From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 76 I have a way

"I am Lu Bu, who dares to fight me!"

Riding a horse and holding a halberd, he roared to the sky, and his invincible voice overwhelmed the whole place.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or perhaps it was really a response to the provocation. Hundreds of meters away, elevator platforms rose from the seemingly flat ground, among which were three canine-shaped beast armors.

"Lin Yu, be careful, we will be there soon."

Due to the Red Rabbit's attack, Camacho, Ivanov and others were now far away from Lin Yu.

Seeing the three beast-shaped mechas appear, he immediately quickened his pace and reminded Lin Yu at the same time.

"I see them, they are selling their heads!"

At this moment, Lin Yu did not retreat but advanced, urging the mechanical Red Rabbit under his crotch, and set up the Fang Tian Ji to charge.


Taking the initiative to rush forward, he just created a time difference and ran in both directions with one of the dog-shaped armors.

The three beast-shaped armors were killed on the spot.

As soon as he thought about it, the mechanical Red Rabbit neighed and whistled, turned its head, and rushed straight to the left machine.

It took only a few breaths.

"Nothing more!"

But how could Lin Yu be so easily hit.

Moreover, under Lin Yu's exquisite control, the head still wearing the mechanical helmet did not fly out after breaking, but was just held on the halberd of the Fang Tian Hua Ji.


Such a fast speed and such a sharp turn made their brains crash for a moment, and they could only sigh in their native language subconsciously.

Even if they tried to block it, they couldn't.

But in a flash, one of its companions was beheaded, and at this time, the two beast armors could only be said to be late.


Using the force, flying, the body had already completed the turn, and in an instant it turned to the right.

Although the leaping Red Rabbit rushed to the left machine, its body had already begun to turn in mid-air.

At this moment, the Red Hare's hind hoof just stepped on the body of the left machine that was about to fall.

Abandoning the head, because of the position distribution, the other two beast armors with a short time difference just arrived.

Everything was too fast.

Decisive and decisive, all hit.

Originally, this was not slow, and it could even be called a split second.


The beast armor has both the physical strength of special beasts and the strength of mechas. Normal pure machines of the same size are difficult to compete with.

The next moment, the flying general cut off three heads with ease.

Today's Fang Tian Huaji is not the same as before.

In mid-air, the flying general slashed with the painted halberd and directly cut off the head of the left machine.

"Oh my god!"

If he was really bitten by these two dog-shaped machines, even the flying general would have no power to break free.

I'll see! Selling the head!

It was so fast that Zhou Xiong, Kang Cheng, Camacho and others could not react.

At the moment of the collision, Lin Yu slightly adjusted the direction and crossed with it. He swung the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand and accurately cut the back neck of the dog-shaped armor.


He took two steps to run up, jumped high, and combined with the power of the four-hoof thrusters, he jumped to a height of six or seven meters.

The flying general Chi Tu crossed with the right body again. The Fang Tian Hua Ji that had just been cut was not recovered, but swung it from the top and swung it again.

Another good head fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Raised high, and then thrown away casually.


Among them, Kang Cheng and Zhou Xiong were the most excited.

On the left and right, two tall dog-shaped armors took off into the air, and their mouths full of metal fangs bit the flying general's arm.

The chitin of the blade mantis can remain strong even when it is extremely thin. Combined with high-frequency vibration and a force of more than ten tons, it can cut gold and jade like butter.

No surprise.

A moment ago, they were still worried because the flying general was out of touch and was about to be besieged by three beast armors.

As the painted halberd was recovered, a head was sent to the flying general's chest, and then lifted up by the left hand.

The halberd fell, and the neck was broken.

What a domineering line!

What a domineering line!

Moreover, it was not bragging, and he really cut three beast armors in one breath.

This strength and courage are really fascinating.

They have seen pilots who are equally powerful and can easily kill the enemy.

But looking at Lin Yu's fighting posture, it always feels different.

They also show their power and kill the enemy, but Lin Yu has a unique taste of being invincible on the battlefield, which makes people excited.

I wish I could join the iron cavalry and charge into battle! Go forward without hesitation!

He really looks like a general.

In the era of cold weapons, he led his army across the battlefield and took the heads of enemy generals among thousands of troops.

A general who could defeat thousands of men and could make thousands of troops line up in battle array just by holding a halberd.

"Who else!!!"

