From raising corpses to creating a Zuodao Immortal

Chapter 62: Merciless and Iron-faced [Please read on! ]

At night.

Everything was silent.

The long-bearded supervisor, who was checking the recent news from the Supervisory Hall and the Night Patrol, suddenly heard footsteps in the corridor outside the window.

But since Ji Qiubai's death, he had ordered the people of the Supervisory Hall to completely block the corridor, and no one except the three supervisors was allowed to enter at will.

But at this moment, someone was walking in the corridor outside the window.

The footsteps were light.

But very steady.

And his spiritual sense swept out, and he could not feel that there was anyone in the corridor outside the window.

The old man with a long beard was horrified, and he quickly pinched his fingers and pinched the talisman and said coldly: "Friend, since you are here, why don't you show up and see me."

"Which friend of yours is this old man?" The man in the corridor outside the window spoke calmly, his voice was steady and familiar.

The old man with a long beard looked serious, and in panic, he quickly put away the talisman, stood up, opened the door and bowed to greet him.

"Welcome Elder Ye!"

The corridor outside the window

An old man in black clothes and red hair stood with his hands behind his back. His calm eyes were indifferently scanning the entire Feixian Peak, but if you look closely, you can find that his eyes are full of murderous intent that makes people feel frightened.

This person is the elder of the main peak of the Supervisory Hall, one of the late-stage Qi training cultivators of the Dead Peak, and is known as the ruthless and iron-faced Ye Chen.

Ye Chen did not turn around, but asked coldly: "Have you found out who killed my unlucky disciple?"

"Preliminary judgment is that it is the current owner of the Blood Clothes Building, Bai Changxin, but with Bai Changxin's strength at the sixth level of Qi training, he is not enough to kill the master of Ji Peak." The old man with a long beard spoke respectfully, his heart beating constantly.

The name of ruthless and iron-faced is not a false name. As a member of the Supervisory Hall, he knows the ruthlessness and coldness under Ye Chen's calm face, and also knows how many left-handed, evil and robbery cultivators he has killed.

Ye Chen still didn't turn around, "How is the investigation of the people in Feixian Peak going?"

"Reporting to the elder, the investigation is almost done, and no clues have been found so far." The old man with long beard answered truthfully.

Ye Chen asked again: "I heard that the elder Gong Chi of the Night Patrol Department of Feixian Peak is a good person. Have you investigated him carefully?"

"Elder Gong is a good person, responsible, fair and selfless in dealing with people. He basically doesn't get along with other elders of Feixian Peak. So since the death of Master Ji, he has been in seclusion to recuperate and practice... Not only did he not fight, he also took the initiative to send his confidants to cooperate with our Supervisory Hall to find the real culprit."

When saying this, the old man with long beard was full of satisfaction with Gong Chi, because there are few such people nowadays.

And very few.

Take the assessment of new disciples this time, Gong Chi is the only one who did not arrange his own people to take advantage of the loophole.

It shows his character.

But when Ye Chen heard what he said, he was quite displeased. He turned around and cast a pair of cold eyes that made him tremble all over. "Feng Xuan, is this how you do things? Bring your emotions into the pursuit of the murderer?"

Judging people by their preferences.

This is a taboo!

"I know my mistake!"

Feng Xuan quickly knelt on one knee.

Dare not look up.

Ye Chen did not speak, but just stared at him coldly for a few breaths. These few breaths were like a year for Feng Xuan.

Until Ye Chen spoke again, he felt relieved.

"Send someone to the Blood Evil Abyss quietly to check the situation. Recently, the people of the Blood Clothes Building have been making a lot of noise in the Blood Evil Abyss...As for you, continue to stay in Feixian Peak to investigate, focusing on investigating Gong Chi. I don't believe there are such people in this world."

"Yes!" Feng Xuan nodded quickly, and then subconsciously asked, "What are you going to do next?"

As soon as these words came out.

Feng Xuan immediately realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Ye Chen's cold eyes.

Feng Xuan shut up immediately, not daring to say another word.

