From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1312: I have to listen to my sister's words (1)

"No way!"

Jian Yi Ling made a small face.

Zhai Yunsheng smiled evilly, looking lazy: "I heard it? Go back to take medicine and rest, don't let Yiling worry about it."

Jian Yiling nodded and seconded.

"Rest, recuperate, don't run around!" The little face was stern, serious.

"It's no better now, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or a few days later."

Jian Yiheng can accept a day or two later.

"Competitions are not allowed within one month." Jian Yiling directly pulled the time limit to one month.

Jian Yiheng couldn't wait so long for a month, he wanted to compete with Zhai Yunsheng now.

Jian Yiheng seldom bowed his head with others, but faced this situation this time, he had to bargain with Jian Yiling: "Sister, Zhai Yunsheng and I are in good health. It doesn't take so long."

"Two months." Jian Yiling directly extended the time to two months.

"Sister..." Jian Yiheng also didn't expect that his sister is usually soft and cute, and very talkative. At this time, it is harder to negotiate than anyone.

Zhai Yunsheng absolutely listened to Jian Yiling.

Jian Yiling said that for one month, he would definitely not be less than thirty days.

Jian Yiling disagreed, and Jian Yiheng would definitely not meet Zhai Yunsheng.

And Jian Yiheng didn't dare to offend Jian Yiling, he really offended Jian Yiling, then his future meals...

"No discussion." Jian Yiling was determined.

"That's better for one month." Jian Yiheng could only admit it.

Jian Yichen, who followed in, saw this scene, and his anxious expression suddenly turned into a smirk expression.

His brother is so funny.

Let him pull, let him bear, but the result is not subdued by my sister!

Jian Yiheng looked back and waited for Jian Yichen. He had no choice but to take his younger brother.

Even if you wear color on your body, you can still abuse him.

Jian Yichen quickly put away his smile.

The chicken thief's Jian Yichen complained to Jian Yiling: "Sister, look at my brother, half of the people on the medicine ran out. How can you say that there is such a disobedient patient? Is such a patient worthy of delicious food at night? Or, his bullfrog pot that night, and the tonic Buddha that you have stewed for a whole afternoon have jumped over the wall to me, right?"

"Well, it's yours." Jian Yiling agreed.

The disobedient patient has no food.

"Hey." Jian Yichen is happy.

Jian Yiheng's face was even more ugly.

His icy eyes fell on his own younger brother, as if he was going to be beaten to death.

Jian Yichen had long been hiding behind Jian Yiling.

Zhai Yunsheng didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, "I'm a good boy, I have a little more."

"Yeah." Jian Yiling also agreed.

"He was not injured." Jian Yiheng said dissatisfied.

What to eat for nourishing soup without injury.

"You're better if you don't get hurt. Some people admit defeat when they say they're lost, but they endure it for a long time and suffer multiple crimes." Zhai Yunsheng replied lazily.

It was agreed early in the morning, Jian Yiheng first compared, if he lost, he would admit defeat, Chen Lin handed it to Zhai Yunsheng to deal with.

Jian Yiheng also agreed.

As a result, as soon as he played, he was drunk in the competition and refused to stop for a long time. In the end, Jian Yiling had to stop him.

"Yes!" Jian Yiling agreed.

Jian Yiheng suddenly had nothing to say.

I couldn't compare to the competition, I didn't even have to eat.

"Sit down, apply medicine." Jian Yiling said to Jian Yiheng again.

Jian Yichen hurriedly seconded: "Yes, yes, get the medicine, now, immediately, immediately."

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