It was already afternoon when Gilan returned to the Jishe Apartment.

He first went upstairs to take a shower and change his clothes, and then returned to the restaurant to eat something. Old Jerry warmed up his dinner thoughtfully, and Gilan ate every last bit of it.

As for those dead soldiers of the Lewis family, he had all been chopped clean.

Then I randomly found an open space and buried them all.

It's just that the heads were separated, so it took a little more time to process.

Under the influence of the "Bloodthirsty Curse", the strength of those dead warriors was indeed improved, and they were temporarily transformed from apprentice-level fighters to instructor-level fighters in one fell swoop.

But for Gillan, it was still vulnerable.

After dinner, Gilan sat on the sofa to rest.

At this time, most of the community members left and were not in the apartment. After hearing the noise, Mr. Stork walked out of the room, limped downstairs holding on to the handrail of the spiral staircase, and sat in front of Gillan.

"Don't you have a good rest?" Gillan poured tea for Mr. Stork.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, but it's still a little difficult to walk."

Mr. Stork shook his head, took the tea cup and thanked him.

He glanced at the blond young man in front of him and did not ask how the battle was going, because the fact that the other party was sitting here unscathed already explained a lot.

"Mr. Snow Owl, this is 300 Caesars, the reward I promised you for your actions."

Mr. Stork took out three "100" denomination gold foil banknotes that he had prepared, stacked them neatly, and pushed them in front of Gillan.

"Thank you." Ji Lan raised his eyebrows. "But isn't it 200? Why is it 100 more?"

"It's only me who wants to thank you. You saved my life, Mr. Snow Owl, and you deserve it."

Mr. Stork smiled, shook his head and said:

"If you need anything in the future, just ask me and I will do my best to help."

Gillan looked at the three brand new Golden Caesars on the coffee table and put them away without refusing.

He didn't have much money left, just what he needed.

With the addition of the 300 Caesars, the savings amounted to 345 Caesars, and the money became abundant.

"Exactly, Mr. Stork, I do need your help with something."

Gillan spoke at this time.

"You said it." Mr. Stork took a sip of tea and nodded.

"Can you help make arrangements to take me out of Brak City?"

Gillan put it bluntly.

Mr. Stork was startled and slowly put down the tea cup.

"Are you planning to go somewhere else?" He seemed a little confused.

"Yeah." Jilan lowered his eyes.

"I am wanted here and am not living freely. Moreover, I plan to do one thing before I leave. I am afraid I will not be able to stay here anymore... I might as well go somewhere else to avoid getting into trouble for you."

Hearing this, Mr. Stork was shocked.

He immediately remembered that Mr. Snow Owl had a feud with the Lewis family.

Now that the opponent has the strength of a master fighter, he will definitely want to take revenge on him. This matter will definitely anger the local council and the city police department and cause an uproar.

Leighton Lewis was an Imperial Baron and a former high-ranking official of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. Once something happened to him, the official pursuit force would be incomparable to what it is now.

Even the "purification department" will take action directly!

Mr. Snow Owl had no choice but to run away.

Having guessed all this, Mr. Stork also knew that Gilan had made up his mind to leave, and his persuasion was of no use.

And he didn't want to persuade.

After all, this is someone else's hatred. I have never experienced it, so who am I qualified to offer advice?

Mr. Stork respects Gillan's choice.

"Do you need me to help you?" he asked in a deep voice. "I have many friends who are willing to sacrifice their lives for me... and when I recover from my injuries, they can take action."

Gillan glanced at Mr. Stork and fell into silence.

With Mr. Stork's wisdom, he would not be unable to figure out what he wanted to do, let alone the danger hidden behind it.

But even so, she was still willing to help him.

Gilan felt something in her heart.

In his previous life, no one had ever treated him like this.

After traveling to this different world, the members of the community treat each other sincerely. Ji Lan didn't get along with the members for long, but he had a very comfortable time.

Even warm.

This, maybe, is a friend.

"Thank you, but no need." Gilan smiled and shook his head in refusal. "This is my trouble, so I won't burden you."

"In this case, be careful."

Mr. Stork nodded and said solemnly.

"Just tell me in advance when you are going to leave. I will prepare your identity certificate, train ticket and accompanying supplies. Then you only need to follow the route and process I have arranged for you to enter the train station and board the train. If you take the train, you can go to other places smoothly.”


