From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1035: Starry mission (2)

Lucy is a talent in mathematics, she can provide support in mathematics.

Qin Chuan has very high research in the fields of computer and electronic communication.

The middle-aged man is a geologist.

Wen Zhe is a physical genius.

Everyone is closely related to this mission, only Jian Yiling is completely indifferent.

Wen Zhe retorted Lucy: "Don't worry about it, don't you know how to do mathematics? I can do mathematics too. We don't need you anymore. I will take care of all your tasks!"

As a young physics genius, Wen Zhe is naturally very good in mathematics.

Lucy said: "I just asked reasonable questions. This is a question that normal people should have. A surgeon who came to participate in the numerical simulation of the evolution of the initial dive of the Caroline Sea is really unreasonable, isn't it?"

Wen Zhe bulged his cheeks: "My sister knows a lot, she is very capable, it is not unreasonable!"

Although Wen Zhe has a high IQ, he is still a child and has a childish temper.

The sister he liked was looked down upon, and he became angry, with his small fists tightly squeezed, as if he wanted to fight with others at any time.

Qin Chuan also helped Jian Yiling speak: "Yiling's academic performance is very good and he is not partial to subjects. She will definitely be able to help with the numerical simulation of the evolution of the initial dive of the Caroline Sea."

Yu Xing smiled and persuaded: "Everyone is here to complete the task. Since your application has been approved above, you should feel that you are all suitable for this task. If you have any questions about your partners, you can ask the association. ."

Lucy didn't even think about not letting Jian Yiling get involved.

She knew the rules, and since the people above decided to let them complete this task, she would cooperate with her for a few days.

Anyway, what she's charting is just a level promotion after the task is completed.

They were rewarded for completing the task, and now it is no good for anyone to argue.

Wen Zhe gave Lucy angrily.

Five people enter the laboratory and work begins.

Jian Yiling picked up a pile of materials to start calculations.

"Give me these things. You are not suitable. Go over there and see what you can do."

Lucy grabbed a stack of materials from Jian Yiling, which required a lot of advanced mathematics calculations.

Wen Zhe became angry: "Who do you look down on? My sister is amazing! You should return these materials to my sister, this is what she will do!"

Wen Zhe stared at Lucy angrily with his hands on his hips.

This bad woman, hate!

Lucy smiled and said, "Don't tell me, she would count this as a surgeon. I don't want to underestimate her, but she really is not for this."

Everyone knows what the surgeon does.

Jian Yiling is good at using a scalpel and doing math is not her strong point.

The middle-aged man next to him also said: "Go and do some sorting work, try not to delay our work process. The time to complete is also part of the degree of completion. Delay is not good for us all."

If it weren't for the arrangement of the people above, he really didn't want to work with people who couldn't help.

Yu Xing, who was assisting by the side, persuaded: “If Miss Jian can’t, you can teach her and tell her what to do. Everyone is your partner in this mission. I don’t care what your relationship is after the mission, but in the mission Among them, it is better for everyone to cooperate well."

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