From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 47 Black Lake Thirteen

Everyone was walking in the pine forest.

Miss Sparrow suddenly thought of something and turned her head, with a look of curiosity on her pretty face.

"Mr. Snow Owl, if the 'Devil in the Lake' was really transformed by a prisoner... then why didn't the cultists of the 'Lake God Sect' undergo any mutations?"

"I don't know that." Gilan took the last puff of his cigarette and shook his head.

He reinserted the unloaded revolver into the holster at his waist, flicked the cigarette butt to the ground and stamped it out.

In fact, I had some guesses in my heart.

'The reason why all the soldiers and prisoners in the "Expedition Exploration Team" prisoner-of-war camp were deformed is most likely because they lived on the shores of the Black Lake for a long time...'

Gillan thought to himself.

After all, the "Expedition Exploration Team" not only uses the lake water as domestic water, but is also too close to the Black Lake, and is constantly affected by the filthy and mysterious influence of the "miasma" emitted by the Black Lake.

The superposition of these two factors may lead to distortion of all members.

And this is also the biggest difference from the members of the "Lake God Cult".

Most of the cultists live in small towns and drink lake water indirectly. The harm they suffer is far from the level of distortion, so the external symptoms are mostly confusion and crazy behavior.

"Stop." At this time, Mr. Stork held a steel core cane in one hand and took out a pistol with the other, gesturing to everyone with a serious face. "Be careful, the cultists of the 'Lake God Sect' are already here."

The other members of the society immediately became alert and took out their weapons to be on guard.

Pine trees towered all around, their leaves swaying gently.


Accompanied by the cries of unknown wild birds, a group of various figures wearing reindeer masks swayed out from behind the pine trees in all directions, carrying logging axes or firearms, and surrounded everyone.

This scene seemed familiar, no, it was basically the same as the last time I watched the movie.

"Damn sacrifice! How dare you disobey the will of the 'Lake God'!"

"Hurry up and hand over the 'ceremonial saber'!"

"Kill! Kill these sacrifices! We need more blood and more hearts!"

The cultists roared in a manic tone.

Mr. Stork seemed to have been prepared for this. With a cold face, he raised his hand and gestured to everyone.

The next second.

The members of the collective took action almost at the same time, and bullets and arrows rained down on the enemy.

call out!

Bang bang bang!

As soon as they met, four or five cultists screamed and fell down.

But soon, the other cultists also reacted and launched a counterattack against the community without fear of death. Throwing axes and bullets streaked through the forest, and the forest became noisy for a while.

However, Mr. Stork and others had already dispersed and took Fima to find a bunker to hide.

Gillan bypassed the front and passed through the pine trees on the right. His movements were so fast that before a cultist could even turn his head, his arms were wrapped around his throat.

"Ugh!" The male cultist wearing a reindeer mask struggled desperately, swinging, scratching, and kicking.

Behind him, Jilan remained expressionless. His steel-like arms exerted force again, and with the terrifying sound of muscle tension, he actually strangled the enemy in his arms to death!

With a plop, the body fell to the ground limply.

Ji Lan glanced at the direction of the gathering people and found that they did not notice him, so he bent down and touched the cultist's body.

However, nothing happened.

"Huh?" Jilan turned his palm over and looked at his fingers in confusion. "Can't it be corrupted?"

Soon, he found that the corpse at his feet seemed familiar, so he took off the reindeer mask on its face... Under the mask, a handsome but ferocious face was reflected in Gilan's eyes.

It was Sheriff Pierre Aich.

‘I didn’t hire him to accompany me this time, but he also took the initiative to join the ambush team... It seems that, similar to the mechanism of the double-barreled shotgun, the mysterious monster or contaminated person in the movie can only be corrupted by me once. ’

Ji Lan realized something and sighed in disappointment.


At this time, a scream came from behind the bushes not far ahead.

Ji Lan raised his eyes and felt a chill in his heart.

I saw a group of grotesque monsters in prison uniforms, like passing locusts, attacking the cultists of the "Lake God Sect"!

There are at least twenty or thirty monsters in number, and they are huge and intimidating!


"Wow - wow -"

On the top of the pine tree, three or four child monsters with deformed heads like a hornet's nest were screaming.

Under the tree, seven or eight muscle monsters with fleshy wings on their backs ran rampant, violently lifting the bushes, and easily smashed the cultists' skulls and chests with heavy punches and palms. There was a muffled sound and blood splattered.



"Kill all these monsters! Make them into the 'elixir' too!"

Several cultists went crazy and tried to fight the monster with logging axes. However, several arms and claws covered with gray scales suddenly emerged from the soil under their feet, grabbing their legs and dragging them in. The ground...then blood seeped out, and there was no movement.

The remaining cultists laughed wildly, holding shotguns and pistols, and fired at the two monsters with multiple legs that "crawled" like spiders.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Bullet holes appeared one after another on the "Spider" monster, but not a drop of blood flowed out. Instead, it seemed to be angered by the actions of the cultists... The twisted face moved away from the covering hands, raised its head suddenly, and let out a horrifying cry. Howl.

The cultists immediately stopped all movements as if they had lost their souls, froze on the spot, and were immediately overwhelmed by the monster group.

"Mr. Snow Owl! Come here quickly!"

At this time, Miss Sparrow shouted anxiously.

Jilan turned around and saw that everyone in the community and Fima were being protected by Mr. Stork. Mr. Stork was holding a steel-core cane in his left hand and holding up the old saber in his right hand.

The oncoming monsters in prison uniforms seemed to have not seen them, and passed directly over everyone. They even deliberately kept a certain distance and did not dare to approach, and only rushed towards a few surviving cultists.

Ji Lan ran out quickly, and in a few breaths, he nimbly returned to the crowd.

As soon as he came over, he heard Mr. Oystercatcher say in surprise:

"It really works! This saber can really drive away those demons!"

"It scared me to death..." Miss Sparrow gently held the collar of her chest and let out a long breath. "I thought I was going to be eaten by those monsters."

"Follow me, don't fall behind."

At this time, Mr. Stork turned his head and said in a deep voice to everyone.

Immediately, he raised his saber high and walked towards the depths of the forest, with the others following closely behind him.

Seeing those deformed monsters passing by her and smelling the putrid smell emitted by them, Fima couldn't help but tremble with fear and needed the help of Miss Seagull to stand still.

But even Miss Seagull, who was always calm and collected next to her, had a pretty face that was also a little pale.

It wasn't until everyone walked a long distance away and couldn't see the monster at all that they relaxed their tense nerves.

At this time, Miss Seagull glanced back at Gilan, and seemed to have thought of something, so she let go of Fima's hand and started rummaging in her small satchel.

"Mr. Snow Owl, here it is."

Ji Lan heard someone calling him, and suddenly saw a white and tender hand handed to him.

There was still a handful of yellow bullets in his hand.

Gillan raised his head and cast a questioning look at Miss Seagull.

"I see you haven't fired a gun for a long time. Are you out of bullets?"

she asked softly.

Gilan stared at her in silence for two seconds. It wasn't until Miss Seagull turned her head unconsciously that he spoke:

"Thank you. We are indeed running out of ammunition."

He took the bullet from Miss Seagull and accidentally touched the slender white hand, and could feel her cold and sweaty palm.

‘Is this woman nervous? That's right, no matter how capable a woman is, she will be nervous when facing those monsters. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

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