Ji Lan took a deep breath and smiled.

The two drank tea and were silent for a moment.

Mr. Stork suddenly suggested:

"Before you leave, let's watch the movie with everyone one more time. I still have a real film in my hand that you haven't seen."

"What film?" Gillan became interested.

""The Great Plague # 2"." Mr. Stork said slowly.

"This is the second episode in a series of movies, and its level of danger is much higher than the "Black Lake" we watched before, or even the "Moonlight Village # 1" you have in your hands."

"The background of the movie story took place at the end of the Middle Ages three hundred years ago. At that time, the two most powerful countries on the continent, the 'Rongdeng Kingdom' and the 'Sakya Kingdom' went to war. The war spread to the entire continent... This war continued. The war that lasted for a whole century was also called the 'Battle of Jungsa' by later generations."

Mr. Stork seemed to have studied this very well and told Gillan:

"The Kingdom of Rongden originated from the ancient 'Hiru' civilization in Dawn BC, which advocated force and longed for glory; the Kingdom of Sakya originated from another ancient civilization, 'Lome', which was a matrilineal society that respected nature and longed for reproduction. "

"The residents of the Bremen Empire consider themselves to be descendants of the 'Hiru' people, because our ancestors may have been citizens of the Rongden Kingdom... Of course, this is just my speculation, because the stories in the movie are not necessarily true. History may also have been artistically processed...but there must be some connection between the two."

Mr. Stork said, picking up the small teapot and refilling the cup for the two of them.

Gillan nodded.

He felt the same way about this.

The stories in the movie seem to have a vague and paradoxical connection with the real world.

He still remembered that when he was having breakfast in the cafe, he heard the gentlemen discussing current affairs calling the head of the empire the beacon of the "Hiru Nation".

This can also corroborate Mr. Stork’s point of view.

Because the high-level leaders of the Bremen Empire blocked historical records from a hundred years ago, the people did not know much about the past.

Many things can only be guessed.

At this time, Jilan couldn't help but think of the "White Cross Exercise" he had practiced.

In the secret notes of Clerk Espy, there are detailed records:

The "Healing Knights" were a mysterious armed force active at the end of the Middle Ages, that is, in the seventeenth century.

This knighthood intervened in the "Battle of Jungsa" with a strong attitude, laying an important foundation for the pattern of later generations.

‘So, is there some kind of relationship between different real films? ’

Gillan guessed.

'Or, like the description of "Yuezhuo Village # 1" in the "Banlan" text, these real films actually record some real "secret history"? ’

"Mr. Snowy Owl."

Seeing that Gilan was very interested, Mr. Stork continued:

"I and other members have watched the movie "The Great Plague # 2" once, so we know the general situation... At that time, we will use the third party force, that is, the Northern Merchant Alliance's wave besides Rong Sa and Rong Sa. As a 'mercenary' of the Western Alliance, he entered a small town in the Rongdeng Kingdom."

"A plague broke out in that town due to unknown reasons, and cults were raging in the city, riots were rampant, and the people were in dire straits. It was very dangerous. I speculate that the main line of the story should be that we need to help the local city lord suppress the chaos and control order, so that we can get certain rewards. "

Gillan nodded, Mr. Stork's words really piqued his interest.

"Okay, before I leave, I will participate in one more group viewing."

"How about the 'movie viewing day' is set in three days?"

Mr. Stork smiled.

With Mr. Snow Owl, a fighting master, accompanying him, the movie-watching process will be much smoother.

"Okay." Jilan nodded.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered something and said:

"By the way, Mr. Stork, does the town you mentioned have a name?"


Mr. Stork recalled.

"It seems to be called 'Leia' City."

Thanks to "Shen Luo Xiaoyou" for the 20,000 point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20181008182047616" for the 1,000-point reward!

Thanks to Taibai Mountain Tingfengxuanzhu, Vitality Forecast, Passing Novelist, Alien No. 1, Great White Dog, A Midsummer Night Dream, Lighthouse in the Sunset, Ju Lili, Draw the Sword Immediately, Maniac00 Hua, Walnut Walnut Peach reward!




Thanks for the New Year wishes! happy New Year to all! !

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