From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1375: Another hero saves the beauty (2)

Long Yuetian was hanging in the air, a pair of big palms wrapped her waist, and put her in his arms.

Let her body have attachment, no longer dangling.

"do not be afraid."

Zhai Erye said to Long Yuetian.

His voice seemed to have some magic power, which made people feel at ease inexplicably.

Long Yuetian did not panic anymore.

Zhai Erye climbed the rock wall with his bare hands and was already amazing.

Now that one hand is clinging to the rock wall and the other is holding Long Yuetian's waist, this action is simply impossible for ordinary people.

The people around me were frightened, for fear that he would accidentally fall from above.

They are located at a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, which is equivalent to the height of a three-story building. If they fall, they will be injured or killed.

Long Yuetian persuaded Zhai Erye to let go: "You let go, I'm fine, I have a safety rope, you are too dangerous like this."

Long Yuetian felt that Zhai Erye was much more dangerous than her.

Although she is injured, nothing will happen to her with a safety rope.

"It's okay, don't worry, leave it to me." Zhai Erye's voice is calm, convincing people.

Zhai Erye maintained the posture of climbing on the rock wall with one hand and holding Long Yuetian with the other.

The staff quickly adjusted [August One Chinese Website] to the fire elevator.

Zhai Erye hugged Long Yuetian to the elevator.

As the lift moved, the two came to the ground safely.

Everyone's hearts immediately fell to the ground.

"Um, I'm fine, you can let me down."

Long Yuetian was very uncomfortable being held by Princess Zhai Erye.

So many people are watching.

"You hurt your knee."

The knee of Long Yuetian's right leg was severely knocked, and the flesh was covered with blood.

There are also some bruises on the arm, but not as severe as the knee.

Jian Yiling has come over with the medicine box.

Zhai Erye hugged Long Yuetian, and Jian Yiling put medicine on Long Yuetian's knee.

Long Yuetian was too ashamed to open his eyes to look at the people around him.

It's over, her fame will be ruined.

How can she see people in the future!

This was met again holding hands, and was held by the princess again.

"Will it leave scars?" Zhai Erye asked Jian Yiling.

"No." Jian Yiling replied affirmatively, "but you need to rub the medicine regularly and treat it carefully."

Although the dermis was injured, Jian Yiling still had a way to prevent Long Yuetian's wound from leaving scars.

"It will be a little painful, bear with it." Jian Yiling said to Long Yuetian.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid." Long Yuetian is not afraid of pain.

"Try to be light." Zhai Erye said.

Not being afraid of pain does not mean not having pain.

Ten minutes later, Jian Yiling treated Long Yuetian's wound.

"The weather is still relatively hot, so I don't need to wrap it for the time being, but be careful not to touch other things, let alone break into the wound."

Jian Yiling urged.

After Jian Yiling had dealt with it, Long Yuetian wanted to come down.

"Second Lord, let me come down." Long Yuetian whispered.

"Can't collapse into the wound." Zhai Erye repeated Jian Yiling's instructions.

In other words, Long Yuetian cannot walk until the wound has healed well, otherwise the wound may open again.

"It's okay, really, it's good to leave a scar." Long Yuetian didn't care much about leaving a scar.

Zhai Erye lowered his head and glanced at Long Yuetian's long legs, "I don't want them to leave scars."

Finding that Zhai Erye was looking at his own legs, Long Yuetian's blood poured into his cheeks.

Oh my god, how could he... so bluntly... look at her legs!

Before long, Jian Yiling had someone send a wheelchair over.

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