The sense of deadly threat disappeared out of thin air, and the "centipede elder" shook his head, only to think that it was just his own illusion that his thinking had just stagnated.

After all, the drowsiness has not completely passed.


The next moment, the strange face above the head of the big monster emitted a string of piercing and sharp soul hall-level strange laughs, and continued to burrow into the underground of the city to wreak havoc, but he had not yet found that the place he passed was empty.


City of Z.

The trainees' eyes were dazzled, and the two people "Super Police" and "Hair Loss Cloak Man" who were originally sitting in the mentor's seat had already appeared in front of the team.


Josen raised his hand and pressed it, and everyone's eyes suddenly looked towards where he and Saitama were.

"S City is being attacked by giant weirdos, and it has basically been determined, and the disaster level has reached the "dragon level"!" Johnson looked around and saw a pair of determined eyes, "Is there anyone willing to join us in the crusade against the weirdos?"

"I'll go too!" Without

any hesitation, everyone responded almost at the same time.

Everyone was originally a professional hero, and they had just been training in Z City for a whole month.

Yanzu who don't have a girlfriend know that everything is always prone to trouble after holding back for a long time....

┑( ᖛ▽ᖛ )┍

At this time, I heard that there are dragon-level weirdos rampaging in S City, and everyone's eyes are green

! Kill weirdos, grab credits


Lao Tzu is fighting the

dragon level!!"Hmph, is a huge dragon-level weirdo?" "Atomic Samurai" snorted coldly with a toothpick, his cold eyes and defiant expression came out, and the confidence of Dajianhao was fully displayed," I don't know if I can withstand my current super large slash, hey..."

King also stood up neatly, golden electricity brewing in his eyes: "In this case, let's go over and take a look together."

Bangu moved his neck and made a "click" sound of bone joints: "In that case, the old man has also joined in the fun." "

The first training class officially graduated, the hungry wolf naturally did not need to come over as a sparring partner, the old man sent him out to continue the heroic activities, and he happened to be alone.

Bungulai planned to return to the dojo after sending off the trainees, and now when he encountered this file, he naturally acted together with the mentor group.

"Well, since everyone is going, then..." The

trainees were enthusiastic, and the mentor group also took the initiative to speak one after another, Qiao Sen nodded gladly, and the voice of a local tyrant came out of his mouth: "The graduation party will be postponed for the time being, it's a big deal to find a hotel for two more days."

After that, he also deliberately used the "heart network" to connect to the bank storage system and glanced at his current account balance.

Nine figures, and all legal income.

The salary of the police is naturally not so much, but the allowance of S-class heroes, the remuneration for heroic activities, and the endorsement fees, advertising fees, appearance fees, etc. brought about by cooperating with various commercial activities that the association participates in as idol heroes, have accumulated so much when they are saved.

I, "Super Police", hit the money!!

JPG: Really? I don't believe it!


Students: ???

- Do people say no?"


Under the mobilization of Joe's money-throwing behavior of someone who has money, the heroes are as morale as if they have beaten chicken blood, and their hearts are surging!

Joson nodded in satisfaction, and then snapped his fingers.

The next moment, a huge blue space door appeared, the tumbling blue space material was like a fog, and the open portal was just right for everyone to pass through, revealing a large city full of devastation behind.

During the training, the heroes saw Joson using the space door to hurry, and he was already surprised by this.

However, the light in his eyes that envied the shark man was brighter than the other.

"S-class training class, go!"

Qiao Sen waved his hand, and although the hero team led by the mentor group only had more than a dozen people, it walked out of the killing momentum of thousands of troops and killed towards the opposite side of the portal.


- Righteousness

- Execution -



S City.

Aung Aung -

The "centipede elder" who uses the city as a bathhouse swims freely and can smash more than one hundred-story building at one end!

As the first half of the broken building smashed down, the "Centipede Elder" who had already swam forward suddenly paused, recalling the scene that happened before, and always felt that something was missing?

What is it?"

the old man's voice echoed over the city, and the face of the "Centipede Elder" suddenly froze, and then twisted madly.


desperate screams of human beings on the verge of death stopped completely, and the whole city was silent except for the loud noise caused by its actions

!! In addition, the bloody smell of broken human body that it liked to taste the most disappeared, and the whole city seemed to be emptied in an instant, clean

!!"People! Run! A

huge roar echoed across the sky, and at that moment, a dark blue door of space opened on the ruins of a collapsed building.

The group walked out of the space door in turn, and then subconsciously looked up at the sky.

And then.

I was all frightened!

"This, this, this... "Is this a lie, right

?"""Do weirdos of this size really exist?

!" "This is also too big!!" "

..." Looking

at the huge monsters in the sky that snaked out of sight, the heroes who were full of confidence a moment ago were shocked, and some people's palms were already soaked with sweat.

For a moment, × N

was filled with the sound of swallowing saliva.

Johnson glanced back suspiciously.

- You guys this is... Hungry? The food in our training class is pretty good?

Heroes: ... Guy, we are afraid that weirdos will be hungry!!

Although several of the S-class heroes were not as apprehensive as ordinary people, their eyes were a lot more solemn.

After all.

For them, who are usually better at dealing with humanoids or regular weirdos, this huge size alone is an unprecedented challenge.

After all, everything has the first time, no matter how rich the experience of the present is, it is really the first time to see it!

Plus the centipede gives the impression of "a hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff", seeing the kind that is small enough not to threaten human life, most people will choose to go up and grind a few more feet, and grow to the body size in front of them that cannot see the head at a glance....

It can only be said that whether there are people with giant phobia or not, they have to go crazy when they see it, and the SAN value is crazy.

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