At this moment, the flying general also reined in his horse and halberd, sweeping the whole field, and the roar seemed to become a tangible wave.

With a roar, thousands of troops were afraid. I don't know if it was an illusion, the whole battlefield seemed to be dead silent for a moment, and even the artillery fire seemed to have stopped for a moment, which made Zhou Xiong and others in Kangcheng look radiant.

Only Zhao Xing's mood was a little complicated.

Looking at the domineering and invincible back, a strange emotion that he didn't want to admit arose in his heart.

He remembered the excitement of the first two battles.

Although it was a bit shameful to be used as a mount, they did defeat the opponents who were originally impossible to defeat in this way.

No need to think too much, no need to worry about anything, just meet the enemy and be invincible, suppress the enemy so that they have no power to resist.

Unfortunately, Lin Yu no longer needs me now, and Fei Jiang no longer needs the Red Wind.

He has his own mount.

Red rabbit.

It seems to be called this name.

"Bah, bah, bah, what am I thinking about! What a shame, I should just look up to the sky and laugh."

After an inexplicable emo moment, Zhao Xing suddenly woke up and trembled.

How could I have such a weird idea?

Is it possible that being a mount can still be addictive?

he! It is absolutely impossible to be someone else’s mount!

...Although it does feel good to be invincible and hearty.

But if the price is your own dignity and reputation, then absolutely not!

This guy got a mount and named it Red Rabbit, which is obviously me!

"Zhao, I guess you're not envious, are you?"

Spot's demonic whisper, which seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, suddenly sounded.

"Isn't Lin Yu's exaggerated talent worthy of envy?"

Zhao Xingdao.

Spot was suspicious: "Are you envious of this?"

"if not?"

Zhao Xing asked back.

"Well, it's indeed worthy of envy."

Spot shrugged.

The battle is not over yet, not the time for small talk.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The defense facilities that have not been destroyed are still releasing firepower all the time.

The missile was intercepted, but the artillery shell could only be dodged and avoided.

Moreover, the anti-missile missiles carried by the human body are also limited.

If the turret of the Furui Biological Research Force cannot be destroyed as soon as possible, even the mecha will suffer from it.

Everyone stepped up to clear up these long-range firepower.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Furui Biological Organization to watch them act.

Another underground secret door opened, and orcs who were humanoid, but covered in fur, and whose faces were highly similar to beasts, poured out.

They are strong and muscular.

Some stood upright, holding rocket launchers in their hands.

Some were on all fours, with special rocket launchers on either side of their waists.

A round of intensive artillery fire fell like rain, and the threat was even greater than the original small number of automatic turrets.


The Winter Bear immediately put up a wall shield in front of everyone, blocking most of the artillery fire.

Sniper Star and Eureka immediately fought back.

However, the missile was intercepted by the anti-missile system as soon as it took off.

The artillery shells and rockets were about to hit the target and only needed to explode. A cluster bomb was enough to wipe out all the orcs. However, they seemed to be affected by an invisible force and inexplicably deviated from their trajectory as soon as they entered a certain range.

The deviation was not much, but as it progressed, it was a slight deviation of thousands of miles, causing the cannonballs to fall into the air.

"Damn it, there's an electromagnetic deflection field set up underground in the base."

Spot's ambition is to be a long-range specialized pilot, so he is particularly sensitive to these targeting methods.

The electromagnetic deflection force field is an electromagnetic force field that uses electromagnetic fields to deflect metal flying objects.

Its deflection force is actually not too strong and can only have a weak impact on the ballistics, so it is basically only used to defend against conventional bullets.

If you want to defend against artillery shells, you must increase the power, expand the magnetic field coverage, and interfere with the trajectory of the artillery shells in advance, so that they can gradually deflect at an expanded angle.

But in this way, its energy consumption will also reach a terrifying level. It is usually only installed on fixed bases or large mechas and battleships, and cannot be turned on for a long time.

Obviously, the background of the Furui Biological Research Force is somewhat deeper than expected. Even a sub-base has an electromagnetic deflection field generator built into it.

With this thing, combined with other anti-missile systems, it is basically impossible to destroy it with long-range firepower alone.

Nowadays, the most ideal way is to charge forward with mechas. As long as they can get close, destroying some slightly stronger orcs is completely devastating.

