The "jingle" sound of metal clashing sounded, and the swordsman in knightly armor took the lead: "Master, I am with you!" Behind

him, an unshaved uncle swordsman and a shemale lady with blushing on her face followed

! "Let's go too!!" ×2

The "Atomic Samurai" turned around, and the three major disciples who turned out to be the leader of the "Juaian" saw him striding forward, and they all followed with firm eyes.

"No, don't follow. With

a "clang," the sword was unsheathed.

The ground "stabbed", and was cut by the "atomic warrior" a deep mark several meters deep!

The sword qi everywhere it passed was overflowing, and the cold killing intent in the air pierced the skin of the three people.

The three of them were forced to stop, and listened to the "atomic samurai" say: "This weirdo is not something you can defeat now, Juai, Drill, and Qiu Wu, you three stay here, don't move!"

Saying that, the corners of the middle-aged uncle swordsman's mouth raised defiantly: "Look at it well and study hard, see how the master can control this level of battle, hey..." As

soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that the old pretend was forced to commit a crime.

The three of them looked at each other and could only nod helplessly.

"Yes, Master!" ×3


in the sky, golden beams of light condensed into King's tall figure in golden armor.

His eyes flowed with dazzling golden plasma, and the three scars on his left eye became even more hideous under the flashing electric light.

The King who appeared jumped high while approaching the "Centipede Elder", and his fist carried the magnetic field power condensed to the extreme and slammed down

! "ロ也!!" The

single mighty power of the human hero collided with the strange power that the giant weirdo was born with, and the ruins of the city were raised high by the shock wave like Lego bricks, like a tsunami that covered the sky and fell!

At the same time, Genos, who flew above the weirdo's head, gathered his hands, and a "universal capsule" popped out of the storage compartment of his arm, turning into an extended pitch-black barrel in the white smoke that burst out, and set it on Genos' straight hands

! ""Spiral Acceleration Incineration Cannon"!"

The installed barrel was burned red by the high temperature formed by a large amount of energy, and the barrel mouth lit up with a blazing light no less than King!

The spiral-accelerated flame shelling cut an orange-red rainbow light in the sky, right in the carapace junction behind the head of the "Centipede Elder"!

A terrifying sound wave sounded in the smoke, and the big monster that was smashed into the ground by King's punch rushed into the sky, and the strange face above his head showed a painful expression

! The huge purple body was covered with lightning-like radioactive cracks, and the endless magnetic field force mixed with the high-temperature flame of molten gold wrought iron erupted from it, forming a giant "light belt" up to 10,000 meters long in an instant!!


The explosion in the sky was accompanied by a large explosion of strong light, and the heroes on the ground covered their eyes one after another, and the control of the battle suit formed sunglasses to protect their eyes.

"Ah--I can't see anything

!" "It's Mr. King! It's so strong!!" "

Such a terrifying fist, the weirdo must have been killed, right?"


heroes just smiled on their faces, but they heard Bungu say in a deep voice: "No, the breath of the weirdo has not disappeared." The

words fell, and the bright light in the sky disappeared.

The purple shell of the "Centipede Elder" disappeared in the explosion, replaced by a newborn shell that failed miserably like a skeleton

! "What!!" Genos

' eyes in the sky contracted violently in disbelief, according to the calculation of the battle chip, suffering the double attack of lightning and flames, the life force of the weirdo hardly had any tendency to decrease!

In just a few seconds of contact with the air, the new shell quickly turned the same purple as before, and the strange human face on the top of the head of the "Centipede Elder" opened its mouth to the limit in pain, and a newborn face in the green juice drilled out of it, emitting the strange laugh of the Soul Hall Elder.

"Oblivious... It doesn't matter how many more such attacks come, I... But an immortal weirdo!" The

super regenerative ability displayed by the centipede elder at this moment made even King frown when he saw it.

Just as he was about to mobilize the maximum magnetic field power to punch again, he saw a red figure passing by at great speed-

""Atomic Dispersion Slash"!"

The "Atomic Samurai" in the gallop didn't say much, I didn't see how many movements he had on his hands, countless dazzling sword lights had already cut the sky, covering up to several kilometers!!!

In the sound of shattering, countless sharp and thick footsteps broke in response to the sound, and when they fell, they fell into the ground like cannonballs!

The newly regenerated body shell shattered again, and this scene made the heroes' morale lift and shout loudly.

However, the "atomic samurai" who put his sword back into its sheath did not have a smile on his face, but instead frowned deeply.

- No cuts, not even a few knives that can really cut into the body of the

weirdo! He looked thoughtful, as if he was thinking about how to ensure coverage and increase the lethality of the huge weirdo.

"Can't even the slash of the Atomic Samurai break through the defenses?"

In the sky, Genos looked at the huge weirdo who had regrown after completing the molt again, and his eyes were solemn.

The "Centipede Elder" who endured the S-class one after another was still unharmed, and Genos casually threw away the barrel assembly that had been deformed by the high temperature, ready to use the hole cards that had not been used after multiple transformations.

Immediately after that, a whole row of "universal capsules" popped out of the two-handed robotic arm, and one by one large parts appeared in the exploding white smoke, spraying flames to deform and assemble with Genos as the center.


the sky, a large gun battery that resembles a Gustav cannon is assembled with Genos as the center, and the thick barrel with a caliber of more than 1200 mm looks extremely righteous, and the solid and hideous shape highlights the oppression and deterrence of scientific and technological creations!

"Where is this kid Genos hiding so many parts..."

Saitama held a pergola and looked at the sky, looking at the fortress-like mechanical creation in the sky and the huge cannon barrel with a length of more than 50 meters, and said sincerely: "Won't so many things fall off when they stay on the body?" The

corner of Qiao Sen's mouth, who also took the lead in watching, twitched and said, "Xiaojie is a modified person, and those parts themselves have flight functions, no problem."

"This way!"


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