In the midst of his thoughts, Dormammu's body finally realized that something was wrong -

he had long ceased to be a human, so what was the feeling of the senses that belonged to human beings now?

At the same time as Joson struck, the dark shadow doppelganger was not idle.

Taking advantage of Dormammu's being firmly controlled by the body, he no longer insisted on extracting the darkness under Dormammu by hundreds of millions of points, but with a wave of his hand, he used the authority of the Lord of Darkness to merge the two "dark dimensions" that were divided into one!

The imprisoned Dormammu, although unable to move, is not unable to think.

As a veteran villain in this world, Dormammu is very strong, notorious and successful, and even the cosmic gods cannot sanction him in the "dark dimension".

But again, he wasn't strong enough, and was often played by mages from small places.

Dormammu's situation at this time is no different from when he fell into Strange's time loop trap, knowing what he was going through, but unable to break free.


that hateful thief devouring the dark authority that originally belonged to him, looking more and more skilled, his heart was literally dripping blood!

But no matter how much hatred and fury in Dormammu's heart surged up, now he has no choice, even suicide to return to the dark origin

! "


," the evil god Dormammu's desperate shout, the dark shadow avatar that had digested all the power of darkness transformed, the vast and boundless dark origin shrank into a quantum-level singularity, and the huge star-like body returned to its normal size.

The dark shadow doppelganger who looked no different from ordinary people slowly walked to Qiao Sen wearing a red cloud robe on a black background, and gestured with his head: "It's okay, another me, give it to me." Joson

: "..."—this is very expressive!

He directly released Dormammu, who was firmly locked by infinite power, resisted the urge to kick Jio, and said in disgust: "No problem, but can you not die here!"

No, now he is one of the leaders of Marvel's villains, smiling compassionately, and bowing his head: "Okay!" "


Looking at the two as if two cotton mill owners discussed the purchase of production tools to determine their belonging, the evil god personality that has not been completely stripped has guided Dormammu to see his final end!

The dark flames above Dormammu's head skyrocketed in the violent mood swings, and he was about to shout and curse them not to die well!


- Dormammu's expression solidified on the face of the flame skeleton of the body, and then the body became two-dimensional, turning into a charred bear biscuit, and even the twisted and deformed evil god standing painting on it could not be seen clearly.

The dark shadow doppelganger stretched out his hand, and the evil god card biscuits floating in the void automatically flew and were casually held by him.

Joson looked at this scene with a strong sense of vision, the corner of his eyes twitched, and he saw that the dark shadow doppelganger was not too dirty, and directly threw the last bit of essence concentrated by

Dormammu into his mouth! Fat version of Majin Buu: Biscuits! Delicious

! Melts in the mouth, crunchy!

At this point, the dark shadow avatar devoured Dormammu's divine body and mastered the complete power of darkness.

A generation of evil god Dormammu did not even leave his last words, so he turned into dog food and completely led the dog.

The dark shadow doppelganger stretched out, and the red clouds on the black robe turned into dark divine fire.

"It's dark here, too, I don't understand Dormammu!" he

shook his head and sighed, "Only light can create true darkness, so..."


this moment, the dark shadow doppelganger said as he spoke, and as his words fell

, the entire "dark dimension" boiled at almost the same time! The darkness entrenched in all space began to contract, and the decayed, broken, and dead dark stars in the dimension were like grass that rejuvenated under the spring breeze, bursting out the breath of life and being reborn from death

! ! In just a moment, the darkness on all kinds of stars completely peeled off, and one by one the hot stars turned into a shimmering sea of stars, burning in the dimensional universe.

One by one, planets from different worlds have been revived, and countless lives have been born in the reappeared forests and oceans!

At this time, the darkness has lost its original colorfulness, and even all members have shrunk to the edge of the entire dimension.

However, it is precisely the reappearance of life, fire and light that makes the darkness at the edge of the dimension appear more pure.

Joson thought thoughtfully, looking at his own dark shadow doppelganger who had become a dimensional demon god.

Looking at the "dark dimension" that is no different from the ordinary universe, the dark shadow avatar triumphantly crossed his hands at his waist, and asked for credit to the body: "It's done, another me!" Jossen: "


enough, it's just an illusion!"

I'll go back and try whether the quantum entanglement of infinite power is good or not. The

dark shadow doppelganger nodded gladly: "Okay, another me!" Joson

launched the "Infinite Heart Network" to check, determined that the entire "Dark Dimension" was empty, and there was no longer any remnant of the predecessor, then opened a black hole portal and prepared to leave.

"Huh?" Johnson

looked down and saw a hand holding the corner of his clothes, and three beautiful question marks appeared on his head.


The other me, since I will be reduced to darkness for a long time and become a substitute for Ru in this world, there must always be a name for the world to praise." Joson

kicked over: "... Speak human language. The

dark shadow doppelganger rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Hehe, they have become the lord of the dimension, give me a name or code name, and distinguish it from other little dishes!

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