From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1245: She is our dean! (4)

Yu Xi looked at the news, then at Zhai Yunsheng in front of him, and asked weakly, "Master Sheng, is Ling Shen really the dean?"

"Is she not you?"

"No, Master Sheng, you are too uninteresting. You have kept such a hot news from me! My little heart!"

"You thought you knew it before? Huh?"

In fact, Zhai Yunsheng had already felt it, but he did not accurately guess that Jian Yiling was the dean of Luo Haisen.


Sheng Ye didn't know before?

Yu Xi instantly felt that she was not pitiful.

If Master Sheng doesn't know, then it's normal if he doesn't know.

Master Sheng is Lingshen’s pillow!

Sleeping on the same bed, Lingshen's little secret has not yet been discovered.

Not to mention him.

Han Mengyu next to him said: "Master Sheng, our little sister-in-law is so powerful, you have to be careful. There are many wild men outside. I don’t need to say how many people covet Heisen, anyway. From the east gate of our capital to the west gate."

Zhai Yunsheng narrowed his eyes, "Lord raised him, who will grab it?"

He stared at the little rabbit when she was fifteen years old. Now the little rabbit is twenty years old, five years old, and the little rabbit has grown five centimeters taller and opened a lot, although it is even more open than the same age. It's a bit smaller, but it's obviously fatter than it was in the past.

What Yu Xi suddenly remembered: "Master Sheng, you always raise rabbits for food?"

"Otherwise?" Zhai Yunsheng raised his eyebrows.

Uh... Yu Xi felt that she had lived for nothing all those years.

It was only discovered until now.


When Zhai Yunsheng returned home, Jian Yiling was cooking in the kitchen in a small apron.

In order to bring Zhai Yunsheng back to his former appearance, Jian Yiling changed various tricks to make Zhai Yunsheng delicious food every day.

Had it not been for Zhai Yunsheng's daily exercise amount, Jian Yiling would have been fattened by Jian Yiling.

Hearing the movement at the door, Jian Yiling did not look back, "We have fifteen minutes for dinner."

Now the focus of the legendary figure who has been discussing on the Internet is focusing on feeding him.

The corners of Zhai Yunsheng's mouth could not help but rise.

Zhai Yunsheng walked behind Jian Yiling and stuck Jian Yiling's back.

"When did you become the dean of Luo Haisen?"

In front of Xihan Mengyu and the others, Zhai Yunsheng was full of confidence, but in fact he still wanted to know more about Jian Yiling.

"In the beginning."

It was originally founded by Jian Yiling, of course she was the dean from the beginning.

"Who knew before?"

"Second brother, Uncle Feng, everyone in the Luohaisen General Hospital knows."

"Feng Wei also knows?"

No matter what Jian Yunmo, he is also the one who fell to Haisen, why Feng Wei also knows.

Among the insiders that Jian Yiling said, Feng Wei was the only one who was not Luo Haisen.

"Uncle Feng can help."

The construction of Luohaisen Hospital requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and many things can be done not only with money.

In this regard, Feng Wei has enough contacts and resources to help Jian Yiling.

"Help build the Luohaisen General Hospital?"


Feng Wei has never revealed a word to him.

Zhai Yunsheng lowered his head and bit gently on Jian Yiling's neck, as if to punish Jian Yiling for hiding from him.

Jian Yiling quickly avoided.

"Grandma said, before we get married, we are not allowed to mess around."

Sure enough, although Mrs. Jian had released the people back, Zhai Yunsheng would never take advantage of the advantage.

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