In the conference room of high-level cadres, Siqi looked helpless.

Only he knew that in the intelligence just thrown, there were not even dozens of equally tricky ghost-level weirdos, as well as those low-level weirdos that were too numerous to count!

The incident of the "centipede elder" raiding S City, which was judged to be a dragon-level disaster, happened yesterday, and the human city was particularly vulnerable in the face of this level of disaster.

Then when more than 10 dragon-level weirdos gathered, a weirdo organization with a clear division of labor was established....

Thinking of such a large number of powerful eccentrics gathering to act in unison, dozens of breaths of cold air suddenly gasped in the silent high-rise conference

room! Hiss×N-that

picture is so beautiful, we dare not look at it!


For a while, many high-level cadres of the association who were accustomed to comfort were sweating, and even the temperature in the room soared a lot!

According to the judgment criteria of the Hero Association, those who have the ability to treat disasters above the ghost level can be selected into the sequence of S-level heroes.

As for the highest level that has ever appeared, dragon-level disasters that can cause multiple cities to stop functioning, often require one or more S-level heroes to join forces to retreat.

The birth of this standard distinguishes between ordinary heroes and top powerhouses, greatly enhancing the accuracy of the association's scheduling.


are only 26 cities in the territory of human forces, and more than 10 dragon-level weirdos can only destroy 2 on average, which is not enough for their internal distribution.

If you don't receive the information in advance, wait for the Weird Association to take the initiative to launch a raid...

At present, the S-class heroes in the Hero Association are full, and there are only 19 people in total, which also has to deduct the first S-class "fish toucher" who has been away from home for many years....

No, it's "blasting"! "Blasting"

: ???


The situation is unprecedentedly grim, and it is impossible for the senior cadres of the association not to be nervous.

"Then, Your Excellency, Super Police, he... What do you say?"

the discussion gradually rose, and at the same time a high-ranking cadre asked, and Siqi pondered for a while, and replied with a strange face: "Lord Super Police has made it clear that he will lead a team to fight the Weird Association!


High-level cadres:"..." The noisy conference room of × N

suddenly fell silent, and all the high-level cadres turned into beanie eyes and looked at each other.


It's not....

This kind of big event that is enough to subvert human civilization, you call this ...

In the middle of the crowd, Ma

Coy, the head of the second war room wearing a cross-star-ray blindfold, showed a pensive look, and then the corners of his mouth rose sinisterly.

——It seems that the order for the weirdo corpse trading of that one, even the order for the living weirdo, has all fallen this time!


"Lord Siqi," the "jingle" sound of gold coins falling to the ground sounded in his heart, and Makaoy, who was in a good mood, raised his hand and spoke, "Since such a big thing has happened, shouldn't I contact the adult who has never been able to meet?"

Hearing Makoy's words, the senior cadres of the association reacted to who he was talking about "that adult".

S-class first place, "Blasting"!

"Yes, if the "Blast" adult is willing to make a move, then it must be no problem!" "

"Blasting" plus "Super Police", if these two can join forces, presumably even if they fight against multiple dragon-level weirdos at the same time, it must be fine, right?"

Don't talk nonsense, occasionally I can still see the adult once or twice at the headquarters.


a while, the senior cadres of the association headquarters in the conference room were talking about it.

Although there are quite a few criticisms of the S-class heads, who do not listen to the announcement, everyone who can sit in this conference room can still carry it in their heads.


the exclusive contact of "Blasting", Siqi heard the bruises on his forehead, but in the end he was suppressed by his professionalism.

"Lord 'Demolition' has been performing important tasks related to the survival of mankind all year round, even if it is me, I dare not guarantee that I will be able to contact him every time, but I will try as much as possible!"

After Siqi finished speaking, he stood up solemnly and said: "Such a large-scale gathering of high-risk weirdos is absolutely abnormal, everyone, for us, this is war!"


With Josson's phone call, the Heroes Guild was like a huge war machine, running at high speed.

However, the whereabouts of S-class heroes are uncertain, and it is common for the exclusive contact issued by the association to be broken in various fierce battles, and for a while, the mobile phones of liaison officers everywhere burst and no one could be found.

In such an emergency, a large number of association staff wearing black suits followed the instructions of their superiors, poured out of the branches of the Hero Association in various places, appeared in the streets and alleys of various cities, and went crazy looking for their resident S-class heroes.


Coastal city, J city.

Near the resort Gold Coast, the Marina Stadium sounded with idol dance, and a melodious male voice came out from the loudspeaker, which was "Sweetheart Kamen" auditioning for the evening tour.

After singing a song, "Sweetheart Masquerade" returned to the dressing room to touch up her makeup, and a young female assistant with heavy makeup came over with a mobile phone "stepping on".

"Sweetheart Kamen"-sama, there is your phone!"

"Sweetheart Kamen" sat in front of the makeup mirror, glanced at the female assistant who hurried over, and said, "Didn't you say don't bother me casually during working hours?

"Sorry, the situation is more urgent..." The female assistant knew the arrogant character of her little master, and quickly responded, "It's from the headquarters of the Hero Association."

"Sweetheart Masquerade" raised his eyebrows: "Then bring it to me." "

Here's 'Sweetheart Masquerade', well... Well...... What, Weird Association?" Listening

to the voice coming from the mobile phone, two cold lights of jealousy flashed in the eyes of "Sweetheart Masquerade", and he bowed his head: "Interesting... Got it, I'll take the time to come over, and..."

"You did a good job this time, if there is such a thing next time, remember to notify me as soon as possible, after all..."

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