From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1286: Tear in person at the bidding meeting (5)

The staff's name to Zhai Yunsheng surprised everyone.

Dingwen Group?

Isn't that a foreign consortium that became famous a few years ago?

If they remember correctly, this company should have been founded four or five years ago, right?

President Zhai?

How could the president of Dingwen Group be Zhai Yunsheng?

Someone immediately took out his mobile phone and checked the company's registration information.

I saw that the representative of the legal person shown above was indeed Zhai Yunsheng.

The company was founded five years ago.

Dingwen Group is an external company of Heqimeng, and the president is naturally Yunsheng Zhai.

It was just that the legal persons of the company had always been Han Mengyu and Xing Wei, and it was not until Zhai Yunsheng completely recovered and the Zhai family’s old business was liquidated that the company was transferred to Zhai Yunsheng’s name.

Everyone looked at Zhai Yunsheng with curiosity.

It also includes Qin Chuan.

There is no such setting in the memory of Qin Chuan's last life.

Zhai Yunsheng has only been able to play since he was a child, and he has never started his own career.

Even the original Zhai family's enterprise was too lazy to manage.

Apart from the Zhai family, how could Zhai Yunsheng have other consortia?

As for the details of Zhai Yunsheng's second uncle, Zhai Zhongshen, he had already been clear from the memory of his previous life.

It can be said that everything of the Zhai family is within his budget.

One thing Qin Chuan overlooked is the butterfly effect brought about by Jian Yiling's changes.

Zhai Yunsheng, who was not concerned in the previous life, did nothing.

But now Zhai Yunsheng met Jian Yiling in Hengyuan City five years ago, and some things have undergone subtle changes.

"Are you the president of Dingwen Group?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"When did Sheng Ye become the president of Dingwen Group? Why haven't we heard of it?"

"Dingwen Group has been established several years ago. Could it be that Shengye acquired it?"

The tone of the person asking the question was obviously surprised and incredulous.

Zhai Yunsheng was calm and composed throughout the whole process, admiring the changes in the expressions of these people.

Several people looked at Jian Yiling, wondering if she had paid for the acquisition of Dingwen Group to Zhai Yunsheng as his capital for his comeback.

But recently, it has not been heard that Dingwen Group has been acquired.

Moreover, Dingwen Group has developed very well, and the company is unlikely to be acquired at this juncture.

Everyone's expressions are very consistent, all faces are suspicious.

Mo Shiyun felt Qin Chuan’s unhappiness, and after tangling, decided to help Qin Chuan attack Zhai Yunsheng:

"Mr. Zhai, you are the president of Dingwen Group, but you should know how this Dingwen Group got to you. In this case, you should cherish your feathers and cherish what Dean Jane gave you. These should be more cautious when bidding for land."

Mo Shiyun had already acquiesced that Dingwen Group was the capital that Jian Yiling acquired to Zhai Yunsheng's comeback.

She knew that Qin Chuan was not happy because his favorite Jian Yiling had done so many things for Zhai Yunsheng, and Zhai Yunsheng continued to lose out.

If Qin Chuan is inconvenient to speak, she will help him.

With so many people at the scene, Mo Shiyun spoke most directly.

Qin Chuan glanced at Mo Shiyun in surprise.

She would actually look at the problem from Jian Yiling's perspective?

Jian Yiling refuted Mo Shiyun, and her soft and adorable voice showed obvious hostility: "Do you have a fantasy? I have already said that this is Ashen's pre-marital property, why do you have to treat your illusion as a fact?"

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