From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1130: You can't stop me

Yu Xi persuaded: "Master Sheng, you came here as soon as you heard about her, and none of the tubes on your body were pulled out. Obviously your physical condition is very bad. Traveling far and wide may kill you, but you will be dead for a moment. Not willing to wait, just to come and see her and see that she is still alive."

Yu Xi continued: "We all know how much you care about Yiling, Master Sheng, don't deceive yourself! Lingshen cares about you as much! No matter what you become, you are her favorite'A Sheng '. It was the first time I saw her crying so sad as an adult, crying like a child. If you really left her, how sad would she cry?"

Obviously he cares very much, and even if he cares about his own life, he doesn't need it.

But less than an hour after the meeting, I had to go back.

Yu Xi could not accept such a result.

Zhai Yunsheng looked out the window quietly, without answering Yu Xi's words.

Seeing Zhai Yunsheng like this, Yu Xi was flustered.

How vigorous and rebellious the former Sheng Ye was.

The grandpa in front of him was no more angry, no arrogance.

Yu Xi knew that she might not be able to change Zhai Yunsheng's thoughts, so she turned her head and left the room to find Jian Yiling who had just been driven out of the room by Zhai Yunsheng.


Jian Yiling didn't go far, but stayed in the small courtyard in front of Jin Jin's house.

Sitting on the wheelchair, she saw Yu Xi coming out and asked, "Have he eaten yet?"

"Yiling..." Upon hearing Jian Yiling's question, Yu Xi felt sore for some reason. He said to Jian Yiling, "Yiling, he is now unable to pass his own hurdle, he has become like this... "

"Yeah." Jian Yiling was not sad, she knew he must be more sad than her.

"Yiling, he said he wants to go back immediately, alone."

"Can I give Grandpa Zhai a call?" Jian Yiling asked.

"Yiling, what are you doing?"

"I asked Grandpa Zhai what he meant."

"Okay, you fight."

Yu Xi handed her mobile phone to Jian Yiling.

Father Zhai's phone number can't be accessed normally, but Yu Xi's number can.

After dialing the number, Mr. Zhai, who already knew that Jian Yiling was still alive, cried after hearing Jian Yiling's voice.

No one knows what kind of sadness and pain such a high-powered old man has experienced in the past two years.

Jian Yiling asked Mr. Zhai for the authority to control the people around Zhai Yunsheng.

Elder Zhai agreed.

At the beginning, Yu Xi still had some doubts, and didn't understand what Jian Yiling wanted to do.

After hearing it, Yu Xi understood that now Zhai Yunsheng cannot leave on his own. As long as he has control over the people around him, he cannot leave Jian Yiling casually.

After talking on the phone with Elder Zhai, Jian Yiling pushed the wheelchair into the room.

Seeing Jian Yiling's return, Zhai Yunsheng raised his eyes and glanced at her, but still said nothing.

Jian Yiling came to Zhai Yunsheng again and stretched out his hand to untie Zhai Yunsheng's belt.

Zhai Yunsheng has been lying on the bed for the past two years, wearing a medical suit. He was only given a change of clothes when he came over today.

This is the clothes he wore two years ago. It used to be just right, but now it has to be loose.

"What are you doing?" Zhai Yunsheng looked at Jian Yiling in surprise.

"Being a girlfriend will help her boyfriend do."

"Stop it!"

"You don't even have the strength to raise your hand now. You can't stop me."

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