From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 850: Self-eating (2)

Wen Cheng also turned to look at Wen Ruo beside him: "Ruoruo, is there anything else you haven't said?"

Wen Ruo bit her lip and dared not answer.

Jian Yuncheng said in an indifferent voice: "You said you were too busy to draw design drafts while you were working, so you made up my mother's previous design drafts. What about the one you participated in the international jewelry design competition? Are you too busy?"

Wen Cheng couldn't believe it: "Ruoruo, is what your cousin said is true? Did you really even steal your aunt who participated in the competition?"

Wen Ruo wanted to deny it, but Jian Yuncheng was right in front of her. If she denied it, Jian Yuncheng would definitely be more angry, and she would be even more unlikely to ask for forgiveness.

Wen Cheng saw that Wen Ruo was silent and did not dare to refute, his heart twisted.

"Ruoruo, how can you... how can you..."

Wen Ruo cried and begged Wencheng to forgive herself: "Dad, I was wrong and I was wrong. You beat me and scolded me!"

Wen Cheng raised his hand angrily, but after all, his softheartedness did not fall.

That is his daughter!

He could only turn his head to ask Jian Yuncheng: "Yuncheng...your cousin she..."

Jian Yuncheng didn't waver at all: "In front of your hospital bed that day, Xiao Ling said that this time, not as an example. This is the second time Wen Ruo has done something harmful to my Jane family."

Cai Qinyue questioned Jian Yuncheng: "Yuncheng, are you really so cruel? If she is your cousin! How about you let your uncle and your grandfather and grandmother like this?"

Jian Yuncheng remained unmoved: "First, there are parents and siblings, then cousins ​​and grandparents. Now Wen Ruo is deceiving my sister and my mother. Which aunt does my aunt think I should look after?"

Cai Qinyue eagerly retorted: "But you don't need to go to court! Can't we solve it privately? Can you just treat the design drafts of your mother as sold to us?"

Jian Yuncheng: "My mother's design draft can be sold, but it's not the way to sell it. There is no reason to make up afterwards. If we don't reveal it, do you and Wen Ruo intend to keep it?"

Seeing that Jian Yuncheng's heart was as hard as iron, Cai Qinyue changed her mind: "What about your mother? Is this what your mother meant? I want to see your mother."

Warmth has always been warm and weak, and is a good talker, at least much better than Jian Yuncheng.

Warm and Wencheng's relationship is very good, Wencheng speaks, she will feel soft.

Jian Yuncheng: "I will handle this matter. My mother will not be involved for the time being. And even if my mother agrees, it will be useless. I initiated the lawsuit. I control the jewelry company and my mother cannot be the master."

Jian Yuncheng didn't leave Wen Ruo any retreat.

Wen Ruo cried, "Cousin, I did something wrong this time, can't you give me a chance to reform yourself? Are you so cruel to me? You forgot that I came to you this time Is it all right?"

Wen Ruo cried so much that it rained in pear blossoms, making people feel distressed.

But Jian Yuncheng didn’t have the slightest feeling of pity, "You don’t think that the time when you exposed Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling really has no evidence, do you? As for you frequently appearing in my office during this period, isn’t it because I showed you the benefits ?"

Followed by Jian Yuncheng, he opened the drawer and took out a stack of photos.

Wen Ruo's eyes widened when he saw the photo.

The blood on Wen Cheng and Cai Qinyue's faces disappeared.

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