From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1055: Want to be Yu Ge's cousin!

Two handsome guys of completely different types suddenly appeared in the lens, one resolute and stern, the other exquisite and beautiful.

Jian Yiheng came here in a simple T-shirt, because he lived at the opposite door and walked through the corridor. There was heating in the room and it was not cold at all.

The T-shirt can't hide his perfect figure, tight and strong muscles, angrily, exuding the charm of male hormones.

Jian Yichen is wearing a white sports casual shirt, looks delicate and moving, grandma's, with a smile, a little cute.

The barrage burst instantly.

[Ahhhhh, who are these two people? So handsome, so handsome! 】

[The tall one is so cool and handsome! Is the shorter one male or female? I can't tell the difference anymore. 】

[No more, no more, my screen is dirty again. 】

[The taller one belongs to me, don’t grab it with me, 嘤嘤嘤. 】

[Mom, I'm in love again! Also fell in love with two men with completely different styles at once! ! 】

Everyone couldn't guess the identities of the two men who just came in, so they couldn't help but go to Aitejian Yumin and ask him to answer their questions.

[Brother Yu, come out, quickly help us answer our doubts, who are these two men? 】

[@Jupiter谢敏宇, @Jupiter谢敏宇, Brother Yu, we know you are watching Lingmei’s live broadcast, so don’t hide. 】

Jian Yumin was indeed watching the live broadcast. After being crazy @ by netizens, he kindly answered their doubts.

[Official certification] Jupiter Xie Minyu: [They are my two cousins, Jian Dazhuang and Jian Xiaomei. 】

[Ahhhhh, your genes are too good! Brother Yu's two cousins ​​are also good-looking! 】

[Lingshen, I have a showdown, I want to be your cousin, any cousin will do! 】

[Brother Yu, sorry, I will be a fan of your two cousins ​​from today, please allow me to call you cousin! 】

The barrage flew up.

The response from fans was very enthusiastic.

The dinner is made by Jian Yiling himself. It looks very simple home cooking.

Five dishes and one soup: braised beef brisket with potatoes, ground three fresh, chopped pepper fish head, dry pot potato chips, stir-fried kale and seafood soup.

Ordinary dishes, not too many tricks.

Five people ate with gusto.

The audience also watched drooling, but they didn't know whether it was caused by the food on the table or by the handsome men and women.

[Food and color are also good, I am sincere, I am not deceiving, looking at this beautiful man at the table, I suddenly feel that the food has become particularly delicious. 】

[Unexpectedly, Ling Mei’s cooking skills are so good, she is really all-around! Another day when Ai Lingmei is more than Aiyu brother. 】

[Lingshen fans cry in the storm, our Lingshen is so virtuous! 】


Jian Yichen seized the opportunity and carried Wen Zhe into the utility room.

"Woo... Brother Yichen..." Wen Zhe knew why he was brought in.

"Are you still wronged? Who was it? Huh?"

"Ouuuu, brother Yi Chen, listen to my sophistry, ah no, listen to my explanation!"

"Explain what is the explanation, did you say you accepted Zhai Yunsheng for any benefit?"

"I swear to God, I will never take advantage of my future brother-in-law."

"In the future, brother-in-law, will you change your name too soon? You said you, I am just a cousin, and you are just a cousin. How could you send her into the mouth in such a hurry?"

"But brother, we want to protect my sister because we want my sister to be happy, don't we? My sister likes the future brother-in-law. If we don't support her, and all oppose her, she will be sad!"

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