Behind the hungry wolf's rushing figure, a fierce demon phantom seemed to rise, and the fist wrapped around the blue energy was like a torrent falling from the sky, smashing head-on towards the green watermelon head on the opposite side!


the "undocumented knight" was not injured, the entire arm was numb in the shock of penetrating the body, and even his body sank

! But he dived down and twisted his waist, and the continuous rotation swept his legs to catch the whirlwind flying kick in the middle section, instantly setting off a high-speed rotating green whirlwind!

""Justice Whirlwind"!!" "

Snap -

the hungry wolf clapped his knees to block continuously, but was swept out by the last powerful whirlwind kick and flew out nearly ten meters!

Joson in the audience was bright.

In addition to practicing the "Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist", the "Undocumented Knight" also followed him to learn the Qiao's Gang Fist Flow Fist Method with Konoha Ryu as the core.


now it seems that a reckless hero like "Undocumented Knight" is still more suitable for this kind of straight and fierce punch method! As for

the hungry wolf's heart voice heard in the "Heart Net", the corners of Qiao Sen's mouth raised slightly.

——Disobey, you come to bite me

! ('▽ ́)

This is the joy of bullying under-level bosses!


The fighting on the field continues.

Landing is only a momentary stalemate, the hungry wolf steps a little, and the figure turns into a black shadow flashing in a Z shape and rushes up

! The fingertips that have been trained for a long time accurately hit the gap in the defense of the "undocumented knight", and the "tooth insertion" in the flowing water fist broke the defense to open the situation, followed by a violent elbow, the toe wearing ordinary cloth shoes almost stepped on the floor, and a whip leg that shattered the rock was ready to strike! !

A series of fierce attacks like flowing water without stopping, the "undocumented knight" knows that his flowing water fist attainment is far inferior to the opposite, once he has the upper hand, it will be followed by a stormy speeding combo

! In an instant, the final result of the forced defense, the "undocumented knight" suddenly took a deep breath, opened his arms, and used his body to hard catch the punch and elbow of the hungry wolf, and before he could kick out his whip leg, his mouth suddenly burst out

! "Righteous roar"!!

The roar of blessing the power of justice was deafening, the soft control skill successfully played a deterrent effect, and the hungry wolf's movements were obviously sluggish

! At this moment, the thrusters on the arms and soles of the feet of the "undocumented knight" erupted at the same time, and the orange-red jets that converged formed an amazing driving force, hugging the front of a flying bear and hugging the hands and waist of the hungry wolf, and then rushing into the sky

! "Justice Capture"!!

The ceiling of the martial arts venue was knocked out of a large hole by two people, and the hungry wolf only had time to leave a stunned meme, and was caught and rushed straight to the sky!!


, he knew that "undocumented knights" often trained under Jossen, and he couldn't help but ask, "Josen-kun, what kind of path is this?"

A mysterious smile hung on the corner of Josson's mouth.

"Let them both fly a little longer. "


In the sky, the hungry wolf was captured by the brute force of the "undocumented knight", and wanted to struggle but found that the other party's strength was far above him

! "You want to purr and purr..."

As soon as he spoke, the high-altitude wind brought by the rocket's soaring speed poured into his mouth wildly, causing his face to be blown into the ripples continuously, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence!

! The limiter was lifted several times under the "Potential Guidance Technique", and the "Undocumented Knight" was in a rock-solid state of mind at this time, calculating the upper limit of damage that the hungry wolf's body could bear, he turned off the fire abruptly, drifted 180° and turned around, and then the thruster was fully opened!!"

This move was called - "In the violent high-air flow, the "Undocumented Knight" spit out extremely clear words under the protection of the energy mask shield unfolded by the nano vibranium suit, and shouted in a deep voice, ""Justice Aoyi Epirenka"!


The words did not fall, the acceleration of gravity and the full power acceleration of the suit accelerated, and at the same time, the hungry wolf only felt that the sky was spinning for a while.

The "Undocumented Knight" followed the meaning of Qiao's gang fist flow, and spun up extremely quickly with the momentum of falling!!

The vision of the hungry wolf was simply shaken into a lump of mush, and at a glance, after climbing thousands of meters, the distant earth approached at great speed, and a familiar building and a familiar big hole were close in an instant!!


In the loud noise, dust and smoke rose in the martial arts venue, and Qiao Sen prepared the force field protection in advance, so neither he nor Bungu was affected.

The trainees did not have such good treatment, and they were choked by the smoke, but while covering their mouths and coughing, they all poked their heads and looked at the center of the field, which had become a large crater.

"What's wrong

?" "If you fall down from such a high place, you will die, right?"

"This is too messy!"


In the midst of the discussion, there was a "kara" sound of sand and gravel being pushed at the bottom of the pit.

"Ahem... You, let me go!!"

Definitely won't let go!!

"The trainees: "..."

Hearing that the two actually had the strength to quarrel, the trainees were also relieved, but then they were speechless

- just this Mars hit the earth-like competition, is the protagonist really these two naïve guys?


with the world line that the "undocumented knight" was ravaged by the original time and space, the roles of the two have been reversed.

At that time, the "undocumented knight" who was beaten and bloodied was undoubtedly the "undocumented knight" who stepped forward to stop the hungry wolf with a warm blood, and now, the "undocumented knight" with the nano vibranium suit protective body is unscathed, but the hungry wolf with blood looks even more miserable!

Johnson stood by the pit, crossed his waist with his hands, and looked down at the two guys who were still mixed together: "Okay, even if you draw this game, how about everyone until the point is reached?"

After eating a large table lotus flower, even if the hungry wolf's blood defense point is full, the head of Mother Earth is still a little confused at the moment.

His hands were still locked at the sides of his body by the "undocumented knight", and when he heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head, took a mouthful of bloody spit, and said with a hard mouth: "Cut, who wants you to judge... Let go of me!!"


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