From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1176: Say goodbye to old man Sun (2)

Old man Sun glanced at Jian Yiling again: "Girl, your medical knowledge is better than me, if I have the opportunity, I will ask you for advice."

In medicine, Old Man Sun has never admired a few people, and Jian Yiling is one of them.

"Welcome anytime." Jian Yiling said.

Speaking of Jian Yiling, he gave the gift he prepared in advance to Old Man Sun.

"Why? Give me a parting gift for the old man? The little girl has a lot of things!"

Old man Sun was disgusted, but both hands had taken Jian Yiling's gift box from her.

"Take care of yourself, eat regularly, and sleep on time." Jian Yiling is not very good at saying caring words, this is all she can think of.

"What's wrong with you stupid girl, learn from other people's Luo Li! My old man still prefers you who is stern and serious." Old man Sun was full of disgust.

Resolutely refuse to admit that he feels quite comfortable hearing the little girl caring about him.

"You two, remember, someone will ask who taught your kung fu in the future. You are not allowed to say that it is me, and you are not allowed to say anything that happened here. You are not allowed to mention me to others, you know?"

When he said this, Old Man Sun had a very serious tone.



Jian Yiling and Zhai Yunsheng agreed.

Zhai Yunsheng said to Old Man Sun: "Although I don't have the name of a master and apprentice, in my heart, you are my master, so we will come back to see you every year."

"Who wants you to see me?" Old man Sun said disgustingly, "I don't know how comfortable it is to live by myself. In the past month, my hair has turned a lot white because of your two uncomfortable things!"

Both Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling had been scolded for a month, so how could they not know his temper.

They had decided to come to visit Old Man Sun every year, and it was useless for the old man to say anything.

"We are leaving, take care." Zhai Yunsheng said to Old Man Sun.

"I know, I don't want to see me in the future. I don't want to see you two anymore." Old man Sun began to drive people impatiently.

He's a lot of age, so he's not happy to haunt people so much.

Old man Sun turned his head and left, not wanting to look at these two people at a glance.

When he turned his back, Old Man Sun looked at the gift box in his hand with a trace of dismay on his face.

Hey, he is going to become a person again.

One person, one house, one broom.

None of them understood to talk to him.


Tonight is the last night of Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling in Jinshui Village.

When Zhai Yunsheng returned to his room in the evening, he saw two cute ones lying on the bed.

The little one wore diapers, because it was summer, and only wore a thin piece of cotton clothes, with his arms and legs exposed outside.

The little dumpling was nestled in the big arm, and his little face was full of contentment.

Even when he fell asleep, a small paw was still holding the clothes on Jian Yiling's chest, as if he was afraid that someone would **** his beautiful aunt while he was asleep.

The big one also slept soundly, mostly because of playing with the little one.

The little doll of Jian Yumin's family likes Jian Yiling very much. She has been stuck to Jian Yiling since we met, and she has to be with Jian Yiling even when she eats and sleeps.

No matter what his parents said, he just wanted to stick to his beautiful aunt.

Zhai Yunsheng sat on the side of the bed and looked at them quietly for a while.

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