From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1228: An Yang Jiaojiao (2)

"I...I don't know he will come today." Hu Jiaojiao did not expect to meet An Yang at Jian Yiling by such a coincidence.

She thought An Yang was not in the capital.

An Yang didn’t open her eyes quickly and said to Jian Yiling: “Sister, I remember that I have other things to deal with. Before I came to Beijing this time, the task that the bus outside of me gave me must be completed. I’m leaving now. See you again."

An Yang left without looking back.

It was as if there were jackals and tigers chasing him behind him.

Hu Jiaojiao looked at An Yang's hurriedly leaving figure, her eyes visibly dimmed.

After a while, Hu Jiaojiao regained her mood, put on a smiling face and talked to Jian Yiling endlessly about what happened to her at school recently.

"Pepper." Jian Yiling looked serious, "Is there anything I can help?"

"No, I didn't have any trouble." Hu Jiaojiao smiled reluctantly, "Isn't it just a breakup? It's normal. We've been divided for more than a year, and we all have a good time."

Hu Jiaojiao said that there was nothing more, but even Jian Yiling, who had a poor reading comprehension, could tell from her expression and tone of voice that she was okay.

"Well, let's not talk about him." Hu Jiaojiao changed the subject, "It's better to talk about you and Master Sheng."

Hu Jiaojiao was just like before, chatting with Jian Yiling.

Go back when you're done.

She looked the same as before, but sometimes she would be in a daze unconsciously, and then unconsciously sadness appeared in her eyes.

But Jian Yiling vaguely felt that there was something different about that timid and innocent little pepper.

And this change is related to An Yang.


An Yang's grandfather has a very lofty status in the southwest.

When Jian Yiling was in Jinshui Village, even the small gangsters in Jinshui Village knew An Yang's fame, because An Yang inherited the post of Association President from his grandfather, and also inherited his grandfather's status in the arena.

The initial conflict between An Yang and Hu Jiaojiao was An Yang's mother.

An Yang's mother is firmly opposed to An Yang and Hu Jiaojiao.

In An Yang's mother's view, Hu Jiaojiao and her family are rich natives, without status and status.

And Hu Jiaojiao wants to look but not good-looking, and wants to be talented but not talented. There is nothing that Mama An can admire.

For this reason, after An Yang learned that An Yang and Hu Jiaojiao were dating, she stepped in and resolutely opposed the relationship between the two.

Mother's intervention caused great distress to An Yang and Hu Jiaojiao, and the contradictions between the two gradually emerged.

There are more quarrels and more pressure, and many things start to change their tastes.

In the end, An Yang's mother even found Hu Jiaojiao's parents directly. Hu Jiaojiao broke out after learning that her parents were harassed.

She was always timid and lost her temper for the first time.

In order to protect her family, Hu Jiaojiao offered to break up with An Yang.

After the two broke up, An Yang dropped out of school and went to the southwest to find his grandfather. He also took over the post of association president from his grandfather, and devoted all his energy to work, so that he could forget Hu Jiaojiao and Hu Jiaojiao. That relationship.

But whenever the night was quiet, he would still think of the girl who was not courageous, not tall, but dedicated to protecting her friends.

It's just that this yearning can only be kept in my heart.

What lies between him and Hu Jiaojiao is not a simple contradiction, but two families.

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