From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 818: Cai Qinyue Wen Ruo dumbfounded

The fashion show went smoothly and very well.

Warmth can be seen with relish.

Although Jian Shuhuan doesn't understand very well, as long as his wife is happy, he is also happy.

Looking around, Warm suddenly realized that the jewellery worn by the models behind was designed by himself.

And she just sold it.

This is how the same thing?

Warm and full of doubts.

She asked her husband next to her: "The jewellery worn by these models are all sold by me in the past few days. How could it be so coincidental?"

Jian Shuyun was also stunned: "Didn't you sell a lot of them?"

Warmth: "Even the previous inventory has sold only 13 pieces, it seems they are all here."

Because the studio has been established for a short time, the speed of making jewelry is not fast.

Together with the inventory from the previous leisure time, there are only 13 pieces.

At the end of the fashion show, Mr. Kevin, the chief designer of Chandori, brought a group of models to the curtain call.

While giving his thank-you speech, Mr. Kevin suddenly mentioned: Today's fashion show will also give special thanks to a jewelry designer from the East.

Followed by the stage lights hit the warm spot on the first row of seats.

Warm stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

Followed Mr. Kevin to introduce warmth to everyone, telling everyone that the jewelry worn by the models on stage today are all from warm hands.

There was thunderous applause.

Everyone's eyes, as well as the media's lens, were aimed at warmth.

The warmth at this moment, although people are under the stage, they enjoy the same attention as standing on the T stage.

Cai Qinyue and Wen Ruo looked dumbfounded.

What is going on here?

Why does Mr. Kevin, the chief designer of Chandori, know Warmth?

Also used warmly designed jewelry on the fashion show?

I also specifically mentioned warmth in the speech, which created momentum for warmth.

Warmth to regain the jewellery design for a few days?

She also sold a dozen pieces of jewelry in total, right?

Don't say that Cai Qinyue and Wen Ruo didn't want to understand, and warm themselves didn't know why this happened.

The fashion show has always been over, people have gone, and the warmth didn't want to understand what it was all about.

Jian Shuhuan and Warmth came backstage and found Mr. Kevin.

Warmth asked Mr. Kevin in fluent English why she used her jewelry.

Mr. Kevin replied warmly with a cordial smile, entrusted by his friends.

As for the specific information of the friend, no matter how warm he asks, Kevin is reluctant to disclose it.

The helpless warmth could only politely thank Mr. Kevin, and then left the backstage with her husband.

After going out, Warmth was surrounded by a group of reporters.

Everyone is full of curiosity about warmth.

A jewellery designer who can be favored by Mr. Kevin, the chief designer of Chandolin, must have her extraordinary.

And in the fashion show just now, the jewellery worn by the models was really amazing.

Warmth was surrounded by reporters and couldn't get away.

Cai Qinyue and Wen Ruo could clearly see this scene not far away.

"Ruoruo, aren't you working at Xiangduoli? You haven't heard of such an appearance today?" Cai Qinyue asked Wen Ruo.

Wen Ruo shook his head: "This fashion show was arranged by the headquarters, and I don't know much about it in the Y Continent Division."

Mr. Kevin, the chief designer, is several levels higher than her leader, Ada.

Ada doesn't necessarily know about Mr. Kevin, let alone her.

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