"Why hasn't the invaders been eliminated yet, he's only one person!" The

high-level Zitauri general with an independent consciousness is frantically gathering his army and launching an attack on Josen!

"General, the target is using unknown means to split five individuals and is slaughtering our army

!" "Their physical strength is comparable to that adult, our attack is completely ineffective!" "

General, order a retreat, this is not an enemy we can deal with!

General Zitauri's eyes were fierce, and the head of the aide who suggested retreat exploded on the spot like a ripe watermelon, and he shot his head with a precise shot.

The general opened his fangs and roared viciously: "Now retreat, how do you let me explain to His Majesty

and that lord!?" A

voice in the cabin that was very different from the Zitari accent sounded: "I don't have to explain it!" Including

the general, all the high-ranking Zitauri people were stunned in unison, and then looked at the dark figure wearing a scarlet cloak that suddenly appeared on the bridge, and his face changed greatly!

"That demon is coming

!" "Kill him!!"


the crimson gold "heat ray" swept across the field, except for the general, all the heads of the Zitari generals were counted one by one, and the basketball rolled down.

A beautiful boy in a suit walked out of Jossen's body, and the soul particles scattered around him were immediately inhaled by his storm, turning into an ugly dog food card and joining the card library.

No way, the Zitari in the MCU were cut too hard, ordinary soldiers earthlings can clean up with a pistol, and the senior generals are similar to Thanos' other large army vanguard guard.

Apart from being reduced to reinforcement material, the only function is...

[Number of Destiny draws +18.]

F cub: In terms of explosion rate, I would like to call it the poorest.

Watching the headless corpses of his subordinates fall to the ground one after another, General Zitari lost his voice for a while.

"Give you a chance, take me to Thanos, and spare your life."

Joson put his hands behind his back, and the corners of his mouth had an ancestral version of a nuclear smile: "How?" "

Go and die, for the glory of Lord Chief... Ahhh!!!"

General Zitauri's vision was inexplicably occupied by the huge fist that appeared in the black species and the bright red big "death" word.

Before he finished his cruel words, Joson had already withdrawn his mosaic-stained fist, and General Zitauri's headless corpse "plopped" to the ground!

SR dog food cards and the number of card draws increased by one again, and the force field fist sleeve on Jossen's hand underwent a high-speed vibration, and the blood stains and dirt that had just been stained were thrown off, and it became brand new in an instant.

Immediately, he said to himself: "Che, if it is not without you, I will not find Thanos." "

After a meeting between Garden Star and Thanos, Joson was very impressed by Thanos' unique aura in the universe.

Although this time comes to a parallel universe of the past timeline, Thanos' breath will not change in any way.

When the F cub made General Zitari's soul particles into cards, Joson teleported away from the strangely shaped Zitari mothership, and the energy of destruction condensed in his hand.

At this moment, Johnson suddenly saw a familiar golden-red figure pushing a one-man-tall nuclear bomb into the portal.

"Eh, is the nuclear bomb still launched?"

Johnson casually threw the qigong bomb in his hand towards the Chitauri mothership, flashed over to catch the 2012 version of Iron Man whose mask armor had been extinguished, and threw the nuclear bomb that was about to explode to the side.

The MK7-type warframe worn by Tony in 2012 does not have special settings for the vacuum environment of the universe, and the energy is almost exhausted before carrying the nuclear bomb, and the protection effect on the user after passing through the portal is greatly reduced.

At this moment, 2012 Tony was almost frozen by the low temperature of the vacuum of the universe, and was about to face the danger of suffocation.

Even so, at the last moment before he lost consciousness, he tried to look at the Zitari mothership in front of him.

It wasn't until he saw the huge spaceship flashing a little unusually bright fire, which then triggered a chain of huge explosions, that he fainted with relief.

Before the emergency transfer of this accidental nuclear bomb, Tony did not expect it to have much effect, but in a blur of consciousness, he saw that the nuclear bomb actually detonated the mothership of the alien civilization, and before he fell unconscious, he did not forget to pout and complain: "It's really a weak and bird civilization." "

Zitari people: Grandma drop, how dare the little earth insult me.

Reading this wasteful idea through the "Heart Network", the corners of Jossen's mouth twitched slightly.

Passing it on, Iron Man Tony Stark saved the world! Holding the cold MK7 armor in his arms, Joson couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "Sure enough, no matter what era Tony Stark

is, he is a guy who doesn't make people worry."

With that, he flew with 2012 Tony towards the closing portal below.


The Hydra operator on the side took one look at his new arrival, and asked with concern, "Hey, are you all right, man?"

Tony touched his nose and smiled: "Thanks, brother, just choked on the dust." The

tactical eyepiece covered most of his face, and the Hydra operator who had just been dispatched only felt that the mustache in front of him was really a little sexy, shrugged his shoulders and leaned close to his ear and said: "Indeed, the environment here is too bad, we have to take a shower twice when we go back... Tony:


"Wang De... Let's talk about it!"



A group of avengers saw the explosion of the spaceship through the void of the sky dome, but they were not happy in their hearts.

Because the figure they had been waiting for for a long time did not look like it was about to appear.


," the scarred captain sighed and said into the headset, "close the door." Black

Widow will stab the "Psychic Scepter" into the energy shield of the teleportation machine, and the next moment, the energy emitted by the "Cosmic Cube" rapidly decreases, and the portal gradually shrinks.

"No-" There

was a mournful roar from the top floor of the building, and it turned out that Loki, who had just regained consciousness, struggled to get up from the pit.

I have to say that the Frost Giant royal bloodline is to resist beating.

This is my first step to the King of the Nine Realms, why do you foolish mortals always rebel against your gods..."

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