Hearing Saitama's words, Genos drank tea.

The electronic probe in the eyes of the young man contracted and focused, and the "energy scanning module" function was fully turned on!

The golden electronic eye suddenly bloomed with a flashlight-like spotlight, and the electric eye scanned the entire apartment compellingly.

Saitama: Is

this the legendary two-eye light?!

After some probing and finding nothing, Genos turned off the scanning module and answered truthfully: "I didn't see it, teacher!"

——Another picture that was not captured by the "ultra-high-speed camera recording module", the strength of the teacher is really terrifying! No, it seems that you have to hurry to find Dr. Cuseyno to strengthen the overall perception module! Otherwise, even the teacher's movements will not be able to keep up!

"... Probably?" Genos said that he didn't see it, and Saitama just thought that he was dazzled, and waved his hand without care, "Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway."

"Yes," Genos nodded, and then looked at the ceiling as if thinking of something, "Then teacher, allow me to check the lighting system of the apartment completely tomorrow!"

"Huh?" The corner of Saitama's eyes twitched unconsciously, and suddenly he felt as if he had asked the wrong person, "This is not necessary, it is too much trouble for you, Genos..."

"It's okay, teacher!" Genos seemed to shoulder an important responsibility, and explained in a deep voice, "Because I am a modified person, the body is loaded with a conduction module that can interact with the outside world, for me, it is not difficult to check the civilian circuits and equipment, and it is related to the safety of your residence, such a thing must not be careless!"

Saitama wiped his face helplessly: "Uh, well..."


—— I made a mistake, I already knew that I wouldn't ask this kid!


In the bathroom, Johnson did not pay attention to what the master and apprentice were chatting about in the living room.

Of course, it's okay to hear it.

Anyway, with Saitama's getting stronger speed, the secret of the F cub will soon be unsafe.

It was normal for him to see the special effects when the avatar ability was activated.

It's just that how to introduce the F cub at that time, this is a problem.

Johnson glanced at the purple-bordered fantasy card floating in front of him after fusion, and the image of the dead fish-eyed bald head that was still grinning was suddenly inspired.

If you have it, just call it a "hairline nurse"!


Fantasy Card: Limiter Breakthrough ACT5

] [Card Type: Special Card

] [Rarity: SR] [

Introduction: Unknown fragments fused, the power of the invisible concept. 【

Effect 1: Restriction lifted

】【Specify any thing to break through the limit of one race growth.】 【

Effect 2: Controllable breakthrough

】【Select a certain attribute of any thing to break through the limit of racial growth.】 【

Effect 3: Limit Unfolding

】【Specify any thing and randomly get a new extraordinary ability.】 【

Effect 4: Over-limit Evolution】

【Obtain ten units of "Evolution Power", choose an extraordinary ability for transcendent evolution, derive new abilities or complete qualitative upgrades, and can be used continuously before exhaustion. Gathering

more conceptual power called "hair loss", this time the "limiter breakthrough" rarity has finally reached SR.

Leveling up is a good thing, but it also means that this newbie package from Saitama is nearing its end.

Use once less once.


Life is not easy, sighed.

After sighing, Johnson paid attention to the specific effect of the "limiter breakthrough".

After receiving all the card information, he found that the "Limiter Breakthrough ACT5" was not much changed from the previous version.

The only difference is that the "evolutionary power" given by "Transcendent Evolution" has skyrocketed from one unit to tenfold, and the version change can be called simple and crude.

Joson, who has already experienced it once, knows that this is a rare good thing.


A strange sound sounded in the bathroom, and Joson quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his mouth, trying to say good things to his stand-in: "That, F cub, or let's discuss something..." A

large purple hand suddenly stretched out in the void, and under Jossen's gaze, he blatantly removed the dazzling and attractive SR-level "limiter breakthrough" in the air that was as dazzling and attractive as a purple gem, and left the elegant and fragrant voice of the F cub in his consciousness.

[Don't, no, roll.]

Josson: "..."...

I'm Nima!"


The sun hangs high.

The sky is blue, and the clouds are curled together, like balls of marshmallows floating above the sky.

On the ground, a middle-aged farmer with five short stature and glasses is loading his pickup truck with weeds.

The farm is stocked with ostrich-like two-legged chickens, scattered around pecking at the ground in search of food.

A scene of peace and tranquility.

"Whew—" The

weather was hot, and the farmer, who had been working for half a day, took off his straw hat and fanned it, gasped for breath and lit a cigarette in his hand.


- there was a roar from above, and something seemed to pass by in the sky at great speed!


The startled farmer quickly looked up, just in time to see a stream of light falling from the sky, "booming" on the nearby plain

! "Wow-" The farmer was so frightened that even the smoke fell to the ground, and he quickly stepped forward to step on it, and said to himself in surprise, "What was it just now?

He quickly ran to his pickup truck and started the accelerator with a "boom": "Then hurry up and take a look!!" At

this moment, the space directly in front of the car was distorted without warning, and then a small black hole suddenly appeared.

The farmer, who was so frightened that he jumped up with his car, stomped on the brakes in sweat, so he didn't eject and start, and crashed into

the black hole! A burly and tall figure walked out of it, and the next second the black hole collapsed and disappeared, and the distorted and restored space triggered a strong wind.

The uncle who popped his head out of the car window was blown away by the sudden strong wind, and when his vision was restored, he found that there was only a tall young man in front of him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Depend, stinky boy, who are you!

The irascible farmer uncle in a plaid top and suspenders had reached out and touched a shotgun, slammed the car door and jumped off the pickup, pointing the gun at Joson vigilantly.

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