The purple pillar of light converted from the dark energy suddenly expanded in the roar of Dormammu, and the space was torn and distorted as a result, and the thick energy wave was as magnificent as a star destroyer!

The destructive sun at the center of the opposite wave did not move at all, but only intensified the speed of expansion!

Dormammu: ?


At the same time, the person who came to twist his waist and raise his hand in the volley, his stretched figure was like a bowstring that was pulled full of the bow by a peerless fierce bow, and the strong arm with bulging muscles pulled out a nearly perfect semicircle -

snapping !!

"knights do not die with bare hands", with a treasure, "Josen の手".

The increase in unarmed attack power is 199 times

! Although the increase in value has lost its meaning in the face of infinity, the photon special effect brought by the concept of treasure is really attached

! The "dark dimension" was distorted and deformed in front of the palm that fell from the sky, and in a trance, Dormammu actually saw a star-sized slap phantom from the ordinary human palm!

Suddenly appeared in front of Dormammu's avatar, the slap thrown by Johnson actually reverberated in the dead and silent dark time and space!

In Dormammu's incredulous gaze, a mountain of superhuman divine power suddenly erupted from his small body that was not worth mentioning compared to him, punching a huge gully into the face of his avatar composed of dark energy, across the entire cheek!

At the same time, the failure of the counterwave caused the huge energy accumulated inside the temporary sun to suddenly become unbalanced, and a large explosion that swept through countless dark galaxies occurred in an instant.

Qiao Sen, who was at the center of the explosion, carried his back hand unguardedly, and at this moment, the "dark dimension" in front of him was brighter than ever!

The deep black fog that could not be penetrated by any light suddenly closed, and a mysterious figure wearing the same black robe as the Warmir Star Red Skull, whose body was completely composed of burning magic flames like a flame demon, surfaced and walked out of the deepest darkness.

This person is none other than the notorious World Devourer, Dimensional Demon God, Dark Lord, and Evil God -


Ontology form.

"This human..."

- Bah, fart

human!--That bastard who inexplicably invaded is clearly a dimensional demon god who transforms into human form!

Recalling the terrifying divine power that tore apart the dark avatar in an instant, the magical flames burning above Dormammu's skull rose a few meters

! Obviously, you now say that Joson is a cosmic god who comes to him to believe!

At this time, Dormammu thought that he had mastered Josen's true identity, and he decided to condense a stronger incarnation again, to question which old Bichi was idle and okay, and ran to find his happiness in this way.

Even the dimensional demon gods who sit on the top of the world have to have their own circle, although they are powerful in this world, but the editor slips casually, and the hero camp on the opposite side will always have old characters who have been epic strengthened, or a ruthless character who has never been seen but is ridiculously strong will emerge.

As a result, their group of top background boards have to engage in some hellish friendship from time to time, which may be to enhance their feelings and join forces to engage in big events, or they may secretly plan and pit a big fortune.

Just as the so-called peers are wronged, so the probability of the latter is greater.

Just as Dormammu held the entire larger Dark Incarnation and descended again, a brief light and vacuum appeared in the dark dimension swept by the explosion.

The surrounding dark matter went crazy to fill the vacant place, but the speed of darkness spreading was far less than the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second, and unless Dormammu used the authority of the dimensional lord to forcibly repair it, it could only slowly return to darkness through the passage of time.

In the center of the light, the two Josons stood side by side, with a perfectly symmetrical nuclear smile on their faces.

Josson, who is opposite to the evil god Dormammu, is naturally the body, and the shadow doppelganger who sneaks out and exhales his coconut shoe heel and big face is naturally a shadow doppelganger summoned by Jossen with both hands.

It turns out that Josson, who has the power of complete infinity, has been promoted to infinity itself.

Now his strength has exceeded the upper limit of the single universe, and he can even shake the multiverse in serious mode, and he has touched the threshold of that group of cosmic gods.

Even if the summoned shadow avatar had to cut off half of the basic attributes according to the existing rules, the remaining half would still be infinite.

That's why his shadow avatar will so easily burst Dormammu's dark avatar when using ordinary series of body arts.

What is the gold content of the "god of the world"!?

(Monkey King slap table + tactical reclining. JPG)

entered the "dark dimension", Joson had a preliminary idea in his mind.

Now seeing the strength of his own shadow avatar beautiful boy, the "Jo-level brain" is running rapidly, and a complete plan has been planned.

With the advantage of "Heart Net", Qiao Sen pulled the shadow avatar beautiful boy to whisper for a while, then raised his hand to pat the shadow avatar's shoulder, and said, "The next thing will be hard for you."

"No problem, another me. The shadow doppelganger looked bright, "Everything is arranged by fate, if I can't come back, please put three roses in front of my tombstone."

Josson: "..."(

ー' ́ー)

How does this sound wrong.


GUN, less in that crime!" Josson went up and kicked Jio, "Even if you explode in place, it's just a return, and the ghost will erect a tombstone for you!"

The shadow doppelganger who was kicked out flew exaggerated to the edge of the light, saying commotion while disappearing into the inky deep darkness.

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