From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 846: Debunking Wenruo (2)

The lawyer replied: "The recent jewellery sold by your company was launched by other companies as early as a week ago. This is a record."

With that said, the lawyer opened the document he carried with him, and the printed information above showed that the plaintiff’s company had launched several jewelry items more than a week ago, and the jewelry company founded by Wen Ruo and Cai Qinyue delivered them to the customers in the past two days. Several models have hit the style.

Wen Cheng and Cai Qinyue widened their eyes and refused to believe the so-called evidence before them.

Cai Qinyue refused to believe: "Are you jealous of my family Ruoruo, so you deliberately framed her! Don't think I don't know that the so-called record evidence can be forged."

Wen Cheng didn't believe it either: "It's impossible, it's impossible, there must be some misunderstanding!"

"Is it framed? You will know when the court session opens." The lawyer was expressionless.

Cai Qinyue died of anger, "Wait, after the court verifies that if my family is innocent, I will sue you and slander you!"

Cai Qinyue angrily drove the lawyer out.

Wen Cheng and Cai Qinyue were left behind.

In the evening, Wen Ruo came home from get off work and saw her parents sitting in the living room with heavy faces.

"Dad, mom, what happened?"

"Ruoruo, you are back," Cai Qinyue got up, "You don't know. Today, a flyer came to the court. A jewelry company sued our company for infringement, saying that we had misappropriated their company's design."

"What?" Wen Ruo became nervous instinctively when she heard Cai Qinyue's words.

How could this be?

Could it be...

Impossible, those manuscripts have been thirty years old, and it is impossible for anyone to know.

Even if it is warm, she can't show evidence.

Thinking of this, Wen Ruo relaxed again.

"Mom, did you make a mistake?" Wen Ruo asked.

"It must be a mistake! Or someone is jealous of you and deliberately framed you!"

"Mom, don't worry, it should be someone who wants to frame me. You first show me the court leaflet."

Cai Qinyue showed the flyer to Wen Ruo.

After reading it, Wen Ruo said, "This jewelry company is unknown. I'm afraid I didn't touch the porcelain on purpose?"

Wen Cheng angrily patted the table: "I guess it is! To say Ruoruo plagiarism is too much! If you rest assured, Dad will help you find the best lawyer! You will never be framed!"

Cai Qinyue also calmed Wen Ruo: "If you don't be afraid, your father and I will protect you! We won't let those inconsistent people bully you!"

Wen Ruo: "Dad, Mom, thank you."

Wen Cheng said to Wen Ruo: "Ruoruo, the most urgent thing is to find out the loopholes in the evidence to prove your innocence."

"Well, I'll go and see what they call evidence first."

Followed Wen Ruo to browse the information on the Internet, and found to his horror that the other party really released the jewelry more than a week ago.

If the finished product was produced a week ago, the design draft may have been available earlier.

How is that possible?

Those drafts are obviously...

Wen Ruo's face gradually turned from red to white, and the original calmness also disappeared.

Wen Cheng asked with concern: "How about Ruoruo, have you found the loopholes where they forged these evidences?"

Wen Ruo's face is ugly.

Cai Qinyue: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you speak? If you don't find any loopholes, it doesn't matter, parents will hire someone to help you find them."

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