From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1242: She is our dean! (1)

After Fei Qing received the news, she saw the Dean inquiring about her opinion, so she did not dare to speak too bluntly so as not to expose her purpose, but replied in a tactful way: [Let Dean Li talk to her Well, in order to prevent the media from reporting maliciously, let her agree to the operation this time. 】

Fei Qing waited nervously for the reply from the Chief Dean after sending the news.

I waited for several minutes and did not receive a reply.

She can only continue to pay attention to the situation on the side of the media reporter.

The interview surrounding Li Zhuojia continues.

"Then Dean Li, what kind of patients do you usually arrange for Dr. Jian?" the reporter asked.

"We will not make arrangements for her, it is her own choice who she is willing to treat." Li Zhuojia replied.

"Dean Li thinks this is too indulgent for a doctor?"

"Indulge? You use the term completely incorrect. The whole Luo Haisen belongs to Dr. Jane. She is the only one who indulges others. How can the others in the hospital indulge her?"

As soon as Li Zhuojia said this, the reporters who had prepared a lot of questions and planned to continue to ask questions suddenly became silly.

"Dean Li, what did you mean by this sentence?"

"Why do you say that the hospital is owned by Dr. Jane? Is that what we understand?"

"Aren't Dr. Jane and Luohaisen Hospital an employment relationship?"

The reporters scrambled to ask.

Li Zhuojia was calm and serious: "She is the director of our Luohaisen Hospital, so the entire hospital is hers. Is there any problem? And she has to take care of many things in and out of Luohaisen, so she is very busy, no There is only the task of receiving surgery."

Reporters are no longer focusing on whether Jian Yiling is busy or not, whether he is free to take on surgical tasks.

They just learned the identity of President Luo Haisen from Li Zhuojia!

The Chief Dean is none other than Jian Yiling!

"President Li, is Jian Yiling really the principal of Luo Haisen?"

"President Li, how did Dr. Jian become your dean?"

"Dean Li, can you elaborate on what you just said?"


The reporters chased Li Zhuojia frantically to ask questions.

Li Zhuojia did not want to explain any more.

"Come here first today, I still have things to be busy, and I will talk about it another day." Li Zhuojia asked the security to see off the guests.

He turned around and entered the office where Jian Yiling was.

There is not only Jian Yiling, but other doctors in the office.

Including Fei Qing, who was hiding in the corner watching a good show.

Everyone's expressions were the same right now-dumbfounded.

Fei Qing looked at Li Zhuojia in disbelief.

"You said she is the dean?" Fei Qing's voice trembled.

"Yes, she is the dean, and Luohaisen Hospital was founded by her." Li Zhuojia gave a very determined answer.

Fei Qing turned his gaze to Jian Yiling dumbly.

His eyes were still filled with disbelief.

This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, Jian Yiling cannot be the one who founded Luo Haisen!

There are many speculations about the founder of Luo Haisen, but without exception, they believe that the other party is a person with a strong background.

A super boss who can integrate so many resources to build an independent hospital that is very different from the ordinary medical system.

But neither Jian Yiling's feelings nor her age fit these.

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