Ten days had passed in a blink of an eye.

As the test date approached, Feixian Peak gradually recovered from Ji Qiubai's death.

The most discussed issue in the sect was the test, and some people even openly opened a gambling den to guess who the twenty people who could go to the main peak to practice would be. Wen Jiu also looked at his odds curiously.

One to one.

Du Feng and the current acting peak master, the granddaughter of the elder of the Lingnong Division, had the same odds as him.

The former had a single-attribute spiritual root of the upper grade.

Although the latter only had a medium-grade spiritual root, she had also entered the second level of Qi training.

There were apprentice disciples or formal disciples who could compete with the three, but there were none among the newcomers.

Of course.

Li Ye's disappearance naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Si Baikong also ordered people to start looking for Li Ye's whereabouts, but there was no result.

As Wen Jiu expected, Li Ye did not tell anyone except Mu Ye about his actions at the time.

Even the disciple who had asked him to go to the Night Watch Division knew that Mu Ye took Wen Jiu to Lianwu Mountain to look for ghosts just to target Wen Jiu, and had no other intentions.

No one connected Li Ye's disappearance with Wen Jiu, not even Wang Nian next door.

Because Wen Jiu was only at the second level of Qi training.

But Li Ye was a senior at the third level of Qi training.

So Li Ye's disappearance could not be connected to Wen Jiu even if he thought with his feet.

In this regard.

Wen Jiu was quite satisfied with the previous decision.

That is, he did not break through the third level of Qi training immediately.

"Wait until the elder of the main peak shows up, and then break through." By then, it doesn't matter even if Gong Chi pays attention and suspicion.

Anyway, he is about to go to the main peak.

Gong Chi's hand has not yet reached the main peak.


A few days later.

Wen Jiu practiced step by step, raising corpses, raising souls, and guiding souls, and took his sister Wen Ya to eat at Wang Nian's house.

After he went to the main peak, his sister Wen Ya could only stay in Feixian Peak, so the closer the relationship between sister Wen Ya and Wang Nian's family was, the better. With the bonus of his status as a disciple of the main peak, sister Wen Ya could live a stable life in Feixian Peak.

As for taking his sister to the main peak.

Wen Jiu had never thought about it.

Nor did he dare to think about it.

Because cultivation is not playing house, his strength does not allow him to bring his family with him.

On this day, a man fell down at the foot of Feixian Peak, which immediately caused a big wave in the entire Feixian Peak.

That person was Liu Xiao.

When Wen Jiu learned the news, he immediately rushed to Lingnong Division, because Lingnong Division not only had spiritual farmers but also doctors.

However, when Wen Jiu arrived at Lingnong Division, he got the news that Liu Xiao was now in critical condition.

His left arm was torn, his dantian was broken, and his chest was also seriously injured. It was a miracle that he could survive to Feixian Peak.

Wen Jiu didn't know who had caused such a serious injury and how it happened, because the clinic was now sealed by the Supervisory Hall, but the first thing the Supervisor did after coming out was to ring the bell.

Ring the bell again.

This time, it was to gather all the cultivators above the third level of Qi training and activate the Feixian Peak's peak protection formation at the same time.

After the people from the Supervisory Hall and the elders hurriedly left the sect, Wen Jiu had been waiting outside the clinic for Liu Xiao to wake up.

After all, he had received Liu Xiao's kindness. If he hadn't had the corpse eye, he would not have been able to get so much blood essence in the Chen family's land before.

Not long after, Liu Xiao's family hurried over, and his wife and two children were waiting outside with Wen Jiu in tears. Wen Jiu noticed that Liu Xiao's youngest daughter was still in her cradle and had just learned to call her father.

The oldest was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Seeing this scene, Wen Jiu felt mixed emotions.

[You are so cruel.

More than a dozen comments in the previous chapter. .

Most people ask me to update more. Okay, I will show you 10,000 posts every day when I publish them!

There will be no third update today. I need to save some manuscripts. They will be published next month. I have to go home for the New Year. I will definitely not be able to write on the day I go home. 】

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