From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1354: Beg for mercy (1)

More than 20 years ago, Zhai Yunsheng’s father Zhai Bochen founded Xunyu together with six other friends he met.

His original purpose of establishing Xunyu was to study his wife's illness, hoping to find a way to cure his wife.

When Zhai Bochen died, Zhai Yunsheng was still young, and Zhai Zhongshen took charge of him.

It was not until Zhai Yunsheng's body stabilized that he handed over the management of Xunyu to Zhai Yunsheng.

During the years when Zhai Zhongshen was under the management of Zhai Zhongshen, Xunyu also continued to look for ways to treat Zhai Yunsheng.

So when Jian Yiling entered Xunyu and tried to find a way to save Zhai Yunsheng from Xunyu, Zhai Yunsheng directly told Jian Yiling that Xunyu didn't have what she was looking for.

If so, Zhai Erye had already used it for Zhai Yunsheng.

Zhai Erye’s thunder made everyone in the conference room dumbfounded.

Especially Qian Feng, Sheng Yingying and Qu Zhen.

They calculated for more than half a month, and they wanted to rely on the Xunyu relationship to hit the Zhai family.

Now telling them that the huge Xunyu was actually founded by the Zhai family?

So what is their plan during this time?

It's ironic.

"Impossible." Qian Feng refused to believe Zhai Erye's words. "How could the founder of Xunyu belong to your Zhai family? A Zhai family in a mere mere comparison to our Xunyu family."

Qian Feng looked down on the Zhai family and Zhai Yunsheng.

How could the person he despised was his master, his boss?

Zhai Erye was calm, "Believe it or not, you should use your eyes to see."

The facts are already in front of us. Whether it is the authority displayed on the system or the attitude of the masters of the Xunyu Law Enforcement Department, they have clearly told everyone that the Zhai family has absolute leadership over Xunyu.

The last bit of blood on Qian Feng's face faded away.

He felt his legs become weak and his eyes were dark.

He can already foresee his fate.

Sheng Yingying's face was no better than Qian Feng.

Thought that Xunyu was their backer, and turned out to be an enemy.

Do they still have a chance?

Sheng Yingying turned to look at Qin Chuan.

Just now she felt that Qin Chuan had won over Zhai Yunsheng without any suspense.

And reality slapped her hard.

Looking at the tall, burly and majestic Zhai Erye in front of him, the sense of fear gradually swallowed her.

Sheng Yingying panicked completely.

She knew that the second master of the Zhai family was a ruthless character who was not easy to provoke.

It's just that Erye Zhai didn't come out when the Zhai family went bankrupt, and she began to feel that Erye Zhai was not as terrifying as she imagined.

Han Mengyu and Xing Wei also froze for a while before reacting.

Xunyu who has been in trouble for a long time belongs to Master Sheng and his family?

No wonder Master Sheng didn't panic just now.

It turns out that there is no need to panic.

Make them worry for nothing.

In the meeting room, the employees of Dingwen Group were also given a booster.

From the initial panic and doubt, to the present, the blue sky is seen by the clouds and mist.

Now they know that there is a very strong backing behind the Dingwen Group they work for, and they can confidently work for this company with unlimited future.

Qin Chuan was silent, things were not what he expected.

And this fact also declared his failure.

The next person who has to face the suppression of the huge forces of Xunyu will change from Zhai Yunsheng to him.

Regret it?


He knew he would fail when he chose to do so.

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