But now these orcs are equipped with a large number of heavy weapons and are firing in groups. With the cover of this electromagnetic deflection field, even for just a short moment, it is extremely fatal to everyone.

The continuous artillery fire has suppressed the Winter Bear so much that it cannot move at all. Even the Crimson Wind and Riot Rose can only continue to maneuver and dodge, hiding here and there in a state of embarrassment.

Clang, clang, clang!

At the front of the crowd, Lin Yu was also feeling very uncomfortable at this moment.

Because he was out of touch with everyone and stood at the forefront, and because of his exaggerated performance just now, almost half of the firepower of the orc army was directed at him.

At this moment, the red rabbit had already disintegrated and turned into the reaction and composite armor of the flying general's body again.

A square-shaped halberd was also danced tightly by Lin Yu.

But, after all, it is no longer the few cannonballs before.

The artillery fire was so fierce that it suppressed him and made him unable to move.

Moreover, Fang Tian's painted halberd often splits one and is hit by the other, causing it to deviate from its trajectory. No matter how well it is controlled and predicted, it cannot be perfect after all.

One shell after another began to hit the flying general.

Fortunately, Red Rabbit is designed to deal with this situation.

In the past, ordinary small-scale long-range artillery fire and close combat had no threat to him at all. After thinking about it, the only thing that could threaten him was this kind of intensive salvo. Naturally, he had to make plans in advance.

The external armor that Chitu transformed into tightly wrapped Fei's armor.

Occasionally, artillery shells and rockets escaped the interception of Fang Tian's painted halberd, but under Lin Yu's special attention to critical points, they would often only land in places covered by heavy armor.

The artillery shell landed on the brick-shaped reactive armor like armor, and the reactive armor exploded under the force. The turbulent impact preemptively blew the shell away.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The sound of artillery fire resounded through the world, continuously.

Some were shells falling into the air, some were detonated by Fang Tian Hua Ji, and some were reactive armor bursting. The series of explosions occupied all the sounds between heaven and earth.

"Lin, are you okay?"

"What should we do now?"

"Hold on, I don't believe they have endless ammunition!"

"This is their base, I feel like we will be blown to death before they run out of ammunition."

In the tactical channel, because of the sound of artillery fire, everyone's communication turned into subconscious loud roars.

"This general can't do anything."

Lin Yu's communication was silent for a while, and a sigh was heard.

The flying general could withstand most of the firepower at this moment, which could be said to be a matter of life and death at every moment, and he was suppressed and unable to move.

If this continues, the flying general might be destroyed before others.

After all, reactive armor is essentially an explosive. If one is blown up, one is less. It can only be replaced manually after the war. Once the outer layer of reactive armor is worn out, it can only rely on composite armor to resist.

Ordinary shells may not be a big deal, but facing targeted ammunition such as armor-piercing shells and armor-piercing shells, mechas cannot completely resist.

Of course, the current situation is not completely unsolvable.

Everyone just needs to disperse a little and charge. If the opponent disperses the firepower, the threat to them will be greatly reduced. If the firepower is not dispersed, then there must be a mecha that can rush over.

However, in this way, they can only rely on mobile evasion to avoid shells, which is quite dangerous.

In addition, if the opponent does not disperse the firepower, some mechas will inevitably suffer heavy damage or even be destroyed and killed.

Such a decision is really not in line with his ego consciousness.

"Even you can't do anything?"

Hearing that Lin Yu, who had just made them fascinated and even couldn't help but worship him, couldn't do anything, everyone couldn't help but feel a little pessimistic.

It's not all fear.

Pilots are warriors.

Even the federal intelligent brain can't predict the enemy's moves in everything. The danger of war is not an empty talk.

Since you have chosen this path, you are naturally prepared for life and death.

But, they died before they could achieve their goals. They were just trainee pilots and had not even flown in the starry sky battlefield. It was too absurd to die in the hands of a group of orcs.

"I really have no way."

Lin Yu sighed again.

"But I have a way."

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

It was exactly the same as Lin Yu's voice.

But both the tone and the self-proclaimed name were completely different.


Camacho and others were confused.

Even Spot was a little confused.

They... always thought that Lin Yu was just more excited in the battle state and acted a little strangely.

But Zhao Xing, who had been with Lin Yu the longest, was only slightly stunned for a moment, and then reacted with a strange look on his face.

This guy... won't he change again?


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