen's hand.


the other side of Josson, the hungry wolf frowned, and he actually didn't see any of the movements of the four people who shot just now!


- no wonder you have to prepare so many ingredients, the so-called eating hot pot is such a level of battle!

Immediately afterwards, Genos, who had already seen the tragic battle situation of the hot pot group, also took a deep breath.

——The real battle begins, teacher, I will

do my best!!

"The devil transforms man", see! Blowing

snow: "..."˃̣̣̥᷄


- what to do! How can this be eaten?

The second round of ingredients quickly came down to the pot, and with the aroma of shabu meat, the dull blowing snow couldn't help but swallow spit.

In the next second, a small bowl full of sliced meat and vegetables was brought to the front by a big hand, Blowing Snow was stunned, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes, only to make sure that he wasn't dreaming!"

"King, Mr. King?"

Blowing Snow looked over with a stunned gaze, King smiled gently, and the golden thunder and lightning on his arm dissipated, "This time I used male chopsticks, eat it quickly, Miss Blowing Snow, the hot vegetables in the hot pot are not delicious when they are cold." Smelling

the hot pot aroma, Blowing Snow was overjoyed: "Ah, thank you! Great help!!" Under

King's care, a B-class chief hero who accidentally mixed into the middle of many S-class plus a god-level weirdo reserve finally ate a bite, and was moved to tears.

Right now, the tall man with three scars on his face looked particularly affectionate in her eyes.


pair of chopsticks emitting a brilliant green light nimbly bypassed the murderous battlefield and fished out a piece of soft and tender veal from the middle of the tumbling base.

Chopsticks came to the tornado with beef between them, and she learned how Joson dipped the sauce in the bowl, and then took a bite.

“...... "It's so hot!!" "


and spicy..." A green shadow was so hot that it flew all over the room, and the corner of Jossen's eyes twitched, grabbed the green algae head that had been spicy with tears, handed over a bottle of cold soda, and said, "Take a sip." "

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