From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1084: Wen Zhe started to assist again (4)

"You let him take out the key."

"Xiao Zhe said, he will give you the key when I am pregnant."

Jian Yiling answered obediently.

Zhai Yunsheng's eyes widened, his fists squeezed, and he pulled the handcuffs hard.

There is an urge to break the handcuffs directly.

The kid doesn't even know what it's like to be pregnant!

Does he think it takes an hour or two to get pregnant with a baby?

This little bastard!

"He doesn't understand what you should know." Zhai Yunsheng looked at Jian Yiling.

"Yeah." Jian Yiling did know.

"Then you, let me go." Zhai Yunsheng looked at Jian Yiling with scorching eyes.

"I don't want to let it go." Jian Yiling gave Zhai Yunsheng a negative answer.


Jian Yiling didn't answer, but reached out to unbutton Zhai Yunsheng's chest.

One, two, three...

Zhai Yunsheng could not move his limbs, so he could only watch Jian Yiling helplessly.


I don't know why, Zhai Yunsheng's mood is a little nervous, but there is some expectation inexplicably.

The jacket was untied.

Zhai Yunsheng's well-proportioned and tight chest was exposed.

His skin is white because of tight muscles, not too scary, not thin, just right, flat and well-defined.

Jian Yiling's white and delicate fingers touched Zhai Yunsheng's chest.

Zhai Yunsheng's eyes fixed on Jian Yiling's hands.

All the senses, all the thoughts are concentrated on those hands.

It seemed that it didn't touch his body, but his heart.

Zhai Yunsheng's thoughts were no longer firm, and reason began to drift away.

He suddenly felt that this was also good.

At this moment, Jian Yiling took out a cold thing and placed it on his chest.


At this time, she took out a stethoscope!

Zhai Yunsheng watched Jian Yiling carefully auscultate and listened to his heartbeat.

Take a deep breath, wondering if it's a breath of relief or disappointment.

"What are you doing?" Zhai Yunsheng asked Jian Yiling through gritted teeth.

"You just had a fight with brother Yiheng."

Jian Yiling was afraid that his fight would be too fierce and that his heart would have a problem.


Wen Zhe and Jian Yichen eavesdropped at the door.

Jian Yichen is scratching his heart now.

Not only wanted to break through the door to stop the things inside, but also thought it would be better to make my sister happy.

Wen Zhe was curious, he really wanted to know how the baby was born.

His mother's general knowledge would be told to him, if he couldn't explain it clearly, he would ask a teacher to come to his house to tell him.

But only this knowledge, his mother said nothing to him.

Jian Yichen was still entangled in whether to leave or not. He was afraid that he might not help but start to listen to it.


My sister is also a cow.

The logic of thinking is really different from them.

Jian Yichen patted Wen Zhe on the shoulder and said, "Forget it, let him go, blame the poor, let him talk to his sister like this again, I feel that he is really about to commit a heart attack."

At this moment, Jian Yichen was not angry with Zhai Yunsheng, but sympathized with him a little bit.


In the room, Jian Yiling was still checking Zhai Yunsheng's body.

Serious, standardized, serious, without a trace of distractions.

Zhai Yunsheng asked Jian Yiling: "Have you given up?"

"Give up what?"

What are you giving up, what she has been doing!

"Wen Zhe, this kid has tied me here, don't you plan to carry out your plan?"

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