From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 903: Visit to Luohaisen Hospital (2)

Hu Jiaojiao: "You guys are too cool! Can you see a doctor and save people, but also fly a plane?!"

Jian Yichen: "It's okay, my brother and my future brother-in-law who sits behind will both drive."

Hu Jiaojiao: "A group of non-human beings."

Hey, who can understand the sorrow of a scumbag falling into a group of learning tyrants?

Jian Yiheng asked: "Then there are no other members besides you thirteen?"

Li Zhuojia replied: "There are also some security personnel, who generally do not operate on the island, and are only responsible for protecting our personal safety when our members are away."

That's it.

It sounds like the confidentiality of the entire Luohaisen Hospital is very high.

After the plane flew for seven hours, Li Zhuojia told everyone that their destination was about to arrive, and the plane was now descending.

Everyone was busy looking down from the window, and really saw a small island.

Half of the island is forest, and half is already covered by buildings.

There is a huge open space on which are parked planes and helicopters that are not in use by Luhaisen Hospital.

A very new and huge building should be a hospital.

The exterior wall of the building is white.

You can also see the swimming pool and garden attached to the building from the plane.

The plane landed on the tarmac through the runway.

Everyone got off the plane and set foot on this island full of mystery.

The moment they came down, everyone was attracted by the natural scenery on the island.

Blue sky and white clouds, sunny beach.

Surrounded by dense green plants.

It is simply a holiday destination.

"Wow, this place is so beautiful!" Hu Jiaojiao liked this place very much.

An Yang: "If I were a patient, I would have recovered from staying here for a few days."

Jian Yichen noticed the street lamp next to it: "The materials used in this street lamp seem to have never been seen before."

Li Zhuojia patiently explained: "All the buildings in our hospital use special new materials."

Luo Xiuen asked, "Is this lamp solar powered?"

Li Zhuojia explained: "It is a hybrid of solar and wind energy. You see, there is a small fan in the middle, which is used to obtain wind energy. Sometimes the wind on this island is very windy, and wind energy is also a very important source of energy."

Jian Yichen commented: "It's really amazing. It feels like I have traveled through time and space and came to a future world."

Li Zhuojia smiled.

Zhai Yunsheng looked at everything in front of him, although he felt that he was not as exaggerated as Jian Yichen had said, but he did not feel the difference was too much.

Many things used here have never been seen anywhere else.

Before everyone walked a few steps, a small car drove in front of them.

This car looks as if it has no wheels and can go around in circles.

There are only two places in the car.

One driving position and one co-pilot position are very small and mini.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Jian Yunmo got off the car.

Wearing a white coat, with a gentle smile on his face like the sun on the island.

This smile only stopped slightly when he saw Zhai Yunsheng.

"Second brother." Jian Yiling came forward and called out sweetly.

Jian Yunmo reached out and touched Jian Yiling's head.

Jian Yunmo didn't stay long in the capital, so the brothers and sisters didn't get together.

This time Jian Yiling came to Luhaisen Hospital, and everyone can gather for a few more days.

"I can only go out for an hour, and I will go back soon." Jian Yunmo said, "You can visit with Mr. Li in a while."

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