The injuries in the body were pulled, and the severely injured Titan Tyrant once again spewed out a mouthful of purple old blood, and once again turned into a dying state with only one breath left.

The emperor of the end opened his mouth, stared at Qiao Sen with the only intact eyes in his body, and laughed miserably: "You won, young Eternals, what do you want to take from me, just do it..."


Thanos:"..." Johnson

controlled the King Kong chain to hang Thanos, casually snapped his fingers, a dazzling golden rule line swirled with electric sparks, and in an instant, a circular "dimensional gate" opened in front of the two people.

"This is..."

Thanos raised his head with difficulty, looking towards the portal suspiciously, and a huge warship that covered the sky came into view, it was the car that had accompanied him for many years, "Temple Two".

Thanos, who had never feared death, suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart: "You... "

You should love your daughter very much, right?"

Jossen's words with an evil smile resounded like a thunder in Thanos's mind, the eyes of the titan tyrant were suddenly filled with actual anger, and the dying body actually burst out with a huge force, shaking the Vajra chain that pierced into the flesh and blood!


held Thanos out in one step, and the golden "Dimensional Gate" closed behind the two, they had already crossed the sea of stars and came to the front of the stationed "Temple Two"

, sensing the intruder's spaceship immediately entered a state of alert, hundreds of giant naval guns turned one after another, flashing with a strong light of charge, aiming at the two people who suddenly appeared.

"Wait a minute, that is..."

Thanos' dog-legged Ebony throat widened his eyes in shock, and he was surprised to find that the big purple man who was held in his hand by the blue-haired man like a dead dog was actually ...

“...... Lord Thanos?!" The

well-informed ebony throat pupil was shocked by a fifteen-magnitude earthquake, and he found that his brain was suddenly insufficient.

"Don't hurt my daughter! Kamora, run... Hmm!! the Thanos

in Josson's hand was still roaring, and a circle of golden chains popped out of thin air, tightly wrapping his mouth and closing.

The next moment, Qiao Sen ignored the layers of defense of "Temple Two" with the positioning of the "Heart Net" and teleported to one of the quiet rooms.


- Sensing that an outsider suddenly broke into his room, the green-skinned but enchanting Kamora moved to grab the "God Slayer" dagger under the pillow, and the two symmetrical blades unfolded in a clang, entering a fighting stance as the master held it.

"What are you... Father?!" The

shocking scene in front of her made Kamora subconsciously open her mouth, she never thought that the tyrant father who made her love and hate appeared in front of her in such an embarrassing posture.

Kamora remembered when she was adopted by Thanos, and she clearly remembered that her family, people, and even her home planet were destroyed at the hands of this purple-skinned tyrant.

Although he only ordered the killing of half of the aborigines, chaos and natural disasters ensued, and finally turned the civilized planet into a dead silence.

However, the man she should have hated all her life reached out to her in the ruins and corpses, and raised her like a biological father.

Hatred and family affection are intertwined, so that Gamora often does not know how to face the enemy who single-handedly raised her.

At this time, without waiting for Kamora to react, the blue-haired man in front of him had already snapped his fingers lightly.

Immediately, her bumpy mature body suddenly tightened, and the next moment she was firmly tied up in the form of tortoiseshell bound by the same golden chain on Thanos

! "Hmm!!" Thanos

' eyes shed tears of pain and remorse, no matter how many murders he has committed in this life, but his feelings for his adopted daughter are true.

At this time, the captured Gamora, was still confused.

She subconsciously used the flexible skills she had cultivated over many years of assassination to break free, but she never thought that the golden chains on her body tightened again as if they had spirituality, making her let out a soft snort of pain.

Seeing that Gamora was no longer struggling and tied up, Joson nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to leave, the door to the room suddenly opened, and it turned out that the "loyal ebony throat" led an army to surround Kamora's room.

"Damn intruder, I order you to let go of your lord, otherwise..."

Ebony stopped abruptly before he finished speaking, and the eyes of the high-level pioneer guards behind him just lit up with a fierce red light, and then turned into sluggishness.

In front of them, the dark figure in the scarlet cloak surged with a golden light like the sun in his eyes, and this scene made the ebony throat sweat stand upside down, and he waved his hand to lay hundreds of mental barriers in front of him!


terrifying ray of astonishing brightness swept through the deep space of the universe, and the bulkhead of "Temple Two" was pierced straight through by the deadly pattern of "heat rays" like paper paste!

Killing the heart-saving ebony throat, Joson raised his hand, and a golden flash brewed in his palm.

"Oh, I was going to let you go," as he spoke, Joson put his hands together in front of him, and the condensed "qi" between his palms was free from the golden electric light, as if it had been compressed to the extreme, "Then destroy!"

"Ultimate flash"!

The great move from the prince bloomed in "Temple Two" No. 2, and a round of shockwaves like Mars hitting the earth swept out in all directions, forming a bright ripple light path in the universe.

The three people who have teleported into the universe quietly watched this unprecedented brilliant fireworks, watching countless Thanos legions all shattered in this star-devastating explosion and completely perished!


large number of soul particles are scattered in the universe, and the F-cub decisively consumes an SR "Chitauri" to open the exclusive skill "Fantasy Moment", and the tenfold panel increase for a full ten minutes is not for Euler's enemies, but for......


stand-in ability was launched, and the "Destiny Draw" rose wildly, jumping a dozen "+10086" in a row before giving up.

Correspondingly, there were more than 100,000 "Pioneer Guard" brand dog food cards in the F cub's card library, which made him feel distressed.


: "..."

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