From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 62: Forged Identity

"Because the Pilots Association can coordinate the vast majority of pilots, it has a special status and can obtain special resources from various channels."

Zhao Xing explained: “Most resource pilot associations have channels to obtain rare, banned, unannounced, etc., even non-physical resources such as talent recommendations, legal aid, and technical support.

These resources are supervised and dispatched by a high-level AI of the association. At the same time, a merit system is implemented. Merits are obtained for completing tasks and resources are exchanged for merit. "

"Can I also get unannounced ones?"

Lin Yu listened to the explanation with great interest.

He thought of the Heart of Cosiche.

Alena also said that the Anti-Entropy Group does not sell this thing to outsiders, but organizations such as the Pilots Association can get it.

"You also know that the current situation in the Federation is basically controlled by various capitals."

Probably knowing what Lin Yu was thinking, Zhao Xing shook his head and explained: "All kinds of advanced technologies are the guarantee of each company's profit and force, and no one is willing to use them. Basically, each company has its own secret technology.

However, the development of science and technology and even the economy is essentially inseparable from resource integration and win-win cooperation. No matter how large a group is, it is impossible to cover all industrial fields and technology research and development. It may be able to do the basics, but it will definitely not be as good as a specialized one. Business comes with proficiency.

The situation of the Pilots Association is the result of checks and balances and compromises by various companies. While they provide their own confidential technologies and products, they can also use this in exchange for those of others.

Of course, it's not just the Pilot Association, there are many similar situations, but because pilots need to modify their mechas, there are demands in all aspects, so it is more obvious. "

"I see."

After hearing this, Lin Yu nodded clearly.

In short, the Pilots Association is actually a semi-official resource integration platform. It manages and coordinates pilots to a certain extent while also providing corresponding resources and "employment" opportunities.

From this point of view, there are indeed many benefits to becoming an official pilot, and it is not just as simple as a professional qualification certificate or a driver's license.

However, these are no longer relevant to him for the time being. If he wants to take the pilot qualification certificate, he must at least have an identity.

"Brother Lin, you came at the right time. This guy is currently taking the trainee pilot examination."

After Zhao Xing explained, he smiled again: "Are you interested in joining us? Just think of it as escorting this guy."

"The assessment is very risky?"

Lin Yu was confused.

"That's not true. The main reason is that we just happened to meet each other and we can join in and have fun together. I think he doesn't mind the extra security."

Zhao Xing smiled and glanced at Spot, and said, "This guy's family makes missiles. I'll make the decision and let him get you dozens of rounds as reward. How about that?"

"Building missiles? Spot?"

Lin Yu's expression changed when he heard this.

If he remembered correctly, the missile engineer who was rescued by the Seo organization claimed to be from Spot Industries.

"Yes, it's that Spot. This guy is the crown prince of the group."

Zhao Xing laughed.

Spot shook his head helplessly: "Don't listen to this guy's nonsense. There are so many directors in the group, and my father also has a lot of sons. How can I be called the crown prince? Besides, Spot Industry is only a little bit in Ceylon." It’s just fame.”

"Okay, it's okay anyway, it's okay to go shopping together, but forget about the reward."

Lin Yu nodded and shook his head.

Since it's just a matter of making up the numbers, the reward is a bit hot to get.

Moreover, instead of having a batch of missiles become an employment relationship, it would be more valuable to establish an equal relationship with Spot.

He has acquired missile engineering skills, and the development of the Tianjian tactical cruise missile is actually nearing completion. The hardware structure has been completed, except for the command and guidance system that has not yet been perfected.

As a highly controllable command-guided cruise missile, although it cannot completely replace it, it is sufficient to realize the uses of various other missiles to a certain extent.

So he doesn't have much demand for missiles now.

Communicate as equals, do not expect to gain any benefits, just rely on interpersonal relationships, and you will have one more channel for whatever you do in the future. This is a long-term solution.

"There's no need to be polite to this guy, he's not short of money."

Zhao Xing also gave a few words of advice.

However, seeing Lin Yu's determination, the topic was eventually dropped.

"By the way, you and I will come."

After ending this topic, Zhao Xing called Lin Yu aside alone.

"What is it? It's mysterious."

Lin Yu followed him slightly confused.

"I haven't had time to go back to the city to inquire about the treatment technology for Star Dome Disease, but I got some information about my identity from my friends."

Zhao Xing spoke, which immediately cheered up Lin Yu.

Without an identity chip, there are really too many inconveniences in this era of information and intelligence.

"What eyebrows?"

Lin Yu immediately asked.

"Things like identity and household registration are all managed by the federal intelligence brain. Except for the corresponding departments and a very few high-level officials, very few people have the authority to interfere. Therefore, it is very difficult to obtain the true identity. At least I can't do it."

Zhao Xing first helplessly spread his hands.

But Lin Yu knew that there must be something in his words, so he nodded slightly and waited quietly for the next words.

As expected, Zhao Xing thought for a moment and immediately continued: "However, there are alternative solutions from some gray-level channels."

"for example?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

"It is not difficult to forge identity chips and physical information. What is really difficult is the household registration information controlled by the Federation Intelligent Brain. Therefore, if you just want an identity to facilitate your operations, you can buy someone else's identity and then forge the chip."

Zhao Xing explained.

"Can I buy my identity?"

Lin Yu asked.

"Of course you can. In fact, there is no essential difference from buying various accounts."

Zhao Xing nodded and said: "Those who are missing, those whose deaths are not reported, and those who cooperate even if they cannot survive and are paid, are the source of their identity and household registration. This kind of thing has become a complete industry chain on the dark web."

"Can it be the same as the real identity?"

Lin Yu asked.


Zhao Xing shook his head and said: "This kind of identity can basically only be used as a temporary identity. It is no problem to register various accounts and attend some regular occasions. In some cases, physical appearance information needs to be specially disguised, but it will not pass the inspection that is too strict. ”

"Can we enter the city?"

Lin Yu asked.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it to you."

Zhao Xing nodded.

"What about the pilot assessment?"

Lin Yu asked another question that he actually didn't feel was necessary to ask.

"Obviously, no."

Zhao Xing shrugged: "If it's just facial recognition or iris recognition, they can handle it, but the supervision of pilot assessment is very strict, and the association's AI examination system is involved in the whole process."

"That's a shame."

Although he had expected it, Lin Yu could not help but be disappointed in the end.

This kind of fake identity is quite useful, but after all, it is someone else's identity, so it is obviously not very safe.

Moreover, it is impossible to participate in occasions with strict censorship, and there are many restrictions.

"Anyway, thank you. Please help me inquire more about it. It's better than nothing. If it doesn't work, I might consider getting one first."

Lin Yu still thanked him.

It can be seen that Zhao Xing really takes the things he briefly mentioned to heart and is worthy of friendship.

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