From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1231: Fight to get into trouble (1)

An Yang pressed the man to the ground and smashed him in the face with his fist.

The man was not a vegetarian either, and after reacting, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked An Yang's stomach.

The two fought.

Hu Jiaojiao looked anxiously beside her: "Don't fight, don't fight!"

Seeing that both of them were bleeding from the fight, Hu Jiaojiao was crying anxiously.

The two of them couldn't listen to the persuasion, the more they fought, the more fierce they got.

The crowd onlookers called the police.

When the police arrived, both men were hung up.

Jian Yiling came to the police station to bail An Yang.

Seeing Jian Yiling, An Yang dropped his head very low, not wanting Jian Yiling to see the wound on his face.

After calling Jian Yiling "Big Sister", Jian Yiling told him not to be so impulsive.

Over the years, An Yang has gradually receded, and is no longer as reckless as he was in high school.

Today, I don't know what's wrong. When I saw that man molested Hu Jiaojiao so brazenly, and he didn't stand to reprimand him, that anger ran up uncontrollably.

When Jian Yiling left the police station with An Yang, the man who was fighting with An Yang also came out.

The man's nose and face were swollen, and his injuries were obviously heavier than An Yang.

It can be seen that in the one just now, although both sides have a lot of money, the man who molested Hu Jiaojiao still suffered even more.

The man shouted to An Yang: "You **** wait for Lao Tzu. If there is a kind of thing, you can stay in the capital and don't run. Lao Tzu has a hundred ways to make you die in Beijing! Make you regret that you provoke Lao Tzu today!"

An Yang was holding his breath, unhappy, and when he heard the other party's provocation, he wanted to rush up to make a real deal.

Fortunately, Jian Yiling came with a bodyguard, and he was directly held up by others: "Aren't you **** beaten enough?"

This is at the gate of the police station. He just came out and fought again. Is he planning to stay in prison for a few days?

"I'll tell you a few, you are having trouble today! I won't make you feel better!" The man was fierce.

"Shut up." Jian Yiling said two words coldly.

"Who do you want to shut up? I'm telling you, my uncle will be here soon! When he comes, you will know that you regret that you shouldn't do this to your master today!"

The man's uncle was still on his way, and his lawyer came to bail him first.

Jian Yiling asked him indifferently, "Who is your uncle?"

"My uncle is the top leader of the Qin family in the capital, and has a pivotal position in the capital. He stomped his feet, and you all have to tremble with him."

No wonder men are so rampant and dare to molest people in the street.

It turned out that there was someone behind him and determined that ordinary people would not dare to offend him.

Jian Yiling was cold and calm when he heard the man's words.

"I tell you, now apologize to me, and beg me for forgiveness. I may be able to let you go with great compassion, otherwise you will wait. You have already left your names when you just recorded your statement at the police station. In the capital, I can find out where you work, and I will let you lose your job and feel uneasy."

"You bastard, do you want to make Lao Tzu lose your job? Come on! Lao Tzu is afraid of you!"

An Yang was already a violent temper, and when he said that he wanted to go up and have another fight with a man.

Jian Yiling tilted her head and gave him a cold look.

An Yang's anger was extinguished by Jian Yiling.

"Big sister, I..."

"Stay, calm down."


An Yang is obedient and obedient.

This scene made the man laugh.

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