From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1173: The joy of reunion (1)

Old man Jian and Mrs. Jian were also very happy. Their little boy was Zhai Yunsheng's fate, so why isn't Zhai Yunsheng the fate of their little boy?

Zhai Yunsheng is good, it is their little boy.

The family chattered around the two for a long time.

Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling are like giant pandas in the zoo.

Especially Jian Yiling, surrounded by a group of brothers, observed his feet from the head.

"Sister, isn't there any discomfort in your body?" Jian Yunnao looked up and down again at Jian Yiling, making sure that her injury was almost healed.

"Sister, is there anything we need to do now? My brother is very strong now, so let me do anything!" Jian Yumin looked like he was about to do something big.

"Sister, brother miss you so much." Jian Yujie sniffed with red eyes.

Several elder brothers surrounded Jian Yiling and talked about their concerns.

Even Jian Yunnao, who has never known how to talk to Jian Yiling, said a lot today.

In the past two years, he missed this sister so much.

He was glad that she was still alive.

Fortunately, the truth of that incident was finally figured out.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how he and his family will endure the pain if his sister is killed by him.

"Xiao Ling, let my mother take a good look at you."

He looked at Jian Yiling warmly and carefully, and finally hugged her slowly into his arms.

The joy of being lost and regained is beyond words.

Jian Shuwei also looked at her little daughter with tears.

I really don’t know what my daughter has experienced in the past two years.

After two years, she really almost thought that she had lost this daughter forever.

Although Jian Yuncheng was silent, his eyes showed that he was excited at this moment.

Jian Yiling is caring, and there is a warm heart flowing past.

In the past two years, she has not felt hard, but she will be alone.

I will think of [Penquge] who read here, will miss Ah Sheng, grandparents, and family.

The feeling of being cared by them...very good.


Zhai Yunsheng was squeezed out of the crowd.

Looking at Jian Yiling and her family from outside the crowd, Zhai Yunsheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Several people questioned Jian Yiling for about an hour before it completely stopped.

Jian Yiling explained everything that could be explained, and answered all that could answer, and then got away from the group of people.

"Aunt, aunt..."

At this time, a little guy yelled in a soft voice.

The simple kid fell asleep as soon as he got off the plane, sleeping dimly.

Only then did he wake up, and as soon as he woke up, he saw the beautiful aunt he had seen in the photo in the crowd.

So while shouting in his throat, he stumbled and ran towards Jian Yiling.

"Little ancestor, slow down, you are fine if you fell, don't hit my Yiling baby."

Luo Xiuen shouted from behind.

Jian Yiling lowered his head and saw a little boy holding her legs, looking at her with watery eyes.

"Aunt, hug!"

The little guy wanted to hug Jian Yiling.

Jian Yiling squatted down and picked up the little guy.

The little guy immediately offered his fleshy little lips, and made a heavy "haw" on Jian Yiling's cheek.

"Aunt, beautiful!" The simple kid hugged Jian Yiling, grinning.

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