From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1160: Who is the old man?

"What are you betting on?" Old man Sun asked.


"Competition?" Old man Sun became more cheerful after hearing this. "Then you are worried about a wool? You are as courageous as a melon seed."

"Old gentleman, I know you are terrible, but it hasn't been long since Master Sheng was seriously ill, and the heart problem has not been completely resolved..."

Yu Xi's concerns are well-founded.

"You know that I'm great, don't you? You also know that I'm teaching your Master Sheng Gongfu recently, right?"


"Then what are you worried about? Do you doubt my ability, or doubt this kid's ability to learn, or do we both doubt it together?"

"Huh?" Yu Xi was taken aback.

It seems to make sense...

He didn't need to doubt the ability of Old Man Sun, even if Jian Yiheng came, he might not be his opponent, and Master Sheng's learning ability was unquestionable. If it hadn't been for his poor health before, Master Sheng's strength could be much higher.

"So, we have a chance of winning this bet?" Yu Xi asked.

"If this loses, my old man will be your last name?" Old man Sun directly put down the ruthless words, "The other party will find a master of the hermit family at most, old man I have not been afraid of such people!"

"The old man knows about the hidden family?" Zhai Yunsheng looked at Old Man Sun curiously.

If this old man was really just an ordinary old man in Jinshui Village, how could he know about the hidden family.

"What's the matter? My old man lives at an older age. He has eaten more salt than rice you have eaten. Is there any problem in knowing more than you?"

Old Man Sun hummed, as if he were taking it for granted.

"Then you always eat too salty." Liu Ting whispered.

Jian Yiling was stunned when he heard this.

In the past two years, she found the original novel and read the second half of the novel.

In the second half of the content, both she and Zhai Yunsheng are dead, mainly talking about Qin Chuan's growth path.

After Zhai Yunsheng's death, Qin Chuan's biggest opponent was Uncle Zhai.

Part of the forces involved in the Tianxing Group behind Uncle Zhai is the hidden family.

In the setting of the original novel, the hidden family is a mysterious force existing in modern society.

They are not as high-profile and well-known as the giants of the Zhai family and the Qin family.

They usually hide in the market, or possess special skills, or bear heavy responsibilities, or even possess the wealth of a wealthy country.

These families usually don't show up and don't interact with outsiders casually.

Zhai Erye didn't know by any means that he had a closer connection with the hidden family, but the outside world had never known it.

Zhai Erye has always done a good job of keeping things secret, so the outside world has never been aware of it.

The first time Qin Chuan fought with Zhai Erye, he suffered a dumb loss. Seeing that the project he got was taken away by Zhai Erye, even the company's existing projects frequently had problems.

But then Qin Chuan got the help of another hidden family and began to have the power to fight back. With the help of Mo Shiyun, he successfully countered Zhai Erye.

Today is the first time Jian Yiling has actually heard someone mention the hidden family. Neither the previous one nor the two years ago she had the opportunity to come into contact with the mysterious and powerful hidden family.

"Who is the old man?" Zhai Yunsheng once again looked at Old Man Sun with an inquiring look.

Although I have long felt that the old man is extraordinary.

But today he mentioned the Hidden Family, and his tone was still a bit disdainful, which further increased the curiosity of him.

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