From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 911: Wen Yan's goal has been achieved

Thinking of the series of recent events, Mrs. Wen felt a headache.

I don't know whether this divorce is a good thing or a bad thing for their Wen family.

To say that Wen Cheng was wrong first, it was indeed not wrong, but Cai Qinyue did not mention divorce early on, and later did not mention divorce. As soon as Wen Cheng was about to go bankrupt, she asked for divorce...

"Mom, it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong now, you want to start, the health of you and dad is the most important." Warm and comforted.

"Hey, I can only want to start things now. Fortunately, you and Xiao Ling, you will come to see our two old things in the future."

"By the way, where is Big Brother now?"

"In the study upstairs, he is working non-stop now, numbing himself with work."

"Then Cai Qinyue and the others now know that Big Brother's business is getting better again?"

Warmth no longer calls this person "sister-in-law" now.

"I don't know, but I should know soon, she and Ruoruo are still in the capital, they will always know about the Wen family."

Speaking of Wen Ruo, Mrs. Wen's expression was full of dismay.

Their Wen family is just such a granddaughter, and she won't live in the Wen family anymore, and she won't see her many times throughout the year.

At this time, Wen Yan got down from upstairs in a wheelchair.

His wheelchair can move smoothly on the stairs.

His gaze swept across the crowd in the living room, and finally fell on Jian Yiling...

Jian Yiling also took a look at Wen Yan, but quickly withdrew his gaze.

She knew Wen Yan did not like her.

Wen Yan's sight stayed on Jian Yiling for a long time.

It seems to be remembering something.

His goal has been achieved.

Wen Ruo left the Wen family.

This is his ultimate goal in designing Wencheng.

His revenge has always been Wen Ruo Cai Qinyue.

If Cai Qinyue is set off, and Wen Cheng and Cai Qinyue are divorced, then when they are divorced, Wen Cheng will never let Wen Ruo go with Cai Qinyue.

Only when Wen Cheng is allowed to consciously lose his custody, will he willingly give up custody.

The two conditions for Cai Qinyue's divorce are well met.

First, Wen Cheng betrayed;

Second, Wen Cheng has no money.

With the first condition, Cai Qinyue will be angry and quarrel, but not necessarily divorce.

But as long as Cai Qinyue knows that Wen Cheng may go bankrupt or even go into debt, then she will definitely have to withdraw early.

Therefore, the second order Wen Yan gave was to create trouble for Wen Cheng's business and create the illusion that he is about to go bankrupt [Jiujiu novel].

Let all Wen Cheng's wealth be locked up and his house mortgaged.

This will not only allow Cai Qinyue to initiate a divorce, but also prevent Cai Qinyue from sharing Wencheng's property.

Now Cai Qinyue has left the Wen family and still cannot get any property of the Wen family.

Wen Ruo will lose all her original aura and blessings following Cai Qinyue like this.

The purpose of Wen Yan has been achieved.

At this time, the phone in the living room rang.

Old Mrs. Wen answered the phone, and there was Wen Ruo's voice on the phone: "Grandma, I heard that my father's business has improved recently, so I don't need to go bankrupt?"

Cai Qinyue and Wen Ruo really heard the news that Wen Cheng's business had improved.

"Yes, your father has a few businesses currently in business. If it is done, it should turn around." Facing her granddaughter, Mrs. Wen still couldn't lie.

"Grandma, tomorrow I want to go home and see Dad, can I? I miss you." Wen Ruo asked.

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