From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1346: Do you think it's just a coincidence?

"You can't beat me."

Not to mention the current Zhai Yunsheng, even the old man could not beat him.

Followed Zhai Yunsheng into the bathroom with a smile.

Grandpa Zhai hummed: "Smelly boy, don't think that I can't control you if you have a great skill. I have a granddaughter! If something happens, I will find my granddaughter. If I persuade the granddaughter, I am afraid that your kid is not obedient?"


Qian Feng thought that he could go back to deal with the things Qin Chuan gave him after he handled the tasks assigned by him.

But as soon as Chengxi's affairs were finished, a new urgent task was assigned to him.

He ran back and forth without stopping for a moment.

There was no time to catch a breath, no time to trouble Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling.

Qian Feng had no choice but to call Qin Chuan to explain the situation.

"Mr. Qin, I'm very sorry about this matter. I don't know why so many urgent tasks suddenly appeared on my side. The matter of Zhai Yunsheng can only be postponed for a few more days."

"Got it." Qin Chuan's expression was deep.

Qian Feng said again: "I can only say that Zhai Yunsheng's luck is really good. Let him live a few more days in time for good times."

Qin Chuan pondered for a moment: "Do you think it's just a coincidence?"

"What's wrong with Mr. Qin? Do you think it is not a coincidence?" Qian Feng asked Qin Chuan curiously, before Qin Chuan answered Qian Feng's answer, "Impossible, how can Zhai Yunsheng have the control of Xunyu's affairs, and can give us Only the senior executives of the Law Enforcement Department issued emergency orders from the Law Enforcement Department. Even Mr. Qin, you do not have the qualifications, let alone ordinary members of the ten-year domain like Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling. This is absolutely just a coincidence."

"Why can't he be a high-level person in Xunyu?" Qin Chuan asked Qian Feng.

Qin Chuan is not without Qian Feng's understanding of the higher-level affairs of Xunyu.

"The senior management of Xunyu is composed of seven top bosses hidden behind the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that these seven are the seven most powerful people in the world today. They hold the lifeblood of the global economy and possess them. With a huge business empire, each one is comparable to the eight top giants in the world."

There is still a huge gap between this and Zhai Yunsheng.

No matter how hard Zhai Yunsheng said, it was only nationwide.

Not to mention that he himself destroyed the Zhai family's business.

A person of his level can achieve today's achievements, mostly because of the accumulation of virtue in his ancestors.

Qian Feng finally said: "In short, it is impossible for people like Zhai Yunsheng to control the affairs of Xunyu."

What Qian Feng said also makes sense.

But Qin Chuan still had doubts in his heart.

He has never underestimated Zhai Yunsheng.

And Jian Yiling.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Chuan began to search for information about the seven senior executives of Xunyu.

The information found is very limited.

There is only one piece of information, Xunyu was established twenty years ago.

It was founded by seven mysterious people from the beginning.

But more information is not available.

To be sure, these seven people should not be young anymore.


Sheng Yingying was very anxious. If Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling were not resolved for a day, she could not feel at ease.

She dreamed that Zhai Yunsheng had retaliated against the Zhongyi League at night, and even set Cai Ningxuan on fire. Several of them were burned to death by him.

Although this dream was exaggerated, Sheng Yingying felt that it was time for Zhai Yunsheng to retaliate against them.

He must not be allowed to continue to develop.

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