From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1049: Live dating (3)

"So some people order baby kisses as soon as they are born? Are they already in love while wearing diapers?" Jian Yumin retorted.

Anyway, he did not admit that his sister was in love, nor did he admit that he was engaged!

"Well, you said that if you don't fall in love, you don't fall in love."

No way, Yu Ge's voice is magical, she can't refute anything he says.

In the Zhai family mansion, Mr. Zhai almost burst into tears when he looked at the computer screen, but he saw his grandson and granddaughter-in-law dating romantically.

"Master, it's late, you should rest." The assistant reminded.

"What are you sleeping? My two babies are still watching the stars. I want to watch them with them!" Old Zhai resolutely refused to accept the old.

What kind of health care, early to bed and early to wake up, all put aside.

After Jian Yiling and Zhai Yunsheng sat on the top of the mountain for a quarter of an hour, meteors began to appear in the sky.

One after another golden brilliance cut through the sky.

Jian Yiling saw it, as did the audience in the live broadcast room.

The falling stars all over the sky, at the last moment of their lives, bloomed with the most beautiful picture.

This is the first time Jian Yiling has seen a meteor shower.

It's really beautiful and shocking.

"Yiling, come and make a wish." Zhai Yunsheng said.

"Make a wish?"

"I want to make a wish when I see a shooting star." Zhai Yunsheng said to Jian Yiling, "If you do this, put your hands together and make a wish."

Jian Yiling's palm closed, watching the meteor shower passing by.

Make a wish: "I hope Ah Sheng will live a long life."

Jian Yiling didn't know that wishing to the meteor was silently chanting in her heart.

She spoke out directly.

After Zhai Yunsheng heard this, his body shook.

"A Sheng also makes a wish soon." Jian Yiling asked.

He asked her to make a wish, but he hasn't made it yet.

Zhai Yunsheng thought silently in his heart, his wish is that her wish can be realized, and she can be happy in the future.

"Asheng forbidden?"

"I don't need it." Zhai Yunsheng didn't let Jian Yiling know his wish.

"A Sheng has no wish?"


"Then why not?"

"It's not important." Zhai Yunsheng changed the subject, "What song do you want to listen to?"


Jian Yiling looked at Zhai Yunsheng suspiciously, and saw Zhai Yunsheng take out a violin from the tent.

It seems that Wen Zhe had done his homework beforehand and knew that Zhai Yunsheng could play the violin, so he put this thing in the tent beforehand to give Zhai Yunsheng a chance to perform.

Zhai Yunsheng does pull it, but he rarely pulls it, especially in recent years, he basically doesn't touch it.

His mother played the violin very well, and he heard his father mention it more than once when he was young.

When he was young, his father also found him a violin teacher.

After his father passed away unexpectedly, he played the violin by himself when he wanted to.

"I don't know what song there is." Jian Yiling didn't understand this one.

She is a black hole in music.

"Then I just pull it casually."

Zhai Yunsheng began to play, and a "bell" was played by his fingertips.

His fingertips are flexible and the melody is complex and gorgeous.

Under the silent night sky, under the top of the mountain where no one was disturbed, there were only him and her.

The shooting stars in the sky, and the wonderful music he played.

The audience in the live broadcast room was boiling:

[My God, this "Bell" is super difficult, he actually played it so well! 】

[My God, I changed from God Z's Yan fan to his talent fan! ! ! This is simply awesome. 】

【I have learned the violin for eight years and said that this is absolutely professional. 】

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