From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 920: Chandori's new product launch conference (1)

Hu Jiaojiao came over to accompany Jian Yiling this weekend.

While Jian Yiling was busy working in front of the computer, Hu Jiaojiao was watching gossip next to her.

"Wow, wow, Yiling, Chandori is going to make a new drug makeup! I don't know what it is! I'm so curious!"

Seeing a piece of news, Hu Jiaojiao excitedly shared with Jian Yiling.

Because the first two cosmeceuticals of Chandori have been sold out after the launch, everyone is full of expectations for the third cosmeceutical that will be launched soon.

"But even if I figure it out, I can't buy it." Hu Jiaojiao muttered.

The cosmeceuticals of Xiangduoli's are too popular.

And there are also limited quantities in the country, making it impossible to buy domestically.

Foreigners looking for purchasing agents can easily buy fakes.

Hu Jiaojiao, the scar-removing cream from Xiangduoli's family, had never snatched it.

It was Jian Yiling who gave her a box before she used it.

"Do you want to go?" Jian Yiling raised his head and asked.

"What do you want to go to?"

"Chan Duoli's new product launch conference."

"Want to go." Hu Jiaojiao thought that Jian Yiling was asking casually, so she answered truthfully, "But it's useless to think about it. The press conference requires an invitation letter. I am not a media person, not a related person. The partner brand, why would I go."

"Here you are." Jian Yiling took out a ticket from the drawer and handed it to Hu Jiaojiao.

Hu Jiaojiao didn't see the ticket in Jian Yiling's hand clearly at the beginning, but she walked up to Jian Yiling to see that the ticket turned out to be a ticket for the new product launch conference of Xiangduoli.

"I'm going! Yiling, where did you get this ticket? Did your grandpa give it to you?"

Jian Yiling neither denied nor admitted.

"Ahhh, your master Sheng is so nice too!"

Hu Jiaojiao was not stingy with her own words of beauty, and praised Zhai Yunsheng with great affection.

After thinking about it, Hu Jiaojiao put the ticket back in front of Jian Yiling.

"What's wrong?" Jian Yiling asked her.

"I can't ask for your ticket. Your Master Sheng must have obtained it for you. You can just go. Come back and tell me what Chandori's new cosmetics is and can you get it. If there is a limited amount at the press conference Remember to grab one for me, and I will ask my mother for reimbursement."

One of the main reasons why the tickets for the Chandori conference are difficult to grab is that they will launch some limited-edition bags or shoes or jewelry at the new product launch every time.

Generally, as soon as the conference is over, they will be robbed, and people who have not gone to the conference have no chance to buy it.

There are also people who take the tickets to grab the goods and sell them after they come out, which can make a lot of money.

Jian Yiling opened the drawer, "I have a lot more."

I saw a stack of tickets in the drawer, and there were also twenty or thirty tickets.

Hu Jiaojiao was dumbfounded.

"You... where are you so many?" Hu Jiaojiao's boss opened her mouth.

This ticket generally doesn't flow into the hands of ordinary people. Few tickets are sold online, and they can be scrambled to death by a group of poor people with only money left.

As a result, Jian Yiling actually has a drawer here!

"A friend gave it."

"Your friend is too embarrassing, right? It's so inhumane!"

"So you take it, and give it to Auntie." Jian Yiling knew that Hu Jiaojiao's mother liked limited edition bags.

"Really can?"


Jian Yiling directly took two tickets and stuffed them into Hu Jiaojiao's hands.

Hu Jiaojiao excitedly hugged Jian Yiling, "Yiling, I really love you so much!"

The happiness of a woman in the Hu family is so simple, it can cure all diseases!

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